Seneste opdatering: 11/6-12 kl. 1334
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Man skal huske, at Rochdale i Manchester er stedet for de to sidste, muslimske pædofilsager, selvom der har været mange andre og problemet har været velkendt siden 1991. Det er været fejet ind under gulvtæppet af fejge politikere og politi-ledelser, og nu går det ikke meget længere. Emnet er dynamit, som man også kan høre på Robinsons brandtale. Alle mener noget om Tommy Robinson, men de burde først og fremmest mene noget om dem, der skabte ham: Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown og David Cameron, for det var bare et spørgsmål om tid, inden han ville dukke op, og han forsvinder ikke. Bliver han dræbt – og den risiko er påtagelig – dukker der en anden Tommy Robinson op. Mén noget om det. Man kan ikke have lungebetændelse uden at have feber. Tommy Robinson er feberen, ikke betændelsen.(Rochdale grooming trial: police knew about sex abuse in 2002 but failed to act)

EDL-leder Tommy Robinson: ”Man kan ikke blive ved med at flygte”

De er desperate og føler, at de er blevet ofret på multikulturens alter. Sappho har mødt lederen af English Defence League, der nu går ind i politik.

Min første interviewaftale med English Defence League (EDL) går i vasken.Organisationens leder, Tommy Robinson, skulle ringe tilbage, men gør det ikke. Kort tid efter tikker en mail ind:

”Tommy har haft problemer på det sidste. Se vedhæftede”.

Billederne viser Tommy Robinsons ansigt, som det så ud ved juletid. Blåt, hævet og forslået. Interview af Sapphos udsendte

Guillaume Faye og de syv sammenfaldende katastrofer

Recently, reading Guillaume Faye’s book “Why We Fight”, I found what he had to say on the topic of “Convergence of Catatrophes” interesting, particularly as he wrote it in 2001.

The converging lines of civilisational rupture that in the course of the Twenty-first century will consume the ‘modern world’ in a great planetary chaos. For the first time in history, humanity as a whole is threatened by a convergence of catastrophes. A series of ‘dramatic lines’ are coming together and converging, like merging river streams, in a perfect concomitance of ruptures and chaotic upheavals (between 2010 and ’20). From this chaos — which will be extremely painful at the planetary level — there will emerge the possibility of a new post-catastrophic world order — the painful birth of a new civilisation. Briefly summarised, here are the principal lines-of-catastrophe:

The first of these is the cancerisation of Europe’s social fabric. The colonisation of the Northern Hemisphere by peoples of the South — which is becoming more and more imposing despite the media’s reassuring affirmations — is creating an extremely explosive situation; the failure of multi-racial society, which is already increasingly multi-racist and neo-tribal; the progressive ethno-anthropological metamorphosis of our Continent, a veritable historic cataclysm; the return of poverty to the West and the East; the slow, but steady progression of criminality and drug use; the continued fragmentation of the family; the decay of the educational system and especially the quality of instruction; breakdowns in the transmission of cultural knowledge and social disciplines (barbarism and failing competence); and the disappearance of popular culture for the sake of that mass cretinisation which comes with ‘spectacular’ culture. All this suggests that European nations are headed toward a New Middle Ages.

Factors of social rupture in Europe will be aggravated by an economic-demographic crisis that will culminate in mass poverty. Beginning in 2010, the number of active workers will no longer be sufficient to finance the baby-boomers’ retirement. Europe will teeter from the weight of its senior citizens. Her ageing population will then experience an economic slowdown, handicapped by the need to finance the health needs and pension requirements of her unproductive citizens; such an ageing population, moreover, will dry up techno-economic dynamism. Add to this the Third-Worldisation of the economy that comes with the uncontrolled mass immigration of unskilled populations.

A third dramatic line of the modernist catastrophe: chaos in the Global South. In pursuing an industrialisation that comes at the cost of their traditional culture, the countries of the South, despite their deceptive and fragile growth, are creating social chaos that will only get worse.

The fourth dramatic line of catastrophe, recently explained by Jacques Attali, is the threat of a world financial crisis, which promises to be qualitatively more serious than that of the 1930s, bringing another Depression. Stock market and currency collapses, like the East Asian recession of the late 1990s, are signs of what’s coming.

The fifth line of convergence: the rise of fanatical, fundamentalist religions, especially Islam. The upsurge of radical Islam is a repercussion of modernity’s excessive cosmopolitanism, which has imposed on the whole world its model of atheistic individualism, its cult of merchandise, its despiritualisation of values, and its dictatorship of the spectacle. Against this aggression, Islam has been radicalised, as it returns to its tradition of conquest and domination.

The sixth line of catastrophe: a North-South confrontation, highlighting ethnic-theological differences. With increased probability, this confrontation will replace the former East-West conflict. We don’t know the exact form this confrontation will take, but it will be very serious, given that its stakes are much higher than the former, rather artificial conflict between U.S. capitalism and Soviet Communism.

The seventh line of catastrophe: the uncontrollable pollution of the planet, which threatens less the planet (which has another four billion years before it) than the physical survival of humanity. Environmental collapse is the fruit of the liberal-egalitarian (as well as the Soviet) myth of universal economic development.

To this should probably be added: the likely implosion of the European Union, which is becoming more and more ungovernable; nuclear proliferation in the Third World; and the probability of ethnic civil war in Europe.

The convergence of these factors on our extremely fragile global civilisation suggests that the Twenty-first century will not witness a progressive extension of today’s world, but rather the insurgence of another. We need to prepare for these tragic changes, lucidly

Source: “Why We Fight” by Guillaume Faye

New English Review – Guillaume Faye On A “Convergence Of Catastrophes”.

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11 years ago

EDL Det slog mig att den kvinnliga rösträttsrörelsen, de s.k. suffragetterna, som fanns i England i början på 1900-talet, också ville hänvisa till alla de misslyckade exemplar av ”det manliga släktet”, alltså på misslyckade och misshandlande fäder, samt misshandlande äkta män, åberopade som bevis för att suffragetternas krav på kvinnlig rösträtt, samt kvinnligt självbestämmande, var befogade. Att det sedan kanske fanns ca 60%- 80% eller 90% av männen som var dugliga äkta makar och dugliga fäder, och bland dessa också många mycket dugliga, omtänksamma och ansvarsfulla både fäder och äkta män, det behövdes kanske inte anföras så mycket i just… Read more »

Ole Burde
Ole Burde
11 years ago

Hr Snusk Set fra mit synspunkt overser du Tommys funktion som rolle model . Han er i sin dybeste natur kriger afden slags som kun kommer frem i folkets bevidsthed i extreme nødsituationer , hvor folkets existens er truet for alvor , og hvor ingen anden “type ” af ledere har kunnet styre folket udenom katastrofen . Kald ham evolutionens plan B… I det øjeblik han står frem i lyset bliver han automatisk en rollemodel som en bestemt slags mænd er tvunget til at forholde sig til : han er den ægte vare , frygtløs og ukuelig ,” no surrender”… Read more »

Pissenisse i Hökarängen
Pissenisse i Hökarängen
11 years ago
Reply to  Ole Burde

Bra fångat, det är precis samma som jag ser. En working class Winston Churchill. We shall never surrender..

Ole Burde
Ole Burde
11 years ago

Hvis jeg idag havde været 18 år gammel , var jeg rejst til England for BETINGELSESLØST at slutte mig til Tommy Robinson . Måske kunne han have brug for en livvagt mer , eller måske noget helt andet .
Det er langtfra umuligt at Europas fremtid står eller falder med Tommy Robinson .

Hr. Snusk
Hr. Snusk
11 years ago
Reply to  Ole Burde

Jeg tror, at han kun er begyndelsen, for han er for rå til at appellere til Hr. og Fru Danmark-typer og tilsvarende i de andre europæiske lande. Men opmærksomhed omkring EDL kan skærpe befolkningernes bevidsthed om indvandringsproblemerne og dermed bane vejen for politiske partier med et pænere ansigt. Se f.eks. på den fremgang som franske Front Nationale har haft siden Jean-Marie overlod formandsposten til sin datter. Og ved seneste valg var det FN, der havde den relativt største andel af de unge vælgeres stemmer – fremtidens stemmer.

Hr. Snusk
Hr. Snusk
11 years ago

Ja, Tommy Robinson, vi ER i krig.

11 years ago

Okay, jeg står korrekset. Men bare fordi et ord findes i ODS, betyder ikke at det ikke er en swedisme. Ingen andre end du bruger det.

Hr. Snusk
Hr. Snusk
11 years ago
Reply to  Erling

En meget trendy swedisme, der irriterer mig er “at få et opdrag”. Politikere, erhvervsfolk og journalister er ovenud begejstrede for det …

11 years ago


‘Anseelig’, måske?

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