Seneste opdatering: 4/8-12 kl. 2358
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Members of Ukrainian female protest group Femen demonstrate in London to draw attention to what they call “bloody Islamist regimes” taking part in the Olympics. – I dag er der jo Counter Jihad demonstration i Stockholm – “Islamhatet tĂ„gar in – i Stockholm.” Svenske medier har kĂžrt en mĂ„lrettet modkampagne de sidste 5 dage med venstreradikale EXPO som ekspertvidner. Ret sigende at de har fundet sĂ„ stort et skyts nĂždvendigt. FĂžr internet ville de bare have tiet det ihjel. SĂ„ledes ogsĂ„ Sveriges Statsradio i dag med denne patetiske reportage, hvor EXPO endnu engang udbreder sig om noget, de egentlig ikke ved ret meget om. Men hvad, de fĂ„r jo penge og medietid for det, og ingen krĂŠver at hverken de eller SR er bare nogenlunde sandfĂŠrdige. Jeg kunne fylde nogle af deres huller ud hvis jeg ville, men det ville bare genere deres trygge slummer og desuden snakker jeg ikke over mig til Stasier.

Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian

Det er ikke mange 95-Ă„rige, der udgiver bĂžger. Jeg har plukket fra tre forskellige anmeldelser af Bernard Lewis’ nye bog:

Bernard Lewis’ new book, Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian, written at the age of 95, is essentially his autobiography. Since he is, above all, a scholar, much of his life has been thinking and writing.

In any case, as Lewis states, this clash is being resumed today because of a reanimated Islam. Lewis was one of the first to point to the pronounced “surge in religious passion” back in the 1970s. “Muslim fundamentalists,” he notes, “are not worried about liberal theology, because there isn’t any, and they are not worried about criticism of the Koran, because that has not been an issue.” What they want is to restore Sharia and to expunge their lands of Western influences. The lead organization in this resurgence is the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 in reaction to the abolition of the caliphate by AtatĂŒrk in 1924. Lewis has been one of the strongest voices warning about the consequences of the Muslim Brotherhood’s ascendancy in the current struggles in the Middle East. Unfortunately, since this book’s publication, they have come even closer to success, a prospect that leaves the current U.S. State Department apparently unconcerned. (Incidentally, President Barack Obama goes unmentioned in this book, which is perhaps another reason to read it.)

The book contains several delicious quotations from world leaders. In the early 1970s, Lewis visited with the then Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew, who spoke to Lewis about the problem of the Muslim minority population. He said, “we do everything we can to help them. We give them preferential treatment
 now, despite everything we do to help them, they keep sinking to the bottom of the pile. I have two questions for you, why are they like that, and what can we do about it?” Lewis modestly claims that his answer was inadequate, though I wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall to hear it.

I was fascinated by Lewis’s account of slavery in the Muslim world, a subject he argues that is also unmentioned, out of fear of giving offence. He observes that the study of slavery in the Greek and Roman worlds and the Americas amounts to thousands of titles, while in the Muslim world, ‘despite slavery’s importance in virtually every area and period,’ the list might take up a mere couple of pages. The subject is so sensitive that ‘it is difficult, and sometimes professionally hazardous for a young scholar to turn his attention in this direction.’

A Turkish general told Lewis, “The real problem with having the Americans as your allies is you never know when they will turn around and stab themselves in the back.”

Lewis recalls a Jewish guest at one of Pope John Paul II’s dinner parties asking the pontiff what his attitude was to Jews and Judaism. “His reply was truly memorable, ‘As to an elder brother.’ The profundity of this remark grows on you.” The profundity of Lewis’s own thinking has a similar effect.

New English Review, Jewish Chronicle, Spectator.

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Ulla Lauridsen
11 years ago

Haps. DĂ©n tager vi. Lidt har ogsĂ„ ret. Ændringen er en fĂžlge af et langvarigt, internt pres i LA, og det er jo skĂžnt. Men det er jo ogsĂ„ helt naturligt og harmlĂžst at gĂ„ efter kriminelle. LA er stadig langt fra at tage et opgĂžr med ondets rod, islam:


11 years ago

Det vidriga Expo med sina kommunistkrÀk lever bland annat av att pengar flyttas frÄn AllmÀnna Arvsfonden
som förvaltar jordiska Àgodelar frÄn avlidna mÀnniskor utan slÀktingar, hade dessa mÀnniskor vetat om att
pengarna gÄr till en djupt odemokratisk organissation, sÄ hade dom nog testamenterat sina Àgodelar till ex
hjÀlp organisationer., detta var en gÄng syftet med fonden. Ur denna fond rinner det idag ocksÄ ut feta bidrag till
Arabiska föreningar. SÅ SJUKT ÄR SVERIGE!

Keld Anthony
Keld Anthony
11 years ago

Oh my God, I thought that the whole world had closed its eyes in cause of “correctness”, but now I
see that beautiful girls also have opened their eyes to see the islamic danger.
Then there is hope for the future
Keld Anthony

11 years ago

FEMENs britiske medlem (min 1: 28) : “…the kind of feminism I was looking for!”

OgsÄ jeg!


(Med spÞgen skubbet hÄrdt og brutalt til side, sÄ er det er vÊrd at bemÊrke at det er pÄ hÞje tid at vestlige feminister opsiger multikuturens totalt misforstÄede og farlige accept af den tredjeverdens varierede former for overtro, kÞnslemlÊstelse iblandt dem, samt islams voldelige og dybt kvindefjendske teokratiske verdensmission)

11 years ago
Reply to  Prudentius

Der er der ogsÄ nogle vestlige feminister som har gjort det.

Brigitte Bardot er nok den mest kendte af slagsen. De bliver hurtig stemplet som “racister”!

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