Seneste opdatering: 12/10-12 kl. 1414
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“We have muslim children born every day, so of course, islam is growing in Europe. We are going to take over anyway”

In March 2012, as reported here at the time, a film crew for the Christian Action Network visited London and other European cities to take footage for a documentary about the Islamization of Europe. While in London they interviewed four anti-sharia activists: Tommy Robinson, Paul Weston, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, and an English patriot who writes under the pseudonym Seneca III. CAN has kindly made some of their video files available to us. The following video is the first of a series excerpted from those London interviews, interspersed with apposite clips from interviews with Anjem Choudary and Abu Imran of Sharia4Belgium. “No One Was Asked”

The Islamic Republic of Catalonia
Af SĂžren Kern

A successful push for independence in the Spanish autonomous region of Catalonia would lead to the establishment of a country with the third-largest percentage of Muslims in Western Europe, just behind France and Belgium, and far ahead of Britain and Germany. An independent Catalonia, with its capital in Barcelona, would also be home to the largest concentration of radical Islamists in Europe; it would emerge as ground-zero for Salafi-Jihadism on the continent and become one of the top incubators for Islamist terrorism in the West.

Catalonia has 7.5 million inhabitants, including an estimated 450,000 Muslims, who account for 6% of the total Catalan population. In some Catalan towns and cities, the Muslim population now reaches up to 40% of the population. As a result of mass immigration from Muslim countries, which began in the 1980s, Catalonia has emerged as “a major Mediterranean center for radical Islamists,” and the United States has even proposed setting up an intelligence hub at the U.S. Consulate in Barcelona to counter the growing threat, according to American diplomatic cables that were obtained by Wikileaks and published by the Madrid-based El PaĂ­s newspaper.

Mediterranean center for radical Islamists,” and the United States has even proposed setting up an intelligence hub at the U.S. Consulate in Barcelona to counter the growing threat, according to American diplomatic cables that were obtained by Wikileaks and published by the Madrid-based El PaĂ­s newspaper. A five-page cable, dated October 2, 2007, for example, describes the link between mass immigration to Catalonia and the rise of radical Islamism in the region.

The document, which is classified “secret” and apparently authored by then-Ambassador Eduardo Aguirre, states: “Heavy immigration — both legal and illegal — from North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria) and Southeast Asia (Pakistan and Bangladesh) has made Catalonia a magnet for terrorist recruiters. 
 The Spanish National Police estimates that there may be upwards of 60,000 Pakistanis living in Barcelona and the surrounding area; the vast majority are male, unmarried or unaccompanied, and without legal documentation. There are even more such immigrants from North Africa. 
 They live on the edges of Spanish society, they do not speak the language, they are often unemployed, and they have very few places to practice their religion with dignity. 
 Individually, these circumstances would provide fertile ground for terrorist recruitment; taken together, the threat is clear.”

The cable also states: “There is little doubt that the autonomous region of Catalonia has become a prime base of operations for terrorist activity. Spanish authorities tell us they fear the threat from these atomized immigrant communities prone to radicalism, but they have very little intelligence on or ability to penetrate these groups.” According to Spain’s National Intelligence Center (CNI), Catalonia is home to hundreds and possibly thousands of Salafi Islamists, who CNI says, pose the greatest threat to Spain’s security.

Salafi preachers in Catalonia teach that Islamic Sharia law is above Spanish civil law. They also promote the establishment of a parallel Muslim society in Catalonia. Salafi imams have set up Sharia tribunals to judge the conduct of both practicing and non-practicing Muslims in the region, and to punish those who fail to comply.

In Lleida, where Muslims now make up around 20% of the city’s total population, local residents have accused Muslim immigrants of poisoning dozens of dogs in the city because according to Islamic teaching dogs are “unclean” animals. In Reus, nine Islamists kidnapped a woman, tried her for adultery based on Sharia law, and condemned her to death. The woman, by fleeing to a local police station, just barely managed to escape being executed.

In Tarragona, an imam forced a 31-year-old Moroccan woman to wear a hijab Islamic head covering. The imam also threatened to burn down the woman’s house: according to him, as she works outside of the home, drives an automobile and has non-Muslim friends, she is an “infidel.” The local prosecutor had asked the judge to jail the imam and three others for five years for harassment; but the imam was cleared of all charges after the Socialist mayor of the town said she wanted to prevent “a social conflict.”

In Terrassa, an industrial city north of Barcelona, an imam from Morocco who preaches at a large mosque in the city center promoted violence against women by instructing his listeners to “hit women with the use of a stick, the fist or the hand so that no bones are broken and no blood is drawn.” When questioned by police, he refused to provide evidence; he said he does not recognize the legitimacy of the Spanish state.

In Gerona, an eight-year-old Moroccan girl was suspended from a public school for refusing to remove her hijab in class. The Catalan government intervened by ordering the school to allow the girl to wear the hijab on grounds that it would be discrimination not to do so. In Barcelona, a Moroccan imam said it is absolutely necessary to accept Islamic values as European values and that from now on, when describing Western Civilization, Europeans should replace the term “Judeo-Christian” with term “Islamo-Christian.” SĂžren Kern: The Islamic Republic of Catalonia

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11 years ago

Jo, men för att sprida och etablera islam, Ă€r de beredda att betala vad det kostar för att fĂ„ makt, genom “tyst” ockupation, lugnt och stilla sĂ„ att det knappt mĂ€rks, förrĂ€n det Ă€r försent.

11 years ago

EU Àr snart = Kalifatet.

11 years ago

EU Àr köpta av Saudi-Arabien. Det Àr sÄ man tÀnker.

NÀr vi inte kan försörja oss sjÀlva i Europa, tar Kalifatet och OljestatsmiljardÀrerna över.

Och EU-politikerna rÀknar med en fin position i dess maktstruktur.

11 years ago
Reply to  Johan

Du mÄ sÄ ogsÄ huske pÄ at Saudi rabien og de fleste muslimske lande ikke er i stand til at brÞdfÞde sig selv, stort set det meste af fÞdevare skal importeres eller gives som nÞdhjÊlp.

11 years ago

Problemet efter den förvĂ€ntade “takeover” Ă€r i al enkelhet: Vem skal dĂ„ skapa realvĂ€rde genom arbete att brödföda alla inaktiva rĂ€ttroande?

Kalevi Helvetin
11 years ago

Man kan frĂ„ga sig vad poĂ€ngen Ă€r med att förslumma hela vĂ€stvĂ€rlden och “ta över” som den utger sig för att vilja göra. FrĂ„gan Ă€r vad de skall leva pĂ„ nĂ€r underlaget för skatter försvinner, hela lĂ€nder kan ju inte livnĂ€ra sig pĂ„ socialbidrag om ingen arbetar och betalar skatt. Har de överhuvudtaget tĂ€nk pĂ„ det? Blir det inte bĂ€ttre om de stannar i sina redan totalt nerkörda lĂ€nder och frossar i burkor, halalslakt och steningar?

11 years ago

Oj Kalevi, sĂ„g inte din inlaga innan jag skrev min, vi ser Ă„t samma hĂ„ll och det glĂ€djar mig, trevlig helg 🙂

11 years ago

Varför vill man nÄgot överhuvudtaget i denna fördömda vÀrld kan man frÄga sig.

Symptomatiskt att EU fick fredspriset idag.

Detta Àr beviset för vilken förtryckarsammansvÀrjning EU i sanning Àr. Pax PK m a o.

11 years ago

Vil lige gĂžre reklame for en serie bryllupsbilleder fra Langtbortistan i daily mail.


11 years ago

Multikulturen beskrives vel efterhĂ„nden bedst som et “anarcho-tyrani”. Anarcho i den forstand at de herskende magteliter nĂŠgter at forsvare de eksisterende nationalstater imod masseindvandring og den deraffĂžlgende fordrivelse af de indfĂždte befolkninger. En fordrivelse og kolonisering der har uendeligt destruktive fĂžlger for samfundenes sikkerhed, Ăžkonomi, tillid og i sidste ende levedygtighed. Tyrani i den forstand at den multikulturelle imperium EU, gĂžr sit bedste for at fremskynde denne proces og tilmed lĂŠgger sig i selen for at stigmatisere og udgrĂŠnse de medlemmer af de indfĂždte befolkninger, der offentligt modsĂŠtter sig ĂždelĂŠggelsen af deres nationer og samfund. De indfĂždte er at betragte… Read more »

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