Seneste opdatering: 16/2-13 kl. 2235
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Bringing huge numbers of Muslim Somalis into the United States and depositing them in places like Minnesota may rank as the one of the worst policies of the last three years and the growing violence is only the tip of the iceberg. A sensible rule of thumb on immigration policy should be that if a country is a fundamentally violent and broken place, then importing large numbers of its inhabitants will only spread that violence to the United States.

“I know it’s a pride thing between Muslims and black people,” she said. “They want their pride back for something. I don’t know.”She also said “boys were hitting girls” and that some people were lying on the floor, with their hands over their heads, in surrender. The fight, students say, was the result of long-simmering tensions between the 8 percent of students who are Somali Americans and the 20 percent who are African Americans. Muslim Somalis Attack African-American Students in Minnesota High School, Food fight erupts into melee at Minneapolis South High School, Community Aim To Quell South High Racial Issues.

Indvandring eller velfĂŠrd

Utfordringen med innvandringen til Norge er at den ikke er bÊrekraftig. Vi kan ikke bÄde fortsette innvandringen og viderefÞre en raus velferdsstat, skriver Hege Storhaug og Rita Karlsen. Utfordringen med innvandringen er at den ikke er bÊrekraftig. Til tross for at det faktisk er arbeidsinnvandringen som de siste Ärene virkelig har skutt fart, er det likevel for enkelt Ä havne over pÄ trygd. JamfÞr for eksempel at det siste Äret har arbeidsledigheten blant rumenere og latviere Þkt betydelig.

En sĂ„ betydelig svekkelse av velferdsstatens Ăžkonomiske fundament som skissert her vil selvsagt fĂ„ store konsekvenser for velferdsstatens fremtid og finansiering av trygde- og pensjonsordninger. Og da er heller ikke statens Ăžkte utgifter til infrastruktur (for eksempel boliger, veier, skoler, barnehager) medregnet. Å lykkes bĂ„de med dagens innvandring de kommende tiĂ„rene og samtidig klare Ă„ viderefĂžre en raus velferdsstat som i dag, er altsĂ„ ikke en realistisk mĂ„lsetting.Grunnlaget for velferden

Multiculturalism has created separate societies within the same territory

Stjernfeldt og Eriksen:

The battle over symbols in Europe has intensified in recent years. Ethnically distinct groups increasingly make demands that they be able to practice their own customs and receive special dispensations for particular religious practices. Muslim organizations in Norway have gone so far as to demand special police uniforms for female officers; special opening hours for public swimming pools dedicated exclusively to Muslim women; special hours in fitness centers; special bathing curtains for Muslim boys to protect them from being exposed to other children; special diets in schools; special prayer rooms in airports; and interpretation facilities in all public institutions for those who don’t speak the nation’s official language. These demands are on the agenda in many European countries. Building on this self-inflicted separation from majority society, Muslims seek, through family arrangements, the introduction of spouses from their home countries. In this way, they establish a de facto separate nation within the new homeland. The effort leads to massive social problems, including unemployment and segregation in schools and other institutions—and it has prompted official pushback.

Whether or not he realizes it, Pontus Kyander is opening up a new discussion about multiculturalism—the most radical attempt ever made to let people live in separate worlds within the same political territory. When an outside cultural group, like Muslims, seeks official sanction for its segregation from the mainstream, the clumsy counterreaction often advocates repression of Islamic cultural symbols. Pontus Kyander’s flag ban represents a strike against the counterstrikes. Political correctness makes honest discussion impossible, and thus both sides resort to censorship. One side bans minarets, the other prohibits the national flag, while neither dares address the real problem: whether Islamic dogmatism is compatible with human rights and democracy. And so Europe’s battle over symbols continues. Europe’s Battle over Symbols

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[…] Diversity « Snaphanen. […]

11 years ago

LOOOOOL, den var spot on den der. Beskriver med fĂ„ ord dobbeltmoralen blandt de Ă„Ă„Ă„eh sĂ„ “hellige” rettro 😀

Allan Hansen
Allan Hansen
11 years ago

A devout Arab Muslim entered a black cab in London , He curtly asked the cabbie to turn off the radio because as decreed by his religious teaching, he must not listen to music because in the time of the prophet there was no music, especially Western music which is the music of the infidel. The cab driver politely switched off the radio, stopped the cab and opened the door. The Arab Muslim asked him, “What are you doing? “The cabbie answered, “In the time of the prophet there were no taxis, so piss off and wait for a camel!”… Read more »

11 years ago

For mange Ă„r siden – fĂžr 1995 – dukkede en lille skĂŠgget mandsling op pĂ„ KĂžbenhavns lokal-TV, hvor han holdt “prĂŠdikener” pĂ„ arabisk. Jeg havde dengang en veninde pĂ„ besĂžg, som var medlem af Tudeh, det iranske kommunistparti, og som kunne arabisk. En aften zappede vi rundt, landede pĂ„ hans kanal – og hun begyndte at oversĂŠtte hvad Tal’at Fu’ad Qasim egentlig sagde: Hele hans prĂŠdiken var en en opfordring til de arabisk-sprogede seere om at plukke staten, den danske, for sĂ„ mange penge som muligt. Det var, mente han, enhver muslims pligt at gĂžre jihad mod de dumme kuffar… Read more »

11 years ago

Åhr, hvad – det’ jo bare SMELTEDIGLEN, sĂ„ syv minutter er lige i underkanten. Der vil gĂ„ mindst 10-15 minutter mere, fĂžr de allesammen er Minnesota-svenskere, som fredeligt sidder og piller mulehĂ„rene ud af deres lasagner.

11 years ago
Reply to  Axel

Hahahaha, du reddede min sÞndag med den korte replik pÄ filmen..

Frank P
Frank P
11 years ago

“They want their pride back for something. I don’t know.” Denne ene sĂŠtning summerer det hele op. Den indfanger alt, der er at sige. Der er bare strid, fordi der er strid. Ingen ved hvad det der ĂŠre er, men alle fĂžler de skal have den. Og det er svĂŠrt at sĂŠtte ord pĂ„ hvad der foregĂ„r. Det er sĂ„ uvirkeligt, fordi her bliver jeg overrasket, for dette issue havde jeg ikke set komme – aldeles ikke. Faktisk havde jeg troet, at somalierne ville kunne indgĂ„ i USA som en slags skabs-amerikanere med gangster attituder, der stadig slog negativt ud… Read more »

Morten - - -
11 years ago

“Racial issues” hĂŠ hĂŠ …

– – –

11 years ago
Reply to  Morten - - -

Somaliere har en gjennomsnitts IQ pÄ 68. SelvfÞlgelig skaper det enorme problemer.

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