Seneste opdatering: 25/10-07 kl. 1941
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 Det er hurtigt  overset. Da jeg var yngre  og  dummere troede  jeg,  jeg selv kunne, som jeg har haft mulighed  for i  danske i tredive Är. Hvor hurtigt jeg blev klogere. NÊh, nÊh. Svenske medier handler om kontrol og belÊring. De  eksisterer ikke  for at give  en fuldstÊndigt  samfundbillede, endsige for at viderebringe lÊseropinion. Det er et dansk fÊnomen, der Äbner for anarki. Expressen lod nÄdigst Bertel Haarder skrive en enkelt  gang, Sydsvenskan ovverraskende  nok SÞren Espersen en enkelt  gang, men det var en alvorlig smutter, der blev tiet ihjel.

 Siden 2001 har det vÊret Carsten Jensen, Suzanne BrÞgger og Klaus Rifbjerg, Svend Auken og sÄ nu Rune Engelbreth. Hanne Vibeke Holst er  ogsÄ et svensk journalist hit, som den driftsikre feminist-sosse  hun er.  Hvem sagde  at svenske journalister er (mere  vellÞnnede)  pÊdagoger? Hvem vil gÄ i svenske journalisters  opinions-bÞrnehave ?  PÄ den ande side slipper man jo sÄ velsignet for  surfe  forbi menighedsbladet DN. De  har lÊnge  vÊret irrelevante  pÄ min daglige nyheds- netrundgang , ligesom sÞsteravisen Politiken. DN kan fortsÊtte som en statsstÞttet kuriositet i al evighed, men Politiken behÞver nok at skaffe sig af med Seidenfaden pÄ et tidspunkt for sin overlevelses skyld. Svenskere der vil informeres alsidigt, er nÞdt til at sÞge sig udenlands, og det er netop hvad de  gÞr. Den har forlÊngst ingen tillid til svenske medier.

Rune Engelbreth: Heroisera inte Muhammedtecknarna

 OgsÄ Irland disintegrerer

Muslimske optĂžjer i Amsterdam og Brussels
foto: Unge tyrkere i Bruxelles igÄr d. 24/10


Artikel: Muslim riots are leading Europeans to be less tolerant of their Muslim neighbors

Göteborgare  sÀger  nej til moské

 Det blir en moské pÄ Hisingen. Bygget kommer att finansieras med pengar frÄn Saudiarabien och berÀknas kosta omkring 80 miljoner.
Ritningarna Àr klara och bygglov finns. Nu har Sveriges muslimska stiftelse i Göteborg till slut ocksÄ nÄgon som betalar.
– Vi vill att muslimerna ska fĂ„ en officiell plats att utöva sina religiösa handlingar pĂ„ i Göteborg. Vi vill inte att de ska vara pĂ„ undanskymda platser, sĂ€ger direktör Saleh al-Rechadi till radions Ekoredaktion.
Han ingÄr i den delegation frÄn det saudiska finansdepartementet som besökte Römosseskolan i Angered utanför Göteborg för att skriva kontrakt med Sveriges muslimska stiftelse.
– Det kĂ€nns otroligt bra för att vi har vĂ€ntat i ungefĂ€r 20 Ă„r nu, sĂ€ger Bachar Gahnom, en av de som har varit drivande i Sveriges Muslimska Stiftelse.Det Ă€r första gĂ„ngen ett moskĂ©bygge i Sverige helt finansieras av en annan stat. Kritiker menar att de saudiska myndigheterna köper sig inflytande över Göteborgs muslimer och att Sveriges muslimska stiftelse hamnar i en beroendestĂ€llning.
Detta tillbakavisas dock av bÄde stiftelsen och saudierna. Inga krav stÀlls pÄ styrelseposter eller vem som ska bli imam i moskén. Det finns dock vissa villkor för driften.

Ramberget com

  S og uligheden

FagbevĂŠgelsens stĂžtte til Socialdemokraterne er lavere end tidligere, hvorfor partiet har fĂŠrre penge at fĂžre valgkamp for end regeringspartierne. Det kalder kampagnechef for Socialdemokraterne, Lars Midtiby, for en ”voldsom ulighed, der bare bliver stĂžrre og stĂžrre”. Helt glemt er det, at S gennem Ă„rtier fandt det helt i orden at modtage milionbelĂžb fra fagforbundene, selv om mange af disses medlemmer stemte borgerligt. S har heller ikke blik for den ulighed, som ligger i, at omtrent 75% af Danmarks Radios journalister stemmer pĂ„ oppositionen, hvilket mange borgerlige vĂŠlgere dagligt oplever som en klar venstresnoning af nyhedsformidlingen. S har en pĂ„faldende selektiv opfattelse af, hvornĂ„r der er tale om ulighed.

Michael Sandfort, Berlingske Tidende

 Naser  Khader –  en  mand med  fart pĂ„

Naser Khader fra Ny Alliance ser Foghs angreb som udtryk for skrÊmmekampagne og politisk kynisme.»Indirekte siger han, at jo bedre vi behandler asylansÞgere, jo flere kommer der. Og jo dÄrligere vi behandler dem, jo fÊrre kommer der. Det kan ikke dokumenteres,« siger Naser Khader.Han opfordrer Anders Fogh Rasmussen til at fremlÊgge dokumentation for, at Danmark vil blive det mest attraktive land at sÞge asyl i.»Det kan han ikke dokumentere,«    JP.DK

Hvorfor tror Khader egentlig, at flygtningesmuglerne kĂžrer  direkte igennem Danmark til Øresundsbroen, uden at overveje at standse for en kaffepause – en “fika”  eller  en bakke Netto-bajere  ved brofĂŠstet ?

Sverige og Danmark , asylsÞgere  2002-2006

33.016 – 31.355 –  23.161 -17.530 – 24.322

Danmark 5.947 – 4. 593 – 3.222 –  2.260 –  1.918


 (hertil kommer  Sveriges  over 30.000 “familiesammenfĂžringer” mod Danmarks under 2000).

Khader  er  en travl mand, siger de der  kender  ham. Hvad ellers er han for travl til at sĂŠtte sig ind i ? Han har det tilfĂŠlles  med Seidenfaden – hver  gang han mĂžder  op til noget, mĂ„ han smutte i utide. Det er ikke nemt at vĂŠre sĂ„ efterspurgt. Nogle vil stemme pĂ„ ham, forstĂ„r jeg. VĂŠlgere  lider af lĂŠngsel efter skĂžnhed. Er det kĂžnt, er det godt. SĂ„ ogsÄ JĂžrgen Poulsen (RĂžde Kors) stiller fĂžlgelig op for Ny Alliance. DĂ©t er  i al fald kĂžnt.  Han kunne lige sĂ„ gerne havne i CD eller i den agiterede  Bodil KornbekÂŽs 0.0 %  parti,  inden han ser sig om.  Partier, hvis styrke det er at  dĂž smukt og langvarigt. Men Khader, Seeberg og Samuelsen, kan endnu  nÄ  kors  og bĂ„nd  og  stjerner for den kunstneriske udfĂžrelse. Der er  tre uger til vi ved det. Lykkes det ikke, er der dĂžmt CD , tĂžrklĂŠde og Kolding Designskole.

Pittelkow:  VÊlger Khader at blive Thornings prins pÄ den hvide hest?

Svensk velfÊrd  Är  2oo7

107-Ärig koster for mange  penge

Filip Dewinter on Islamization in Belgium

When we met at the Counterjihad Brussels 2007 conference, one understanding was that each country – in fact, each of many groups within each country – will oppose Islamisation using their own resources and cultural heritage, with a variety of approaches and ideologies to increase our chances of success. We continue to work for the largest possible “big tent” approach with organizations to oppose Islamisation and support constitutional liberties.

This includes working with all religions, atheists, evangelicals, groups who support gay rights, groups who oppose gay rights, feminists, traditionalists, people who support the Iraq war, people who oppose the Iraq war, pro-Americans, anti-Americans, Marxist-Leninists (you never know
), Muslim reformers, Muslim moderates, apostates, amateurs, professionals, right wing organizations, left wing organizations, individual authors, and a host of other associations, parties, online forums, bloggers and individual activists. 

 (foto: fra venstre:  Dewinther  , Bat Ye’or , David Littman, Johannes Jansen   © Snaphanen)

Many of these individuals and organizations are rapidly evolving – in their ideologies, in their relation to their own history and their missions – in response to the challenge of Islamisation in their countries. Some have political histories that combine the very good (opposition to islamisation, support for Israel and support for rights of the individual) with the very bad (past affiliations to extreme right wing groups). Not one of us is without sin in this fight, for we are daily engaged in the real world of political action, risk-taking and compromise, and all of us bring the baggage of our history and the frailty of our courage to resist the EU’s dhimmitude, and the dhimmitude of the U.S. and Canadian governments, and the onslaught of Islamisation on both sides of the Atlantic.

Prudence in choosing those with whom we work is important, but boldness in choosing not to fight the last war – but to work to prevent the next one – is equally important, and we will always push to build the broadest coalition. Some of us in CVF are quite old, and in our lives have seen organizations and individuals entirely transformed under the pressure of hard events; and now is a time of unprecedented pressure. We respect the critics within our group and outside it, and learn constantly from our adversaries as well, but our beginnings just over a year ago were based on the need to get beyond the “paralysis of analysis” and on to political action based on that analysis.

Age helps too in making us relatively tough, used to receiving flak, and far too toothless and bald to have much vanity left. We care about helping build this resistance before we die and every morning that we wake to go again on the attack is a good morning. We have political organizing and coordination work to do, in support of diverse efforts across hundreds of groups, and time is short. Our efforts are humble and piecemeal and probably redundant, and that on a good day. But our hope is that liberty’s hope, and the hope of the rule of constitutional law and civilization lies in the variety of these hundreds of experiments opposing Islamisation and jihadism – in the myriad of entrepreneurial resistance initiatives by bloggers, authors, parties, and brave men and women often working in dogged solitude. We don’t ask of them purity in their past or even too much courage for the future – merely that they keep trying, and help each other when they can, and learn as fast as possible.

We think it’s important to engage in dialogue with all these groups, the pure and the impure, the extreme and the moderate. That includes Vlaams Belang and the Sweden Democrats, as well as any other organizations interested in preserving western liberties, constitutional law rather than shariah law, and national sovereignty. Some groups are too prominent to talk to us, and we accept that with good cheer, too. One does what one can.

Theodore Roosevelt, no slouch when it came to the political arena, provides some good counsel in rough times:

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”
“Citizenship in a Republic,”
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910

And so, that brings us to the presentation by Filip Dewinter, who spoke as an individual but is indeed the leader of Vlaams Belang, a political party that has known error and achievement, but is at least engaged in supporting Israel and resisting Islamisation.
First some background on Filip Dewinter and Vlaams Belang, the Flemish independence party he heads. Here’s a portrait of Belgium’s out-of-control multiculturalism, socialism, Islamisation and political correctness, in Bret Stephens’ 2006 Wall Street Journal editorial :

BRUSSELS–Belgium is the birthplace of RenĂ© Magritte. So perhaps it’s not surprising that, in politics, even the fascism here is surreal.

Take Belgian Socialists, Flemish or Walloon. The hallmark of nearly every European socialist party has long been hostility to religion. In recent years, Belgium’s ruling Socialist-Liberal coalition has antagonized Catholics by legalizing gay marriage and euthanasia, banning crucifixes from government buildings, and abolishing the traditional Te Deum service previously held by the government to commemorate the inauguration of Leopold I, first king of the Belgians.

But then the Socialists began taking note of Belgium’s Muslim community, some 500,000 strong. In Brussels, notes JoĂ«l Rubinfeld of the Atlantis Institute think tank, half of the Socialist Party’s 26-member slate in the city’s 75-seat parliament is Muslim. In the commune of Molenbeek, longstanding Socialist mayor Philippe Moureaux has made halal meals standard in all schools; police officers are also barred from eating or drinking on the streets during Ramadan. The Socialist Party was also, improbably, the leading opponent of a bill that would have criminalized the denial of the Armenian genocide. This, too, is a product of burgeoning Muslim-Socialist alliance, as is the party’s routine denunciations of Israel.

Now take the Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest), the secessionist Flemish Party previously known as the Vlaams Blok until a court ruled it illegal in 2004. The Blok has longstanding links to Nazi collaborators. One of the party’s founding members is Karel Dillen, who in 1951 translated into Flemish a French tract denying the Holocaust (possibly the only French text for which a Vlams Blok party member has ever shown sympathy). For many years, the party’s chief selling point was its call to forcibly deport immigrants who failed to assimilate. It also made plain its sympathies with other far-right wing European parties, such as Jean-Marie Le Pen’s National Front in France.

But that’s changing. Younger party leaders, realizing their anti-Semitic taint was poison, began making pro-Israel overtures. And the party’s tough-on-crime, hostile-to-Muslims stance began to attract a considerable share of the Jewish vote, particularly among Orthodox Antwerp Jews who felt increasingly vulnerable in the face of the city’s hostile Muslim community. Today, Vlaams Belang is the largest single party in the country.

Dewinter is one of these younger party leaders, and a transitional figure – paying homage to the Flemish separatists of the past, while also steering the party into the alliances needed for its future. He is assertively pro-Israel, according to the Jewish magazine Haaretz: “During recent years, Dewinter has made himself into Israel’s “No. 1 Belgian friend” and he is now interested in making an official visit.” Dewinter’s own family was in the Flemish resistance to the Nazis, according the Paul Belien of the Brussels Journal.

Country Report on Islamization: Belgium
October 18, 2007
Presentation by Filip Dewinter

The situation in Belgium does not differ significantly from the situation in other Western European countries, except for the fact that it might be worse here than elsewhere because Belgium is an artificial state without a national identity to defend.

Belgium, like the rest of Europe, is confronted with welfare immigration. Most immigrants in Belgium are Muslims from Morocco. There is also a significant number of Turkish immigrants.

The overwhelming majority of the Muslim immigrants did not come to Belgium as so-called “guest workers” in the 1960s and 70s. They arrived since the 1980s purely for the purpose of claiming benefits. They sympathize with the parties of the Left. This is the very reason why the socialist Belgian establishment has given them the right to vote.

In Antwerp, the Socialist Mayor Leona Detiùge defended the policy of granting citizenships (and the subsequent right to participate in the elections) to as many immigrants as possible, on the grounds that the indigenous Flemings are – quote – “politically overrepresented as the immigrants are not allowed to vote” – unquote.

Belgium is confronted with the phenomenon of Islamo-socialism – an alliance between Muslims and the Socialist Party leadership. The latter has seen its traditional blue-collar voters flock to conservative parties, such as ours, and hopes to find a new electoral base.

This strategy has worked. In last year’s local elections in Belgium the immigrant vote tipped the balance in favour of the Left.
In Brussels more than one fifth of the municipal councillors are now immigrants of non-European origin. Most of them are Muslims, and most of them have been elected as Socialists, though many have also been welcomed as Christian-Democrat trade unionists on the lists of the Christian-Democrat Party.

In the Brussels borough of Sint-Joost-ten-Node 11 of the 16 Socialist municipal councillors are non-European immigrants, as are 4 of the 5 Christian-Democrats, 2 of the 3 Liberals.

In Antwerp one third of the Socialist councillors are Muslims, as are one third of the Christian-Democrat councillors. According to the Marxist sociologist Jan Hertogen – quote – “The immigrants saved democracy in Belgium” – unquote. Hertogen calculated that if the franchise had not been extended to immigrants my party, the Vlaams Belang, would have polled over 40 per cent in Antwerp instead of 33.5 per cent.

In other towns the situation is similar. In Ghent, one quarter of the Socialist councillors are Muslims. In Vilvoorde, a Flemish town 20 km north of Brussels, half the Socialist representatives are Muslims.

The authorities turn a blind eye tot the radicals because they want to buy the Muslim vote and the radicals control the Muslim population. The Socialists even help the radicals in their efforts to control the Muslim population.

Last year, immediately after the elections, the Antwerp city council sacked Marij Uijt den Bogaard, an Antwerp civil servant who worked in the immigrant neighbourhoods. Uijt den Bogaard witnessed how Salafist extremists were taking over these neighbourhoods and wrote alarming reports for the city authorities about the growing radicalization. This brought her into conflict, both with the Islamists and her bosses in the city.

The city warned her that her reports were unacceptable and that she had to – quote – “change her attitude” – unquote.
When she persisted, she was sacked and her job was given to a radical Salafist. The latter now works for the city, supervising 25 Antwerp Moroccan mosques.

So far Belgium has never been the scene of Muslim terrorism, although Islamists frequently use the country as a logistic support base for actions elsewhere. The Madrid train bombings of 11 March 2004 were planned in Belgium. The Belgian authorities have always categorically denied it, but there are persistent rumours that Brussels has made a deal with the terrorists, agreeing to turn a blind eye to conspiracies hatched on Belgian soil in exchange for immunity from attack. In a GIA statement, addressing the Belgian King Albert II but posted to the French embassy in Brussels in June 1999, the Algerian terror movement explicitly referred to such a deal.

In May 2002, the Belgian Parliamentary Committee controlling the State Intelligence Services published the report of its “inquiry into the ways in which the intelligence services screen extremist and terrorist Islamic activities”. The report confirms that Belgium is the logistical hub of Islamist terrorists. The report states that the Belgian secret service does not screen Muslim radicals, because (a) it is under-funded and under-staffed; (b) it relies on a mutual understanding that the terrorists won’t attack in Belgium; and (c) it fears being accused of racism or xenophobia towards Muslims and immigrants.

According to the report, the Belgian Muslim community, officially numbering 350,000 members, of whom 200,000 Moroccans and 100,000 Turks, has been heavily infiltrated by fundamentalist extremists since the mid-1980s.

Thirty of Belgium’s 300 mosques, the report says, are run by fundamentalist clerics. Candidates for the Jihad are being recruited amongst Muslims in schools, prisons, hospitals and sports centres. Belgium has officially recognized the Muslim religion and consequently subsidizes Islamic clerics and teachers. The latter have free access to Belgian primary and secondary schools. The authorities fail to control what these people are propagating. The report warns that the fundamentalist Saudi-backed Salafi movement is creating a religious state within the Belgian state. The biggest mosque in Belgium, the Great Mosque of Brussels, is controlled by Saudi sects. It is the headquarters of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Belgium. This institution employs 600 Muslim teachers whose wages are paid by the Belgian state. According to the report, the Centre operates its own “Islamic police”, supervising certain Brussels neighbourhoods with a large concentration of Muslims.

The report says that Brussels has become an ideal logistics centre for international terrorist groups, because of Belgium’s open-door immigration policy, the deliberate “hands-off” policy of the authorities towards the mosques and Islamic centres, the geographical position of Belgium and the fact that French is an official language in Brussels, which makes the city attractive to North Africans.

Godelieve Timmermans, the head of the Belgian state security, resigned after details of the report had been leaked to the press. Unfortunately, the situation has not improved in the past five years. Only last month Jean-Claude Delepiùre, the head of OCAD, the Belgian government’s terrorism watchdog, said that “there is no substantial evidence” that the risk of a terror attack in Belgium has grown because-quote ­– “Belgium is careful to avoid any aggressive attitude that may provoke negative reactions from Muslims” –unquote.

Indeed, Belgium takes care not to provoke negative reactions from Islamists. Undoubtedly, this was also the reason why last month a pan-European anti-Islamization demonstration in Brussels was banned by the authorities and why the peaceful demonstrators were beaten up by the police. Appeasement is not new in Belgium. Throughout its history Belgium has always appeased its enemies. Apparently, Belgium has not learned the lessons from its history.

Radical Islam is conquering Belgium and Europe by massive immigration and high birthrates. Libya’s Muammar Gadaffi states it this way: “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. They are a sign that Allah will give Islam victory over Europe — without swords, without cannons, without conquest. The 50 million Muslims in Europe will turn Europe Muslim within a few decades. Allah is mobilizing Muslim Turkey to adds that to the European Union. That is an addition of 50 million more Muslims. Then there will be 100 million Muslims in Europe. Albania, which is a Muslim country is already in the EU. Bosnia which is a Muslim country is already in the EU. 50% of the population in those countries are Muslim.” (Al Jazeera television, April ). Gadaffi might be right.

In my home city, Antwerp, we count up to seventy thousand Muslims, or up to 15% of the population. In the municipal elementary schools of Antwerp, the Islamic children represent over one third of the school population. This number increases year after year. If this evolution persists, Antwerp will be a Islamic city by 2050. In Brussels, our nations capital, the situation is even more critical. Nowadays natives are already a minority in Brussels, over half the Brussels population has foreign roots. One third of the total population in Brussels is Muslim. For newborns in both Antwerp and Brussels, Muhammed is the most often received first name.

Simultaneously, a frightening trend of radicalisation can be observed among Muslim youth throughout Flanders. An inquiry among five hundred Muslim youngsters revealed that half of them is convinced that the Koran should be followed literally. Two thirds indicated that they would force their children to become Muslim as well. Only a quarter of the respondents answered in denial to the question whether Muslims are better people than non-Muslims. This radicalisation is spurred by frequent visits of radical Islam websites. Almost every Muslim has access to satellite television, where they pick up radical Islam channels.

The increasing demographic weight of the Muslim community, and the growing radicalisation among Muslims are putting our society under great pressure. Both Brussels and Antwerp have been the scene of ethnic and religious inspired violence. Young Muslims bring destruction, they harass natives and even policemen. Electoral considerations and the fear of escalation shape the policy of giving in to the demands of the Muslim community. Even basic democratic principles and acquirements of our Western civilisation are endangered, as for example the equality of men and women, or the separation of church and state.

Let me give you some examples from Antwerp:

– Antwerp was the first of many cities in Flanders to allow for restricted opening hours for men in public swimming pools, in advantage of Muslim women, since their partners don’t grant them the presence of other men.
– All school meals in Antwerp are prepared “halal” according to Muslim regulation. School forms explicit note that pig or horse meat is completely banned from school menus – even for Christian pupils. This solely to meet Muslim demands.
– The neutrality of public service in Antwerp was contaminated by a growing number of Muslim clerks at reception desks. Therefore the town council intended to ban all expressions of religion whatsoever. This ban would imply for both the Muslim veil, Jewish kippa and Christian crucifix alike. Muslims protested furiously and demanded a general prohibition of Christmas trees and Easter chocolates on the work floor. The ban on veils was immediately withdrawn, mysteriously the prohibition on crucifixes and kippas was maintained.

It must be clear in meantime that the theory of “appeasement” has failed. The more we give in to Muslim demands, the higher the next demand turns out to be. Flemish leading islamologist in Europe, professor Urbain Vermeulen, leaves no margin for misinterpretation concerning the Muslims motivation. I quote: “They simply don’t want to integrate. If they want an integration, than it is according to their Islamic morals. They intend to live in OUR nations, according to THEIR rules. And if this disbelieving regime allows for it, the better for them. Therefore I dare to say that wearing a veil, the continuing claim for generalisation of certain Islamic rules, the enforcement of Muslim rules in the name of the constitutional separation of church – excuse me – mosque and state, are all in essence rejections of our society as a whole.”. End quote. (HLN 27/10/2004)

Hind Fraihi is a reporter for a Flemish newspaper. Having immigrant roots herself, she went undercover two years ago for two months in Molenbeek, a suburb of Brussels with a very high concentration of Muslim immigrants. The outcome of her investigation was clear as crystal. I quote: “The Muslims of Molenbeek have chosen a different path, separate from integration; a path of a Moroccan Muslim state within Belgium. The Muslims of Molenbeek all seem to be made out of the same stuff. Their lives are determined by Islam, Islam, a thousand fold Islam. The evil of the world is the work of “despicable Zionists”. The Palestinian issue and Islamic martyrs are cherished.” End quote (Nieuwsblad 17/03/2005). Fraihi observed how public life in Molenbeek was completely organised by Muslim regulation: fitness centres apply completely separated opening hours for men and women, bookstores sell radical Islam literature, and pig meat can’t be found in a butcher far or near.

I believe there exists a masterplan to submit, first our cities and later Europa as a whole to Islam. Islamic organisations are creating ghetto’s in certain neighbourhoods of our cities. They strive after segregation of the Muslim communities to keep the Muslims living in these cities under control. These faithful Muslims live together in de Islamised neighbourhoods of our cities, where they go to the mosques and Koran schools, go to Arabic shops that only sell halal food, join the Islamic organisations who took over the original social tissue in a very short term. Non-Muslims are not welcome anymore in these neighbourhoods. Integration of the Muslims in our society is made impossible that way.

In neighbourhoods with a Muslim majority, the radical Muslims try to impose the extreme Muslim way of life on the other Muslims. Everything not in line with Islam, has to deal with tremendous pressure. Step by step the sharia is imposed on these neighbourhoods. Women reluctant to wearing a veil are insulted, threatened and even under physical attack. In some Muslim neighbourhoods a kind of religious police force is keeping an eye on dressing. Last year in the Antwerp suburb Borgerhout, with now almost half of the population Muslim, radicals disturbed and interrupted a music festival. Visitors were intimidated or stripped of entrance tickets. The entrance was charged by a group of young, fired up radical Muslims. Also in Borgerhout, this year, in some areas the bartenders are threatened not to serve any alcoholic beverages any longer.

By this concentration politics, radical Muslims are deliberately creating Muslim enclaves in our cities, who isolate themselves from our society. This ghetto strategy stimulates the white flight of the indigenous people out of the neighbourhoods and cities. These neighbourhoods are used as a bridgeheads of the radical Islam to conquer the city as a whole. If the evolution persists, cities like Antwerp en Brussels in Belgium, but also Marseille and Lille in France, Birmingham and Bradford in the United Kingdom and Stuttgart en Frankfurt in Germany risk to become Islamic cities in a few decades.

One may wonder how this is going to end up if Belgian policies don’t change? The Flemish islamologist professor Urbain Vermeulen is very clear about this: “In thirty to forty years the region ranging from the North of France Lille – Roubaix – Tourcoing to Amsterdam will be one Islamic enclave. Flanders and Brussels lay in the centre of it. In twenty years Brussels will be the largest Maghreban city outside of the Maghreb. (
) Our society will be destabilised. Muslims will continue to launch problem after problem, increase o their demands and they will determine the public life. This may be the end of the mainly European civilisation”. My party will do its very best to prevent that this dark scenario becomes reality. (HLN 27/10/2004)

Center for Vigilant Freedom

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[…] og tillader mig at gengive her i dokumentationsĂžjemed (Snaphanen har bragt ca. det samme billede her). Det forestiller GisĂšlle Littman, ogsĂ„ kendt under navnet Bat Ye’or, fotograferet sammen […]