Seneste opdatering: 8/6-05 kl. 2012
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dramatiske ÞdelÊggelser. Gerningmanden mÄ holde sig
godt gemt, for strafferammen er fra 10 Ă„r til livstid.
Harsh punishment
The family has been moved to a secret address. Meanwhile, the minister herself and other of her senior colleagues in the government have been assigned bodyguards.
The attack has come as a shock to Denmark’s open society where it is not unusual to see ministers and other public figures go shopping, cycle and live their everyday lives among the rest of the population.
Justice Minister Lene Espersen says that given the fact that there were children in the house, the attackers could get life imprisonment.
The Danish government, which was re-elected in February, has introduced some of Europe’s toughest restrictions on immigration, leading to criticism from Europe’s human rights watchdog, the Council of Europe.
Nevertheless, the centre-right government insists the measures are right and fair.

Immigration tension
The attack comes less than two weeks after a shooting in Norrebro, another part of Copenhagen, involving members of the immigrant community. A young man was killed by a nightclub bouncer, while another was wounded.
When a leading Muslim cleric, Abu Laban, suggested the hand-over of “blood money” from one family to another as a way to settle the dispute peacefully, the immigration minister rejected the idea as “medieval”.
“Nor do we trade camels in Denmark”, was Mrs Hvilshoj’s response to the idea.
But reports say that the family of the doorman who fired the fatal shot has agreed to move out of Copenhagen as a way to compensate for the killing.
The agreement has been sharply criticised by experts in criminal law who say it is unlawful coercion and goes against the Danish sense of democracy.
Only the courts can resolve murder cases in Denmark.
So, while some Danes are asking the government to loosen the tough immigration restrictions, others fear that parts of those already in the country are developing into a parallel society where ancient traditions threaten Danish law.
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