Seneste opdatering: 11/6-09 kl. 1143
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Spørgsmålet om hvilke partier og bevægelser der er stuerene nok til at demokratiske antijihadister kan samarbejde med dem er et løbende tema i blogdebatterne. Hvor mange i dag anser belgiske Vlaams Belang og Sverigedemokratarna for tilstrækkeligt moderate, skyr de fleste British National Party og Jean-Marie le Pen. At begge står for ting de fleste vil tage afstand fra (le Pen får så vidt jeg husker omkring 8% stemmer fra muslimer der tiltrækkes af hans antisemitisme) er én ting. Noget andet er om antijihadismen ville skyde sig selv i foden ved at støtte folk som disse, når prisen vil være at skubbe andre potentielt stærke allierede væk.

Tag f. eks. hinduer og asiater i Storbritannien eller Australien, begge grupper der udsættes for vold og chikane fra de muslimske mindretal der. Vi støder måske ind i en mur når vi påpeger at islamkritik intet har med ‘race’ at gøre, men tydeligere anskuelsesundervisning findes næppe end når ofrene som her er hinduer. I dette tilfælde har de klart sagt nej til offerstatus, og har taget sagen i egen hånd. Via Gates of Vienna (LFPC):

It’s a rich irony that the Prime Minister and police commanders in Sydney and Melbourne are now admonishing Indian students who have decided to take responsibility for their own security instead of continuing to be passive victims of violent crime.

Sound familiar?

Assistant Police Commissioner Dave Owens warned Indian students protesting at Harris Park not to be “vigilantes” and “leave the detection of offenders and their arrest to us”.

In Victoria, a police spokeswoman said Indian students doing their own security patrols at crime-ridden western suburbs railway stations should “leave and let police do their jobs”.

Well, if the police had done their jobs in the first place Indian students wouldn’t feel like they have to escort each other home from railway stations late at night. Nor would 1000 Indian students have gathered on Sunday at Town Hall and this week in Harris Park to protest about the lax policing.

But now that Australia’s not-so-secret suburban law and order problem has become an international scandal, it’s remarkable how vigilant the police can be.

The Victorian commissioner, Simon Overland, was this week boasting about a “major crackdown” on crime, with uniformed police, rail transit officers, the dog squad, mounted police and the air wing to patrol the stations where Indian students have been mugged with impunity for years. In Harris Park, Sydney’s new Little India, police were out in force this week as young Indians gathered to protest about the latest harassment by what they described as a gang of “Middle Eastern men”.

Regardless of whether the attacks on Indian students are racially motivated, or whether the violence is being committed by Middle Eastern, Caucasian or any other ethnic group, the fact is our governments and police forces have been turning a blind eye to it.

It seems that allowing our cities to become no-go zones at night is easier than enforcing the law.

Indian students in Sydney and Melbourne have simply decided they have had enough.

Saurabh, who has just completed a masters at the University of Western Sydney, has been aware of attacks on his fellow Indian students since at least 2004. In an email in response to my column last week, he described a bus trip from the city to western Sydney late one night when “a group of five teenage guys were troubling this lone nightshift Indian worker who was sitting in the front … He didn’t resist and just ignored them … Right when they left the bus they spat on the Indian guy and ran away laughing.”

He says that in Harris Park, “muggings are a common occurrence”.

“I see the police as very vigilant only during protests like the G20 and the recent one by the Indian students … Also, the traffic police are very vigilant in giving tickets. But the normal police are not in giving public protection.”

It’s not just Indian students complaining about police inaction. It’s young Chinese as well.

Yuening, for instance, a student from China studying at the University of NSW: “I can tell you that every international student studying in Australia is worrying about safety every day. I think more than one-third of us would have the unpleasant experience.” Recently, he says, two friends were robbed on campus, on the main road. But he claims police “tolerate modest robbery”. […] When police look the other way

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14 years ago

Multikulturalisme er blevet til et spam-ord.

Vivi Andersen
Vivi Andersen
14 years ago

Nemlig, Thomas B.Hansen – multikulturen ville sandsynligvis fungere rimelig godt hvis ikke Islam og dens rædsomme tilhængere var ombord i de Vestlige lande.

Men måske vi en dag vil komme til at opleve, at samtlige ikke-islamiske kulturer rundt omkring i verden vil slår sig sammen om at give Islam og dens rettroende en besked de ikke kan tage fejl af og aldrig vil glemme ?

For på et tidspunkt bliver punktet for nok er nok nået – for selv de mest langmodige har en grænse .

Thomas Bolding Hansen
Thomas Bolding Hansen
14 years ago

Hinduer er intet værd for muslimer, de er jo polyteister – længe leve multikulturen, den ville fungere uden Islam, men Islam er monokulturel.

14 years ago

OT Den meningsdannende elite har det meget, meget svært med Morten Messerschmidts succes ved det just overståede EP-valg. Så træsker løs i historien om, at de birtiske Tory’er angiveligt ikke vil have DF med i deres nye gruppe i Europa-parlamentet. Her har Berlingske Tidende fået en lektor, ph.d. Henrik Larsen, der forsker i britisk europapolitik på Københavns Universitet, til at kloge sig på noget han reelt ikke ved noget om: “De britiske konservative vil ikke have skudt i skoene, at man er uansvarlige, og at man er sammen med folk, der har outrerede synspunkter. Det er et parti, der står… Read more »

Poul Højlund
Poul Højlund
14 years ago

DR2 Verdensnyheder (!), som af og til er et godt program, bragte også et indslag om overfaldene og uroliughederne, beskrevet af en-eller-anden-dansker på stedet via internetopkobling. Baseret på hans beretning måtte man tro, at det var australske unge, der gik til angreb på inderne. Først til sidst og på studieværtens spørgmål svarede han, at det formentlig var nogle libyere og/eller nogle marokanere, der stod bag. På intet tidspunkt blev fællesnævneren muslim nævnt, selvom det muslimske had til hinduer er velkendt.

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