Seneste opdatering: 8/3-24 kl. 1253
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GumlĂžse Kirke i SkĂ„ne – Nordens fĂžrste teglstensbygning

Gumlösa Kyrka Àr den Àldsta daterade tegelbyggnaden i Norden *. Man vet exact nÀr den invigdes 26 oktober 1192, i nÀrvaro av Àrkebiskop Absalon i Lund, Àrkebiskop Erik av Nidaros , nuvaranda Trondheim samt biskop Stenar i VÀxjö. Genom renheten i sin stil och sine vÀl bibehÄllna ursprungliga anordningar kunde den betraktas som typisk i sitt slag. Kyrkan har hÀrjats av brand tvÄ gÄngar. Först den 9 februar 1612, dÄ Gustaf II Adolf hÀrjade hÀr och brÀnda hela byn, för att fÄ tag pÄ snapphanarna. Andra gÄngen den 24 mars 1904, dÄ man tröskade sÀd pÄ Sinclairsholm, dÄ Àven gÄrdens ekonomibyggnader bran ner. [..]
Kyrkan har en fin gammal dopfunt som Àven den Àr frÄn 1100-talet och huggen av Tove StenmÀstare. Bland alla ornament pÄ funten stÄr ocksÄ TOVEGIRI= Tove gjorde mig. [..]
Till kyrkans 700-Ă„rs-minne 1891 utgaf rektorn C.O.Arcadius i VĂ€xjö en broschyr om kyrkan och dess historia. Han slutade med följande önskan: “MĂ„tte kommande slĂ€kten akta denna minnesvĂ„rd af forntids fromhet och urgammal konst, som oaktadt vidriga öden genom menighetens vördnad bevarats till vĂ„ra dagar och mĂ„tte det genom gudomlig tillskyndelse upptĂ€nda ljuset fĂ„ lysa genom dess murar, till dess den dag randas, dĂ„ de sĂ„som allt mĂ€nniskoverk störta.” (Uddrag af Tillbakablick pĂ„ Gumlösabygden, 1992.) (* Flere kilder fortĂŠller, at Sct Bendts Kirke i Ringsted, klosterkirken i SorĂž er dateret til 1160-70 og Bjernede rundkirke er tidligere, ligesom SĂžborg Slot.)Gumlösa kyrka, UNESCO:s lista över oersĂ€ttliga vĂ€rldsarv

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Seneste opdatering: 23/4-11 kl. 1615
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One of the least known aspects of the current Libyan conflict is its brutal, racial component. Media reports claim Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is using black African mercenaries in his war against the rebels. In retaliation, the insurgents have targeted in violent attacks African immigrant workers living in Libya, from whom, the rebels believe, Gaddafi is recruiting his mercenaries. Before the uprising began, an estimated 1.5 million Africans resided in Libya, many as low-paid labourers, but the violence has caused a large number to flee the country or to go into hiding. […]

But another, more sinister motive lurks behind the current rebel “African hunt” than just Gaddafi’s disturbing use of African mercenaries to put down the rebellion. The ferocious animosity Libyan rebels are showing toward black Africans is actually rooted in a deeply embedded, centuries-old Arab racism the war has inflamed. This racism has its roots in the institution of Islamic slavery.

And this abomination of Islamic slavery, upon which Arab racism rests, will be difficult to eradicate. It is an ingrained, centuries-old institution that is also legal under sharia law and, according to historian Bernard Lewis, “elaborately regulated.” The case of Cairo University professor Dr. Abu Zayd, an Islamic theologian, indicates the dangers and complications of challenging sharia law’s slavery provisions. When Zayd contended that “keeping slave girls and taxing non-Muslims” was contrary to Islam, he was declared an apostate and a sharia court forcibly divorced him from his wife. He later fled to Europe to escape Islamic extremists who now wanted to kill him because of his apostate status. […] Libyan Rebels Terrorize Black Africans

U.S. Sen. John McCain, one of the strongest proponents in Congress of the American military intervention in Libya, said Friday that Libyan rebels fighting Muammar Qaddafi’s troops are his heroes. […]

“They are my heroes,” McCain said of the rebels as he walked out of a local hotel in Benghazi. […] McCain Lauds Anti-Qaddafi Forces During Libya Visit

Dearbornistan: Terry Jones har nu fĂŠrre rettigheder end KKK og nazister

Frygt kan lamme et samfund. Uerkendt og bortrationaliseret frygt kan undergrave et samfund. USA er pÄ vej imod en smertefuld lÊreproces (LFPC).

[…] Terry Jones was sent to jail in Michigan over a planned protest outside the largest Islamic Center in the U.S. I have seen the most vile displays of subversion, anti-Americanism, Jew-hatred and violence at anti-war rallies during the Bush years. No one said boo. It’s free speech. The KKK marches, no one says boo, it’s free speech. Monsters protest military funerals, it’s free speech. Nazis in Skokie? A-OK. But Islamic jihadis launch the most brutal and bloody attack on America on September 11, 2001, and we haven’t stopped apologizing. And now we have turned over our soul, the heart of our freedom. […] Jailed Jones Prosecutor “Un-Worthy’s” Alliances

Slyngelrettigheder og den engelske syge

Man kunne kalde dette et eksempel pÄ det konsekvenslÞse samfund kÞrt ud i det ekstreme, men for samfundet selv er dette selvfÞlgelig alt andet end konsekvenslÞst. Os bekendt har vi ikke noget der kommer i nÊrheden af dette suicidale rettighedsregime i den danske socialpÊdagogik, men er de eksempler vi ogsÄ har oplevet herhjemme med oplevelsesture og nye cykler til nogen der ikke fortjener det alligevel et udslag af det samme socialpÊdagogiske paradigme du jour? (LFPC)

When Winston Smith became a youth worker after leaving university, he was an idealistic liberal. But after ten depressing years of seeing disruptive children in care being indulged rather than disciplined, he’s written a devastating book exposing the truth about the anarchy in this country’s care homes.

Well past midnight, a thuggish teenager called Liam is playing music in his bedroom at full volume. Three adults have spent 20 minutes cajoling him to ‘make the right choice’: in other words, to turn it down and let everyone get some sleep.

As they’ve been trained to do, they’ve praised him for those few hours in the past week when he wasn’t causing mayhem. But none of this works. It rarely does.

Liam has an angry, vacant look in his eye. Even threats don’t work. When I tell him he risks not going to Alton Towers this weekend, as planned, he roars: ‘B******s! I’ll be f***ing going. I’d like to see you try and stop me.’ If I dare to come into his room, he adds, ‘I’ll f***ing smash you right up!’ […]

The next day, Liam refuses to go to school. Instead, he’s taken for a walk in the countryside and then a row round a lake in the grounds of a stately home.

You might think this a highly inappropriate reward for attempted murder, and you’d be right. But the care system prefers always to look on the positive side. In the paperwork we have to fill out, Liam’s relaxing day is magically transformed into an ‘educational outing’. […]

For the few minutes or hours that they aren’t misbehaving, they receive cash bribes and other awards. Violent rages go unpunished — a policy known as ‘positive reinforcement’. Far from receiving much-needed guidance, semi-feral kids are dictating the agenda. […]

There was no point arguing, because social services object to anything that even hints at criticism of the young people in our charge. Instead, we’re expected to inhabit a morally neutral universe, without judgments or standards. […]

Naturally, the residents also require rewards for things they should be doing in the first place. So, they get ‘points’ (which can be exchanged for cash) every time they apply for a job or enrol on a training course. In other words, the taxpayer has to reward unemployed teenagers simply for trying to find employment. […] The untouchables: How violence and drugs go unpunished in Britain’s care homes where all that matters are children’s rights

Seneste opdatering: 24/4-11 kl. 0925
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Én optrĂŠden i salafist-pyjamas blev det til i Frankfurt og sĂ„ march. “dr. Philips” har vĂŠret i tyskland for sidste gang, det kan svenske og danske myndigheder tygge lidt pĂ„. Der var en talstĂŠrk moddemonstration, vi faldt sĂŠrlig for denne bestemte og rasende dame pĂ„ videoen, der godt ved hvilken anden grĂžn pest, salafisterne minder hende om. Flere af den slags og skam over GĂžteborg, at ingen mĂždte op og demonstrerede imod dem. MĂ„ske inviterende TUFF fĂ„r inddraget offentlige midler, det mĂ„ man nĂžjes med. (Bericht aus dem Hexenkessel von Frankfurt)

EU som menneskesmugler til lavpris

[…] It isn’t clear whether the following initiative from Brussels was announced before or after the Nicosia meeting [om flygtningekrisen], but there’s no doubt that European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström and the other European commissioners were well aware of the sentiments expressed by the delegates in Cyprus yesterday.

What’s extraordinary about this latest response from the bureaucratic heart of the European Union is that it includes the declared intention of deliberately and pre-emptively importing the North African refugees into Europe.

That is, the Commission intends to surrender to the “Camp of the Saints” invasion before it is fully underway. According to ANSAmed:

EU Proposal: Redistribution of Refugees

(ANSAmed) — Brussels, April 20 — One of the proposals made by the European Commission is to start a programme for the redistribution of Libyan refugees in the camps at the border between Tunisia and Egypt to European countries, to avoid human trafficking.

The EC wants to make this proposal part of the ‘communication on immigration’ drafted by Cecilia Malmstrom, which will be formally approved by the European executive on May 4. After that it will be presented to the European Council and the European Parliament.

Sources in Brussels explain that the redistribution proposal wants to replicate what was done in 2009 and 2010 for around 10,000 Iraqi refugees in Syrian and Jordan, who have been distributed among several European countries, with funds that have been made available by the EU. […]

So, in order to “avoid human trafficking”, the European Commissioners will become human traffickers themselves. And their low, low rates will drive all the other traffickers out of business.

And the model for the “redistribution proposal” is the recent resettlement of 10,000 culture enrichers from Iraq. Notwithstanding the fact that the “success” of the Iraq asylum program is debatable — ordinary Swedes and Finns may have a somewhat different opinion on the matter — the European Commission acknowledges that forty-seven times as many refugees are currently waiting to come to Europe. […] Camp of the Saints: A Strategy for Surrender

Schengen: GrĂŠnser for vanviddet?

The EU’s scheme to abolish national borders and allow free movement of people between member states is under threat as a wave of migrants flees to Europe from strife-torn North Africa.

Five major European countries are bringing back border checks on travellers to try to deter the arrival of thousands of North Africans escaping political upheaval. […]

Checks on documents at borders are being reintroduced by France, the Netherlands and Belgium, which is demanding that Tunisians arriving on Italian temporary permits show they have at least 10,000 euros.

Austria has indicated that it is looking for ways to curb the movement of migrants, and German interior minister Jens Teschke said there would be ‘more intensive observation’ of people arriving at road and rail borders and airports.

The return of inspections of travel documents is a major blow to the Schengen Agreement which allows people to move between 25 EU countries without passports or visas and without being held up by customs or immigration checks at borders. […] End of Europe without borders? Row over African immigrants threatens free travel

Virkelighedsresistensens anatomi

En fantastisk ÞjenÄbnende artikel der sÊtter ord pÄ den frustration vel alle i vores del af blogverdenen og pÄ vores side af kulturklÞften kender: At henvisninger til virkelige tildragelser i virkelighedens verden hos venstreorienterede preller af og afvÊrges med diverse tankemÊssige og retoriske manÞvrer. Ikke bare i den moderne krÊnkelsesjura, men ogsÄ hos venstreflÞjen, er sandfÊrdige udsagn ikke gangbar mÞnt hvis de truer sammenhÊngen i verdensbilledet. En lang og lÊrd artikel, og det anbefales ogsÄ at lÊse kommentarerne i bunden (LFPC).

In the gated community of the leftist thought-world, no suspicious words, abrasive ideas, or events disturbing to its peace of mind and settled convictions are permitted entry. It lives in an encysted, self-referential domain guarded against unwelcome intrusions. Thus, the expression of doubt, uncertainty. or hypothesis is generally lacking in its world-view. Its core propositions are usually context-free or context-impoverished, in the sense that the left tends to deny the existence of pragmatic referents. Meaning is often mediated through a process of referential exclusion, an avoidance or even willed ignorance of the “facts of the matter.” It can look at what is demonstrably happening before its eyes and decide that it is not happening. It will then mobilize language to posit and describe a counterfeit reality, a knock-off world. […] David Solway: The Lingo of the Left

UK: Sejr for kristen elektriker – mĂ„ fortsat vise krucifiks

To pointer: Multikulturens kommissĂŠrer er gerne mere nidkĂŠre end det sydlandske klientel hvis interesser de hĂŠvder at varetage, hvilket Colin Atkinsons stĂžtte fra hinduer, sikher og muslimer jo tydeligt viser. DernĂŠst, nej, der er ingen som helst pointer at udlede om den multikulturelle harmonis bĂŠredygtighed med den rette indstilling. Al erfaring viser at ĂŠndrede magtforhold til gunst for Ă©n bestemt af disse parter vil vise dette i det rette perspektiv – nemlig som en boble i tid og rum. For det langsigtede perspektiv mĂ„ man kigge pĂ„ den demografiske udvikling i f. eks. Tyrkiet, Egypten eller Irak, hvor det store flertal formentlig er ligesĂ„ large og velmenende som Atkinsons stĂžtter, men ikke magter at forrykke skredet vĂŠk fra multikulturen (LFPC).

Christian electrician Colin Atkinson has won his fight to display a cross in his van following a nationwide outcry. The dramatic climbdown by Wakefield District Housing came after senior church figures were joined by Hindu, Muslim and Sikh leaders in condemning his employers.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey had described the 64-year-old grandfather’s plight as ‘scandalous’ and Housing and Planning Minister Grant Shapps said WDH’s action was ‘wrong’. […]

Mr Atkinson faced the sack after he refused to take the small palm cross off the dashboard of his company vehicle. WDH told him it was ‘unacceptable’ to display the 8in symbol of his Christian faith in the van for fear of upsetting ‘diverse’ tenants in the organisation’s 31,000 homes.

However, a Muslim worker is allowed to display a Koranic verse in the car she uses for work and staff are allowed to wear specially made company burkas. […]Hallelujah! An Easter victory as Christian electrician wins battle to display cross in his van

Seneste opdatering: 21/4-11 kl. 1510
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Villawood rooftop protesters’ claims already rejected: minister, AsylsĂžgere sĂŠtter ild til australsk asylcenter

Kvindesyn? Jo tak!

Inden man ryger pĂ„ alt det lyriske vrĂžvl om “islams respekt for kvinden”, skal man undersĂžge det selv. Her er endnu et grumt eksempel pĂ„ mentaliteten:

To prevent the overloaded boats from Tunisia and Libya headed for Lampedusa from capsizing, young males on board have been throwing the women overboard, most of whom apparently drowned.
All exclusively young men, rather poor and rarely speaking, tell the same story. As Tarek, 20, left there twenty days of Kairouan. ”We were packed in 150 in a boat designed for 60, says the boy. During the trip to Lampedusa, twelve girls were thrown into the sea.”
Then I was transferred to Sicily, I escaped and took the train.But now I have no money, so tonight I’m going too the beach. “Most want to go to France, Belgium, the Netherlands or Scandinavia, confirms Gaetano Scullino. Le Figaro via Now we know why we don’t see women among the thousands of Tunisian illegals flooding the Italian Island of Lampedusa

PĂ„sken 2011

Se det Sixtinske Kapel virtuelt uden at tage til Rom og lÊgge  dig pÄ gulvet pÄ ryggen.

GrĂŒnewald og Bach

The final flowering of the Gothic came relatively late, in the work of the German artist, Matthias GrĂŒnewald 1470-1528. He was possibly an exact contemporary of DĂŒrer, but while DĂŒrer was deeply influenced by the Renaissance, GrĂŒnewald ignored it in his choice of subject matter and style. Much of his work has not survived to this day, but even from the small amount that has come down to us, it is possible to see GrĂŒnewald as one of the most powerful of all painters. No other painter has ever so terribly and truthfully exposed the horror of suffering, and yet kept before us, as Bosch does not, the conviction of salvation. His Crucifixion, part of the many-panelled Isenheim Altarpiece, is now kept in Colmar. It was commissioned for the Antoinite monastery at Isenheim and was intended to give support to patients in the monastic hospital. Christ appears hideous, his skin swollen and torn as a result of the flagellation and torture that He endured. This was understandably a powerful image in a hospital that specialized in caring for those suffering from skin complaints. GrĂŒnewald’s dark vision.  (detalje fra Isenheim alteret, helbillede her.)


Langfredag er det ogsÄ vÊrd at minde sig om, at pÄsken oprindeligt var en gammel israelitisk fest fra nomadetiden, hvor man fejrede forÄret og kvÊgets frugtbarhed.

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Seneste opdatering: 2/4-13 kl. 0202
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[…] What is probably the most harrowing of the clips depicts a public beheading. A man with a long knife can be seen alternately sawing and hacking at the neck of a man who has been suspended upside-down. The victim’s inert body is soaked in blood. The beheading takes place in front of a burnt-out building in what appears to be a public square. The Dutch public broadcaster NOS has identified the location as the main square of the rebel capital of Benghazi.

A crowd numbering at least in the hundreds cheers on the assailants. At one point, a man begins chanting “Libya Hurra!”: “Free Libya!” According to the NOS translation, someone can be heard saying, “He looks like an African.” As the principal assailant begins to saw at the victim’s neck, members of the crowd yell “Allahu Akbar!” Dozens of members of the crowd can be seen filming the proceedings with digital cameras or cell phones.[…] Mounting Evidence of Rebel Atrocities in Libya (TUNISIA: COUNTRY FEARS SPREAD OF FUNDAMENTALISM.)

Flere forbrydelser her (advarsel!) Video: Libya Rebels Execute, Behead, Mutilate Gaddafi Army who Surrender! Where is CNN now?Obama sender flere penge. Og Danmark? (LFPC):

Obama plans to provide Libya’s rebels with up to $25 million’s worth of aid, but not weapons. The U.S. President plans to provide the Libyan rebels in Benghazi with up to $25 million in urgent aid, explicitly excluding weapons. […] Obama To Give Libyan Rebels $25 Mln In Aid, But No Weapons

Flere forÄrskÄde drenge i GÞteborg

For kun 14 dage siden. I gÄr og i aftes. Det er blevet opholdsvejr for pyromaner og lommeterrorister, ligesom sidste Är og forrige Är.

BilbrĂ€nder, stenkastning och krossade rutor pĂ„ spĂ„rvagnar. Exakt 24 timmar efter gĂ„rdagens brĂ€nder fortsatte larmen att lösa av varandra i VĂ€stra Frölunda. Och de har kastat sten pĂ„ ambulanserna och Ă€ven mot rĂ€ddningstjĂ€nsten, sĂ€ger operatören pĂ„ rĂ€ddningstjĂ€nstens ledningsccentralen. En polisbil fick mindre bucklor sedan den trĂ€ffats av stenar. FrĂ„n GrevegĂ„rdsvĂ€gen spreds brĂ€nderna vidare till Briljantgatan dĂ€r en bil sattes i brand. Ett försök att sĂ€tta eld pĂ„ VĂ€ttnedalsskolan var ocksĂ„ nĂ€ra att lyckas. För att försvĂ„ra för brandmĂ€nnen att ta sig fram till skolan hade man byggt barrikader och lagt bildĂ€ck och brĂ„te pĂ„ vĂ€gen. Även ett försök att tĂ€nda eld pĂ„ förskolan bredvid misslyckades. Nya brĂ€nder i Frölunda, Frölunda brinner.Ännu en stökig natt i Frölunda.

Afghanistan: Kasserede Koraner brugt til toiletpapir – de indfĂždte gĂ„r amok

Valget mellem at opfÞre sig modent og voksent og bruge krÊfterne pÄ at opbygge velfungerende samfund, eller at gÄ amok over rygter som dette, er let. Problemet er selvfÞlgelig at man dernede vÊlger efter andre kriterier. Via Jihad Watch (LFPC).

Three people have been arrested as officials probe claims that a paper mill in Afghanistan recycled copies of the Holy Qur’an into toilet paper, the attorney general’s office said yesterday. Around 1,000 angry demonstrators, some throwing stones, held a protest on Monday at the mill on the outskirts of Kabul, leaving the building partially destroyed. Copies of the Qur’an were found inside the factory, Kabul police spokesman Hashmat Stanikzai said, adding that no-one was injured in the protest. […] Three Afghans held for disrespecting Qur’an

“Burde norske jĂžder emigrere til Israel?”

Interview med Bruce Bawer i anledningen af tre norske universiteters nylige afvisning af en forelÊsning af Harvardprofessoren Alan Dershowitz. Og om hvordan norske intellektuelle pÄ én gang fejrer Holocaust-dag og hader Israel og om deres alliance med islam og deres fÊlles fjender:

What is contemporary Norwegian anti- Semitism? What is propagating post-Holocaust hatred of Israel and Jews in Norway?

They’re overwhelmingly on the left, and intensely hostile to the West, to capitalism, to the US and to Israel. Before the fall of the USSR, an extraordinary percentage of them were Communists. They have replaced their affinity to the Soviet Union with sympathy for the great totalitarian ideology of our time: Islamism. Thus they romanticize Palestinians and despise Israel.Part of the motivation for this anti-Semitism is the influx into Norway in recent decades of masses of Muslims from Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia and elsewhere. Multiculturalism has taught Norway’s cultural elite to take an uncritical, even obsequious, posture toward every aspect of Muslim culture and belief. When Muslim leaders rant against Israel and the Jews, the reflexive response of the multiculturalist elite is to join them in their rantings. This is called solidarity.Norwegian history also plays a role in all this. Anti-Semitism has a long, deeply-rooted history here. This was never a cosmopolitan country – no nation in Europe was less ethnically or religiously diverse. […]

How dangerous is political and radical Islam in Norway?

Terrifyingly dangerous. And what makes it dangerous is the eagerness of the cultural elite to whitewash it. Islamists are welcomed into the elite. In recent years, one high-profile Islamist has been given a coveted position as a columnist for the country’s newspaper of record, while another has become a leading member of one of the political parties, and has established himself as a powerful figure in Norwegian society.Early last year, in the same Oslo Square where Quisling and his henchman once held rallies, scores of radical Muslims gathered to hear a Nazi-like message of hate against Jews, gays, secular democracy, America, the West, Israel. The speeches were chilling. Yet the men who gave those speeches continue to be treated with respect by Norwegian authorities.

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Seneste opdatering: 20/4-11 kl. 0051
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Den allerfÞrste tanke var, at det mÄske var kristnes tur til at vÊre fornÊrmede, men det holder selvfÞlgelig ikke lÊnge. Kun Talebaner og billedstormere gÄr til angreb pÄ kunstvÊrker. Jeg troede der var X-antal eksemplarer, men det ser ud til at vÊre et unika-tryk. French museum reopens after Piss Christ hammer attack .

Vi hĂžjreekstremister imellem

Den inom högerextrema kretsar ofta citerade skribenten bakom pseudonymen Julia Caesar gĂ„r sĂ„ lĂ„ngt som att beskriva mordet som “politiskt”. Detta i en krönika pĂ„ den högerextrema bloggen Snapphanen. Skribenten vill göra gĂ€llande att den 27-Ă„riga kvinnan mördades för att hon var svensk. KammarĂ„klagare Stina Lundqvist Ă€r den som drivit Ă„talet mot den misstĂ€nkte gĂ€rningsmannen. Hon sĂ€ger att hon inte förstĂ„r hur mordet skulle kunna vara politiskt. Expo: Mord anvĂ€nds som högerextrem propaganda

Nej, Elin KrantzÂŽ morder gik nok ikke rundt med en politisk dagsorden i hovedet, det har Expo helt ret i. Man ser pĂ„ deres side, at Cameron, Merkel og Sarkozy ogsĂ„ er nĂŠr kryptonazister, sĂ„ genkender man svensk radikalvĂ€nster pĂ„ travet. De kalder sig demokrater, men demokrater render ikke rundt og lukker vigtige samfundsdiskussioner med skĂŠldsord. EXPO har hidtil haft en ren promenadesejr for sĂ„ absurde synspunkter, som at islam- og indvandringskritik er “anti-demokratisk.” Det kommer til at ĂŠndre sig. Kurt Lundgren kortlagde dem glimrende, og det tĂ„ler de ikke rigtig. EXPO : liknar en fascistorganisation, Nu granskar Expo riksdagsmĂ€nnens telefonlistor,Folk Ă€r livrĂ€dda för Expo – fruktar brĂ€nder. NĂ„r man har lĂŠst det, kan man spĂžrge sig hvad en sĂ„kaldt borgerlig regering i Sverige har ud af at fortsĂŠtte medvirke til at holde liv i propagandaforetagende som Expo, der vĂŠrdipolitisk ligger til venstre for danske Enhedslisten. Vi gĂ„r ud fra statsfinansiering, men de er hemmelighedsfulde hvad angĂ„r pengene. GĂŠt modtages.

Jag Ă€r ocksĂ„ trött pĂ„ Expopoohlarna; det enda som Ă„terstĂ„r Ă€r att redovisa hur stora statsbidrag de sjĂ€lvutvalda, humorlösa, hotande, goddagspiltarna suger i sig.- kort sagt vem finansierar dem, vems intressen tjĂ€nar Expo, ty egenintresset ljuger aldrig – nĂ„n gör sĂ€kert pengar pĂ„ det hĂ€r – vem? Vi lĂ€mnar nu detta detta pack för ett tag. Envar av oss, jude eller grek, homo eller hetero, vit eller svart, lĂ„ng eller kort, bör kunna stĂ€lla sig i en korvkö pĂ„ kvĂ€llen utan att bli nerslagen. Nu Ă€r ni vĂ€l trötta pĂ„ Expo?

MalmÞ-modellen pÄ sidste vers?

Det skal vĂŠre lettere at smide romaer ud og svĂŠrere at udnytte smuthuller i reglerne om at tage ĂŠgtefĂŠller fra tredjelande med sig hjem. SĂ„dan ser hovedlinjerne ud i et nyt hollandsk udspil, som flere europĂŠiske lande – ogsĂ„ Danmark – vil bruge til at ĂŠndre et omdiskuteret EU-regelsĂŠt, der i dag hĂŠmmer landene i at fĂžre den udlĂŠndingepolitik, de har lyst til. Det hollandske udspil sigter mod at ĂŠndre EU’s sĂ„kaldte opholdsdirektiv og give landene mulighed for at udvise andre EU-borgere for selv helt smĂ„ kriminelle forhold.

Samtidig skal udspillet lukke ned for den situation, hvor en dansk statsborger omgĂ„r de danske regler for familiesammenfĂžring ved at tage til Sverige, gifte sig med en person fra et tredjeland for derefter at tage vedkommende med til Danmark – med henvisning til opholdsdirektivet .Ud over Danmark, oplyser det hollandske integrationsministerium, bakker ogsĂ„ EU-lande som Tyskland, Frankrig og Storbritannien op.StĂŠrke lande: EuropĂŠiske asylregler er for slappe EuropĂŠisk oprĂžr mod asylregler pĂ„ vej.

Public service og den politiske omsorg

Det er hĂ„rdt at vĂŠre indlagt til svensk public service i disse dage, dens latente instinkt for politisk propaganda har fĂ„et en ekstra gang med skruen. Der er stor nervĂžsitet i de medie-politiske cirkler over Finland, altsĂ„ i virkeligheden ved muligheden for, at det svenske folk de sĂ„dan foragter, vil stemme lige sĂ„ forkert i 2014. Finland fĂ„r derfor unisone tĂŠsk. IgĂ„r havde SVT Rapport en reportage fra Helsinki , hvor det lige akkurat var lykkedes dem at finde to finner pĂ„ gaden til en vox-pox, der sagde det SVT gerne ville hĂžre. “Vi bliver et lukket, frĂ€mligsfientligt land.” Finske politikere tager det modsat helt roligt. (Og den skrevne presse: Populism sĂ„ in i Norden, Soini rider pĂ„ Nordens tredje vĂ„g av populism, “Finland har fĂ„tt en manlig Pia KjĂ€rsgaard”.)
Og P 1 har gentaget denne reportage flere gange, hvor Alice Petren ransager sit faglige selv for, om hun mon er med til at understĂžtte “hĂžjreekstreme, fremmedefjendtlige, racistiske krĂŠfter” med sin rapportering om Lampedusa. Ro pĂ„, fjendtligheden retter sig udelukkende mod svensk public service. Reportagen indeholder pĂ„ fĂ„ minutter adskillige urigtige pĂ„stande og fortielser. Der er ikke kommet “20.000 arbejdssĂžgende unge mĂŠnd” til Italien. Antallet er nu pr. den 19.4 lige under 30.000. I kĂž i Libyen venter lidt over en mio., SR nĂŠvner dem ikke med et ord.


“There are 520,000 Libyans on the border with Tunisia because of the war. And there are 720,000 on the border with Egypt. Do you think only one European country can resolve these kind of immigration problems?” (euronews)

760 nye “arbejdssĂžgende” ankom alene i dag. Ej heller at Frankrig har lov til at nĂŠgte turist-visa flygtninge indrejse ifĂžlge Schengen. NĂŠh, Sarkozy er bange for “racisten Marine Le Pen.” Og fortsĂŠt selv. Alice Petren er ikke rapporterende journalist, hun er aktiv part i den fransk-italienske strid. Det utĂŠnkelige er sket, jeg savner DR. GĂ„ ikke glip af PetrĂ©n, den bekymrede, retledende mor du mistede da du blev voksen, men sĂ„ har hun ogsĂ„ “varit programledare för mĂ„ngkulturella Mosaik i Sveriges Television samt arbetat som FN-tjĂ€nsteman pĂ„ WHO.” Seks et halvt minuts skattebetalt Ă„rgangspropaganda med den virkelig brede pensel. :

“Jeg orker ikke Ă„ grĂ„te foran andre”

Her om dagen skulle jeg i en Bar Mitzva (kan sammenlignes med en kristen konfirmasjon), og slektninger fra flere land kom for Ä feire. Min farmors sÞsken var for svake til Ä gÄ til synagogen. De gikk bort til en taxi, og sjÄfÞren spurte hvor de skulle. Mannen hadde bakgrunn fra MidtÞsten, og ville ikke kjÞre dem til synagogen. De ble forfjamset, men gikk til neste taxi. Det samme skjedde. Dette er helt utrolig! Lite visste hun hvor mye jÞdehatet i Norge har utviklet seg. JÞde som skjellsord, Oslo taxis refuse to drive to the Synagogue