Seneste opdatering: 20/9-10 kl. 0402
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Idag var det skolval på min skola i Lund där jag går 3e året nu. Sverigedemokraternas lappar fanns ute men blev snabbt bortplockade utav ett gäng invandrare. Det stog även en, för skolan, känd SSU-are och övervakade alla som tog lappar och vilka.

När en kamrat senare på en lektion berättade hur SDs lappar försvann uttryckte jag mig genom att säga att detta är fusk och får absolut inte ske. Då tittar läraren på mig och säger ”Men du kan inte på fullaste allvar mena att du tänker rösta på Sverigedemokraterna till riksdagen?”Jag hinner inte svara innan läraren säger igen ”För om du tänker göra det kan du lika gärna gå ut härifrån nu för SD hör inte hemma här.”
Jag sa inget utan vände ryggen till och stannade kvar på lektionen. Sitter nu här förbannad och frusterad över hur lärare kan hålla på och trakassera elever på detta viset..
I Sverige ska vi ha åsiktsfrihet och demokrati men jag börjar nu tvivla på om vi egentligen är en demokrati? Har vi egentligen åsiktsfrihet?
Speciellt lärare ska ju vara helt neutrala i skolan för att inte påverka elevers politiska synpunkter. Även min Samhällslärare gjorde SD till åtlöje inför klassen och även där påpekade jag att lärare inte får lov att ge synpunkter på vad de tycker om olika partier.Ville bara dela med mig av hur det ser ut för oss som går i skolan där ni inte ser allt som händer. /18 år, tredje året på gymnasiet i Lund.

USA: Da’wa starter i skolen

My organization, Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT), just released a video showing 6th graders from Wellesley, MA as they rise from prostrating themselves alongside Muslim men in a prayer to Allah while on a public school field trip to the largest mosque in the Northeast. Teachers did not intervene. Parents have not been told.

The video was taken inside the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center – Boston’s controversial Saudi-funded mega-mosque – during a Wellesley Middle School social studies trip to the mosque, ostensibly taken to learn about the history of Islam first-hand. Yet the video reveals that the students are being blatantly mis-educated about Islam. A mosque spokesperson is seen teaching the children that in Mohammed’s 7th century Arabia women were allowed to vote, while in America women only gained that right a hundred years ago. […]

The mosque spokesperson also taught the students that the only meaning of Jihad in Islam is a personal spiritual struggle, and that Jihad has historically had no relationship with holy war. As far as we know, the school has not corrected these false lessons.[…]

The Islamic Society of Boston was founded by Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who is currently serving 23 years in jail on terror charges. For years, its board of trustees included Yusuf al Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who was banned by Bill Clinton from the United States in 1999. Qaradawi now chairs the Muslim American Society’s university, which offers classes inside the mosque. Over half the mosque’s $15.5 million price tag was funded by wealthy Saudis and since it opened, several of its leaders, donors and members have been implicated in Islamic extremism. […] Charles Jacobs: Public School Field Trip: Inside Video Captures Kids Bowing to Allah

Dhimmiernes døde sjæle

[…] The cultural relativist self-loathing in our society that abets this process—as exemplified by the NJ Transit’s firing of Mr. Fenton [manden der brændte sider af Koranen ved Ground Zero]—smacks of the submissive dhimmi mentality Islam imposes with the ongoing threat of violence upon non-Muslims living under the Sharia. This perverse spectacle brings to mind a remarkably candid assessment by the 18th century Moroccan Sufi “master” Ibn Ajibah from his Koranic commentary, a work I was made aware of by my colleague, Dr. Mark Durie. Describing unabashedly the purpose of the humiliating Koranic poll tax (as per Koran 9:29) of submission for non-Muslims brought under Islamic hegemony by jihad, Ibn Ajibah makes clear the ultimate goal of its imposition was to achieve what he called the death of the “soul”, through the dhimmi’s execution of their own humanity:

[The dhimmi] is commanded to put his soul, good fortune and desires to death. Above all he should kill the love of life, leadership and honor. [The dhimmi] is to invert the longings of his soul, he is to load it down more heavily than it can bear until it is completely submissive. Thereafter nothing will be unbearable for him. He will be indifferent to subjugation or might. Poverty and wealth will be the same to him; praise and insult will be the same; preventing and yielding will be the same; lost and found will be the same. Then, when all things are the same, it [the soul] will be submissive and yield willingly what it should give. [Tafsir ibn ‘Ajibah. Commentary on Q9:29. Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Ajibah] Andrew Bostom: Burning the Constitution with the Koran

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