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 »Algerian Journalist Posts Geert Wilders’ “Fitna” Film On His Blog«

Sifaoui var ham der kørte taxi med Abu Laban og Akmed Akkari og optog undercover film. Tre attentatforsøg har der været på hans liv, så det kan alligevel ikke blive værre:

Algerian journalist Mohamed Sifaoui, who resides in Paris, has put a link to Dutch politician Geert Wilders’ film “Fitna” on his blog, and has recommended that his readers view it. He wrote that it wasn’t the film that shocked him, but the “fascist Salafis… and the worst of them whose name is Ahmadinejad.”

Nevertheless, he also criticized the filmmaker for linking all Europe’s Muslims with the Islamists and calling them “the Nazis of our time.” Sifaoui said that Muslims were the first victims of this “Nazism.” MEMRI Le blog de Mohamed Sifaoui

Det grænseløse og kvalmende hykleri over Fitna


Billedet her er fra en film beregnet på muslimske børn. En dreng stikker George Bush ihjel med en kniv. Robert Spencer udtrykker det som altid … knivskarpt:

Here is open bloodlust and Islamic supremacism, in a film produced by Muslims for Muslims — indeed, for Muslim children. Will the OIC denounce this film? Will Ban Ki-Moon and Louise Arbour?

If not, why not?

Why exactly is Fitna worse than this? All right, where is the worldwide Muslim indignation over this film?

Slutningen på denne lille opbyggelige børnefilm lyder:

Child: You are impure, Bush, so you are not allowed inside the White House.

Bush: What are you saying?! Why am I not allowed into the White House?

Child: Because it has been turned into a great mosque for the nation of Islam. I will kill you just like Mu’az killed Abu Lahab. I will kill you, Bush, because that is your fate.

Child stabs Bush repeatedly

Child: Ahhh, I killed him.

Sygt, men måske det vestlige hykleri er det mest syge. At barbariske kulturer har sådant et ‘menneskesyn’ at de kan opmuntre deres børn til knivdrab, ja, det er jo en sørgelig kendsgerning. At vestlige ledere og organisationer ensstemmende fordømmer Wilders for at vise virkeligheden, og lukker øjnene for daglige uhyrligheder som denne, er en skændsel (LFPC).

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15 years ago



Borgerlig bums
16 years ago

Hvad betyder LFPC? En google-søgning giver Ligue Française pour la Protection du Cheval og Lebanese Fire Protection Committee, men det kan det vel ikke være.

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