Seneste opdatering: 11/7-05 kl. 0220
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For a Decade, London Thrived as a Busy Crossroads of Terror
LONDON, July 9 – Long before bombings ripped through London on Thursday, Britain had become a breeding ground for hate, fed by a militant version of Islam.
“The terrorists have come home,” said a senior intelligence official based in Europe, who works often with British officials. “It is payback time for a policy that was, in my opinion, an irresponsible policy of the British government to allow these networks to flourish inside Britain.”
“Terrorists are not strangers, foreigners”
Moskéer i brand i Storbritannien
Fyra moskĂ©er i fyra olika stĂ€der har satts i brand i Storbritannien sedan terrorattackerna i London i torsdags, meddelade polisen pĂ„ söndagen, enligt TT-AFP. Incidenterna har orsakat liten skada och intrĂ€ffade i Leeds, Belvedere, Telford och Birkenhead. DĂ€rtill har det förekommit att muslimer har förolĂ€mpats och att viss förstörelse har skett pĂ„ bilar, affĂ€rslokaler och hem. Polisens nĂ€rvaro i vissa omrĂ„den kommer att ökas utifrĂ„n ”lokala behov”.
Is it Islamic “extremism” — or is it Islam itself?
by Robert Bidinotto
In the wake of the London bombings, we are forced again to confront this most uncomfortable question: Do the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists truly represent a marginal minority among Muslims worldwide? Or is the term “Islamic fundamentalist” really just a redundancy?
“Where do we see remotely comparable numbers of religious terrorists quoting Confucius? Where are all the Buddhist terrorists? Or Christian, Jewish and Hindu car-bombers? Why, in nation after nation, bloody incident after bloody incident, do we find that those responsible for civilian massacres have been almost invariably nurtured on this so-called “religion of peace”?
-“In the wake of the London atrocities, there is no time left to mince further words. Or actions. We must begin to place blame where it is due, and respond accordingly. It is time to hold the Muslim world to account for — at the very least — condoning the monsters in their midst. It is time for us to reiterate to them the words of moral clarity that President Bush uttered in the smoking aftermath of 9/11: “Either you are with us, or you are against us.” And to show them, in blunt action, that we really do mean business.”
Terroristerne Bush og Blair
og sĂ„ en fuldkommen magelĂžs, surrealistisk leder, som man ville forvente fra et regeringsorgan i Damaskus – eller en statssubventioneret pamflet i Dalarne. PĂ„ det fri marked ville hun vĂŠre “out of business”.Bringes for den gode underholdnings skyld.
Mit gĂŠt – hun Ă€r Miljöpartist eller VĂ€nsterpartist, og ikke en dag over 25 Ă„r.
……….”Varken Blair eller Bush stĂ„r för alla mĂ€nniskors lika vĂ€rde. IstĂ€llet kan de sjĂ€lva betraktas som terrorister. De gör allt för att fĂ„ makt och deras jakt pĂ„ fienden gör oskyldiga till offer. Vi mĂ„ste jobba förebyggande och lĂ„ngsiktigt, annars kommer fler mĂ€nniskor att skövlas. BĂ„de i Irak, USA och vĂ€steuropa. Blairs och Bushs demokratisyn föder terrorismen och förgör mĂ€nniskor.”
hvad mon hun skriver nÄr det bliver Tunnelbanan i Stockholms tur ?

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