Seneste opdatering: 11/10-10 kl. 0039
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Man ved det godt, men det er som dansker let at glemme hvilken rolle statisk klassetilhørsforhold stadig spiller i Storbritannien, og selv om arbejderklasseaccent ogsĂĄ er tydelig at høre for os, fornemmer vi som udenforstĂĄende ikke nødvendigvis hvilken hæmsko det er for en bevægelse som EDL, og hvor hĂĄbløst det er at undslippe bekvem stereotypisering i medierne derovre. Man kan vente en evighed pĂĄ at den rette antiislamiseringsbevægelse med appel pĂĄ tværs af britiske klassetraditioner viser sig pĂĄ banen – spørgsmĂĄlet er om EDL med de rette talsmænd – med pæne middelklassevokaler – kan transformeres til noget større. Baron Bodissey, der selv har boet i Storbritannien for ĂĄr tilbage, har nogle interessante overvejelser her. Nogle udpluk der ikke yder hele det længere indlæg retfærdighed (LFPC).

[…] When I read the news accounts, watch the videos, and look at the photographs from the EDL demonstrations, I am aware of the class divisions that are evident in the clash between the EDL and the British establishment. My years in England gave me an intuitive understanding of the role class plays among the English. […]

The EDL is suffering, and it will stagnate, due to the lack of a substantial, visible middle-class component. It can keep doing the same thing month after month, year after year, until twenty years from now when the Muslims outnumber the English, and then the war will be over. […]

So what could be done differently?

Yes, the protesters could grow their hair out, but that would only be a superficial difference. What is needed is a visible presence of the middle class at EDL events. […]

Imagine a city center in Leicester or Durham or Gloucester. Watch a peaceful and orderly crowd assemble — just as the EDL does now — but instead of the jeans and T-shirts and hoodies, we see a crowd of men with neatly cropped hair wearing business suits. The women are wearing dresses, or even skirts and jackets.

Everybody carries the same signs as they do now, and repeats the same slogans, but look at the difference in appearance. How will the BBC be able to play the “yobbo” and “skinhead” themes on the news that evening?

And then imagine an interview with one of the participants. He doesn’t have to sound like Lord Pearson or someone else from the aristocracy, but his vowels can reveal his middle-class origins.

How would ITN handle that?

Once again, I realize that these suggestions will grate on the sensibilities of many EDL supporters. Class resentment in England is still deep and wide.

But what if this is a necessity? […] Changing the meme

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hĂĄr frisure
13 years ago

Dette er helt anderledes, hvad jeg mente om frisurer, det er nogle alvorlige ting, som tager hjertet til at læse den og gĂĄ gennem det ……….

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