Seneste opdatering: 17/7-08 kl. 0948
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En meget læst svensk blog, kalder sig Jinges fotoblog. Jinge kan desværre hverken læse, skrive, tænke eller fotografere. På “det viset” repræsenterer han trods alt en del medmennesker, og har som sådan sin demokratiske berettigelse. Han mener, det er en national katastrofe hvis Sverigedemokraterne kommer i Riksdagen med en 5-10 procent. Det kommer naturligvis ikke til at betyde en fløjtende døjt, men i hans øjne er det Adolf Hitlers tilbagekomst. Prøv at gå ind på hans side – begge mine Windowsbrowsere, en Firefox og en Avant browser, crasher pr. automatik, så snart de træffer på Jinges foto-blog. Og så siger man, computere ikke kan tænke selv. Jeg klør mine tre PC’er kærligt under hagen, og tænker på en klog, forgangen Labrador, der kunne lugte ugler i moser på lang afstand. Han ligger nr. 1 på svensk blogtop. De må have solidere nerver og computere derovre. Men jeg er en stor tilhænger af alt, ucensureret vrøvl i blogosfæren, ytringer for enhver pris. Dine er lige så gode som mine, selvom de er dummere. Vi har kun én stemme hver. Nu har Jinge desværre fået alt for megen reklame, men det hører op her – med følgende visdomsord, som det lige lykkedes mig at hente inden browser- nedbrud:

Svenska fascister går framåt. Nu kablas det ut i media, den nya Skop-mätningen visar att de svenska fascisterna går framåt och skulle, om det vore val idag, – få marschera in i riksdagen iförda sina bruna skjortor. Antagligen har det gått alldeles för lång tid sedan Adolf Hitler och Nazismen, på något annat sätt kan jag inte förstå att folk på allvar kan tänka sig att rösta in deras moderna motsvarighet i vårt parlament. Andra världskriget och Förintelsen är idag så avlägsna att man kanske inte kan tro att det återigen kan hända. Men idag är den hets mot invandringen som förekommer från Sverigedemokraternas sida exakt lika den som föregick Förintelsen, då mot judar.

SvD Sverigedemokraterna ökar kraftigt Måske Jinge skulle se – hvis ikke han er helt hinsides pædagogisk rækkevidde – min video med Robert Spencer for at opdage hvad nutidens fascisme er. Eller Ibn Warraqs højlærde foredrag. Men uvidenhed er det tryggeste, ved jeg. På kort sigt. Og “trygghet” er et stort nummer i Sverige, 3.400 Google hits. Plusordet over alle.”Si vis pacem, para bellum,” har Sverige  glemt  for flere  hundrede  år  siden.

»We fear riots in Britain«

Opstande er ikke en hypotetisk risiko, men helt uundgåelige indenfor de nærmeste par år iflg. mine engelske kilder. Sådan vil politikerne selvfølgelig helst ikke udtrykke det, når det er dem, skylden falder tilbage på. MP’erne er cirka 15 år for sent ude med deres alarm:

IMMIGRATION is the single biggest cause of public concern, an influential group of MPs warned yesterday. They are so worried that they told the Government it must act urgently to defuse tensions before the concern boils over into riots. The MPs’ devastating report concluded that migration has had a significant impact on communities and local services – greater even than crime and terrorism.

In a stark warning, the group condemned Labour’s promise of a transitional fund to support under-pressure authorities as a “drop in the ocean”. It also revealed that tensions were rising between some settled ethnic communities and new arrivals because of increased competition for “race equality” resources.

The MPs, from all parties, concluded: “Migration is having significant effects. The sheer pace of change has escalated concern to the point where migration has become the single greatest public concern.”

They warned that the continued under-funding of remedies to deal with pressures caused by migration risks “community tensions escalating” as many people think migrants are given unfair priority.

The MPs stressed: “The Government needs to take immediate action to address public concerns about migration and to defuse tensions before they lead to disturbances.”

The report by the Communities and Local Government Committee is the latest in a growing list of damaging studies warning that Labour’s open-door immigration policy has piled pressure on our towns and cities.

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said: “The Government still does not get it. It is not a question of managing local impacts, it is a question of a massive impact on our whole society from having to build the equivalent of seven Birminghams in the next 25 years. Until the numbers are brought under control, the Government is just fiddling at the edges.”

The Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion, Baroness Warsi, said: “This report is yet another indictment of the problems caused both by the Government’s failure to control the numbers of migrants coming into this country and by its inability to know where migrants are living and to fund local authorities accordingly.”

The committee’s study said concerns “cannot be simply dismissed as expressions of racist or xenophobic sentiments”. Increasing competition for limited public resources is risking community cohesion, it warned.

And it added that its inquiry had found “new patterns of racial prejudice and hostility between settled Asian and Caribbean communities and new ethnic minorities.” It also repeated the findings of a Mori poll which showed that a quarter of the public feel local areas are losing their sense of Britishness.

DAily Mail og Worrying about migrants is not racist, say MPs

Saudiarabiske skolebøger: En slamkiste af hate speech

Og i det ellers voldsomt regulerede kongedømme har man så umanerligt svært ved at gøre noget ved problemet, trods forblommede løfter. Via Jihad Watch:

Selected Quotes:
2007-2008 Textbooks of the Saudi Ministry of Education

“The Jews and Christians are enemies of the believers, and they cannot approve of Muslims.”1

“The clash between this [Muslim] nation and the Jews and Christians has endured, and it will continue as long as God wills.” 2

“He (praised is He) prohibits killing the soul that God has forbidden [to kill] unless for just cause… [such as] unbelief after belief, adultery, and killing an inviolable believer intentionally.”3

“Major polytheism makes blood and wealth permissible.”4

“Building mosques on graves is an expression of polytheism” [Condemns Shiite practice] 5

“The punishment for homosexuality is death.”6 …”Ibn Qudamah said, ‘The companions of the Prophet were unanimous on killing, although they differed in the description, that is, in the manner of killing. Some of the companions of the Prophet stated that [a homosexual] is to be burned with fire. It has also been said that he should be stoned, or thrown from a high place. Other things have also been said.”7

“In Islamic law, however, [jihad] has two uses: One usage is specific. It means to exert effort to wage war against the unbelievers and tyrants.”8

“In its general usage, ‘jihad’ is divided into the following categories: … –Wrestling with the infidels by calling them to the faith and battling against them.”9

“In these verses is a call for jihad, which is the pinnacle of Islam. In (jihad) is life for the body; thus it is one of the most important causes of outward life. Only through force and victory over the enemies is there security and repose. Within martyrdom in the path of God (exalted and glorified is He) is a type of noble life-force that is not diminished by fear or poverty.”10

“As cited in Ibn Abbas: The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus.”11

“The decisive proof of the veracity of the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] and the infernal Jewish plans they contain is that the plans, plots, and conspiracies they list have been carried out. Whoever reads the protocols – and they emerged in the 19th century – will realize today how much of what they described has been implemented.”12

“You can hardly find an example of sedition in which the Jews have not played a role.” 13

“The new approach to the crusades took several forms, including …[t]he establishment of schools. They founded many schools in the Islamic world at various educational levels. These include: the American Universities of Beirut and Cairo, the Jesuit University, Robert College in Istanbul, Gordon [Memorial] College in Khartoum, and others too numerous to mention.”14

“[Baha’ism] is one of the destructive esoteric sects in the modern age… It has become clear that Babism [the precursor to Baha’ism], Baha’ism, and Qadyanism [Ahmadiyyaism] represent wayward forces inside the Islamic world that seek to strike from within and weaken it. They are colonial pillars in our Islamic countries and among the true obstacles to a renaissance.”15

“Lesson goals: The student notes some of the Jews’ condemnable qualities”

While Saudi king promotes inter-faith dialogue this week, Saudi text books still teach hatred and intolerance to everything–and everyone–non-Islamic

Rapport fra Center for Religious Freedom of the Hudson Institute

I en dansk ‘kontekst’ må det interessante spørgsmål så være, hvilken modvægt den af Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, Kate Østergaard og Garbi Schmidt m. fl. meget omtalte debat muslimer iblandt kan udgøre i forhold til en så massiv og pengestærk autoritet som de saudiske myndigheder. Allervigtigst, måske: Er der overhovedet i disse miljøer og på de muslimske friskoler en aktiv, assertiv indsats for at lære børnene andre værdier end dem der produceres i islams dogmatiske centrum? (LFPC)

Dhimmiernes kommende dilemma: Skal vi være skydeskive for iranske missiler, forlade os på et amerikansk missilskjold – eller indlede et ‘ulovligt’ forebyggende angreb?

Dette må blive situationen på et tidspunkt, så vidt jeg kan se. Måske ikke i dag eller i morgen, men udviklingen vil medføre dette valg mellem scenarier. Det vil så være slut med rørstrømske, selvgode fakkeltog; slut med billig nedgøring af USA; slut med at fremstille ondskabens værste manifestation som orange fangedragter eller ydmygelser af tilfangetagne modstandere – nu er det ikke det nemme medløberis fjendebilleder det handler om – dette gælder valget mellem overlevelse for en selv og ens kære, kontra de rene hænder som enhver i dag kan fremvise ved at lire velkendte floskler af. Hvad vil dhimmierne vælge når virkeligheden banker på?  (LFPC)

WASHINGTON – The Pentagon said on Tuesday that Iran has the ability to launch a ballistic missile capable of hitting sections of eastern and southern Europe.

Air Force Lt. Gen. Trey Obering, director of the Missile Defense Agency, told reporters he believes Iran now has a missile with a range of 1,250 miles, but he declined to say whether the weapon has been test-fired. […]

Older versions of the Shahab-3 have a 800-mile (1,300-km) range. But a new extended version is believed to have a range of up to 1,250 miles, making it capable of hitting targets as far away as Greece, Serbia, Romania and Belarus.

Iran is also developing a solid-fuel missile known as the Ashura with a range of 1,250 miles, according to the Pentagon. […]

“The Iranians themselves are describing … a 2,000-km range missile launch,” Obering said of last week’s tests, adding that Iran also claimed to have such a missile in November. […]

“Iran continues to develop and acquire ballistic missiles that can hit Israel and central Europe, including Iranian claims of an extended-range variant of the Shahab-3 and a new 2,000-km medium range ballistic missile called the Ashura,” DIA director Army Lt. Gen. Michael Maples told the panel. […] U.S. Says Iran Has Missile That Could Hit Europe


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15 years ago

Jinge är en pajas och en selektiv rashatare. Han skriver bl.a. följande om Danmark:

“Att Danmark ännu inte drabbats av en allvarlig terrorattack förvånar mig faktiskt. […] Landets obetydlighet kan knappast skydda hur länge som helst.”

“Möjligen är rasismen nu så stark att den närmar sig något som kan liknas vid ett nationellt särdrag [sic!]. Det som tidigare kallades ”Det Danska Gemytet” heter numer ”Den Danska Rasismen”.”


Hade han uttryckt sig på liknande sätt om, säg, Egypten, då skulle han sannolikt blivit bötfälld av svenska statens ombudsman mot diskriminering för hets.

15 years ago

Du har ret Jinges fotoblog er totalt talentløs, meningsløs og totalt overflødig. Min computer udsættes for meget, to gange har den været til genoplivning! men den overlevede dette!!! Derimod begyndte begge mine hunde at gø og knurre, og kattene begyndte at trampe henover tastaturet, som de jo plejer at gøre, når de er utilfredse! så jeg fik først fred, da jeg søgte over på en normal! blog. Måske har gud opgivet kampen mod de dumme Svensker! så nu får de påtvunget den falske gud, som er skabt af den pædofile landevejsrøver muhammed!! Nå, fred være med Jihads fotoblog!! den er… Read more »

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