Seneste opdatering: 27/6-10 kl. 2014
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En dramadokumentarisk hyldest til Orwell pĂĄ 100-ĂĄrs dagens for hans fødsel i 2003. Selvom Orwell arbejde pĂĄ BBC fra 1941, findes der mærkeligt nok hverken stemme- eller filmoptagelser med ham. Da jeg var helt ung, havde jeg den vane, at hvis jeg kunne lide en forfatter, læste jeg hver linje han havde skrevet. Ingen highlights og potpourrier. Det samme  med Orwell, der ogsĂĄ har skrevet mindre gode romaner, skal man vide. Jeg læste The Collected Essays Journalism and Letters of George Orwell i fire tykke Penguin bind, 1200 sider, og forsøgte mig endda med oversættelser, en lidt stor mundfuld for en 17-ĂĄrig gymnasiast. Det var hele i 1969, hvor han endnu ikke var outed af venstresnoede gymnasilærere, som jeg hører han – “anti-kommunisten”, sĂĄ var man allerede halvvejs en McCarthyist i de forrykte ĂĄr, – kunne være i firsernes gymnasium. Hele læseriet tog trekvart ĂĄr. Her tager det halvanden time. – Denne film blev flot anmeldt, da den kom. Den er ogsĂĄ rigtig god, mere dokumentar end drama. Den indeholder adskillige filmklip med mennesker, der kendte den unge  Orwell, da han  var down and out. Som kendte den midaldrende, og som kendte hans kone Eileen, der døde i 1945, og gjorde ham “desperately alone” indtil ægteskabet med Sonia Brownell det allersidste ĂĄr.

In the future, we shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. The moral of this, is a simple one. Don´t let it happen. 1984  (1949)

All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention. And yet it is also true that one can write nothing readable unless one constantly struggles to efface one’s own personality. Good prose is like a windowpane. I cannot say with certainty which of my motives are the strongest, but I know which of them deserve to be followed. And looking back through my work, I see that it is invariably where I lacked a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books and was betrayed into purple passages, sentences without meaning, decorative adjectives and humbug generally. Why I write (1946)

Lynchning i Belleville

En afrikansk tasketyv har fejlbedømt situationen. Det gik hårdt for sig forleden, da op imod 10.000 kineresere i Paris havde fået nok. Online ses det ikke, at danske medier har omtalt demonstrationen og de efterfølgende uroligheder. Chinesische Selbstjustiz in Paris Belleville

“Apokalypse” i Paris efter algiersk fodboldnederlag

A late goal by Landon Donovan of the U.S. resulted in the elimination of Algeria as a contender for the Cup. Several news sources carried reports of the acts of violence. 20 Minutes.Fr.:

There were incidents on Wednesday in and around the CharlĂ©ty stadium in Paris, where the soccer match was being broadcast live, according to police sources. After the defeat by the United States (0-1), the manager of a garage located near the stadium told 20 Minutes: “It was an apocalypse: several thousand persons marched in front of my establishment. The police charged. I had to make women and children go inside. Twenty young persons stole tires, broke car windows; at least four cars were burnt in the street,” he went on. “A car belonging to one of my customers is no longer usable – they turned it upside down,” he says, in a state of shock. The Disqualified and the Unqualified

Holland og Belgien: Kriminalitet og etnicitet

Islam in Europe har oversat en artikel fra Gazet van Amsterdam om en ny undersøgelse i TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR CRIMINOLOGIE: Criminaliteit, migratie en etniciteit, 2010, (52)2,

In the Netherlands, half the Moroccan youth get in trouble with the police by the time they’re 22. A third of this group are repeat offenders with more than 5 incidents on their record, according to a new study published in the recent issue of the Tijdschrift voor Criminologie (Journal of Criminology).

To the surprise of the authors, it turns out Moroccan girls commit three times as many crimes as Dutch girls. And multiple offenders are on average not more violent than people who commit a crime every now and then. According to another study in the same issue of TVC, asylum migrants commit more crimes than ethnic Dutch or regular migrants. An evaluation of of both studies, and the question is whether this study can be generalized for Belgium. Not so.

The link between ethnicity and studying criminality is a sensitive issue. Registration of somebody’s ethnic background soon brings charges of ‘racism’. In Belgium there are no studies about this issue, but in the Netherlands there are. TVC devoted an entire issue to this subject.

A new study by Arjan Blokland, Kim Grimbergen, Wim Bernasco and Paul Nieuwbeerta is central. They followed everybody who was born in the Netherlands in 1984 (!) until they were 22. They checked how many times these people got in trouble with the police for a crime.

Such a study was never done before. Though it did appear already before that that the number of immigrants in the annual group of suspects in the Netherlands is twice as big as their part in the population. And also that about a third of all registered crimes in the Netherlands are committed by a non-Western immigrants. And you had another study by the city of Rotterdam, which showed that in 2007, more than half of the Moroccans in Rotterdam aged 18-24 got in trouble with the police at least once for a crime. The recidivism in this group is around 90%. These studies were snapshots and could therefore be biased. Never before was a complete birth ‘cohort’ (a group from a certain birth year which is followed for years) from across the Netherlands followed. That did occur now.


What are the most important results?

* 14% of these youth from 1984 got in trouble with the police at least once. Among Dutch men that was 20%, among Moroccan men 54%.

* Immigrant youth got in trouble with the police for a crime more than ethnic Dutch. This is true for all immigrant groups (Moroccans, Turks, Antilleans, Surinamese..)

* Moroccan boys are on average the youngest when they were first registered (17.6). The average starting age for Dutch men is 18.5. Moroccan boys also got in trouble with the police most often, on average (4.1 times).

* Turkish men commit mostly violent crimes, Dutch men are registered for destruction, disturbing the public order and traffic offense. Moroccan men commit property crimes.

* 5.4% of all girls born in 1984 got in trouble with the police at least once as perpetrators. For Dutch girls that was 4.5%, for Moroccan girls 16.6% (3.7 times as many). In the crime statistics, not only are Moroccan boys overrepresented by also Moroccan girls. This finding undermines the widespread idea that Moroccan girls are much better behaved than Moroccan boys. By Moroccan girls the crimes were mostly property crimes (presumably shoplifting) and very little violence. Girls from all backgrounds are less violent than boys.

With the group of criminal girls, Surinamese and Antillean girls commit percentage wise three times as many violent property crimes as Dutch girls.

* What’s the situation with repeat offenders? The authors define anybody who was registered more than five times for a crime as a repeat offender. Among men, that was 3.4% of all men born in 1984, or 14.9% of all criminals in this group. But the differences between the ethnicities are great. For Dutch men, it’s 12.8% of all criminals, for Moroccan men it’s 32.3%, almost three times as many. Most repeat offenders committed at least one violent crime, but in general their criminal career is not more violent than that of other criminals. The latter also surprised the authors.

Repeat offending is a man’s thing: the number of men who do it is 11 times the number of women who do it. However, it’s remarkable that the percentage of repeat offenders among Moroccan girls (7.4% of all female criminals) is twice as high as that of ethnic Dutch (4.8%). In total, barely 0.3% of all women born in 1984 is a repeat offender, and the same goes for 5.4% of all female criminals.

* Delinquent immigrants are more violent than delinquent ethnic Dutch. That is true both for one-time criminals and for multiple offenders.

* The Turks are most like the Dutch, though they too commit more crimes and are more violent than the Dutch.

Netherland/Belgium: The link between crime and ethnicity

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[…] for begyndere Gemt under: Cartoons — Egtvedpigen @ 20:47 Inspireret af Snaphanen bringer vi her tegnefilmudgaven af Animal Farm, der nu ligger pĂĄ YouTube i fuld […]

13 years ago

Lynchning… Svært at indvende noget mod kinesernes raseri. (bør vi ikke tage hatten af, omend lynchning er lidt voldsomt?) Svært at føle andet end afsky for det flertal af europæiske politikere, som har ansvaret for at retsstaten er under pres / afvikling Det er mit indtryk at politiledelser i dag ansættes efter hvor høj en karakter de fik i faget “politisk korrekthed”. Principper, fasthed og mod er direkte diskvalificerende. Vil denne episode i Paris give stof til eftertanke hos disse virkelighedfjerne politikere? Jah ,det kan ikke udelukkes. Jeg gætter pĂĄ mere undertrykkelse. Giv plads til islam, ikke sandt? De vil… Read more »

13 years ago

Mangfoldighed betyder, at gode mennesker i Europa gerne ser deres egne medborgere
overfaldet pĂĄ det grusomste af rigtige mennesker med rigtig hudfarve,
Derved bliver de gode endnu bedre mennesker, og hvem vil ikke gerne være et bedre
Som F.eks Mogens Jensen, Soc. DK.

13 years ago

Jeg troede ellers at etnisk mangfoldighed var en styrke.

13 years ago
Reply to  Krigeren

Det har da styrket behovet for mere politi 🙂

13 years ago

FrĂĄn en SDU-manifestation mot det planerade bygget av en stormoskĂ© i Helsingborg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V6QPpMybzA Daniel Assai är ledamot i Sd. Han kommer själv frĂĄn mullornas Iran och vet vilken tolkning av Koranen som inte skall importeras till Sverige. Självklart har SD´s och SDU´s medlemmar mycket mer saklig info om islamisterna och politisk jihad. SĂĄledes är de inte indoktrinerade av politiskt korrekta floskler. Det har ingenting med “främlingsfientlighet” att göra utan bara att sanningen inte tĂĄl att höras i media. Därför har det skapats ett alternativ till PK-media och de ligger alltid i bloggtoppen. Just nu har de systemkritiska bloggarna de tre… Read more »

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