Seneste opdatering: 7/11-13 kl. 1601
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Der er ikke mange, som bryder sig om Golden Dawn i GrĂŠkenland, men vi bryder os endnu mindre om at se Weimarrepublikken genopfĂžrt som her med venstreradikale som brunskjorter.

Der er store forskel pĂ„ ‘antifascisme’, ogsĂ„ internt i EU. Hvor venstreekstreme Cecilie Roed Schultz tidligere i dag forlod en debat pĂ„ et gymnasium fordi en kandidat for Danskernes Parti deltog, sĂ„ gĂ„r de noget lĂŠngere i Sverige, hvor menige medlemmer af Sverigedemokraterna fĂ„r sprĂŠngladninger under biler og formanden angribes fysisk til Ă„bne arrangementer. I GrĂŠkenland gĂ„r de hele vejen.Antifa i Danmark, Sverige, GrĂŠkenland: Manglende dialog, hĂŠrvĂŠrk, vold, bomber, iskolde likvideringer

Ikke-europĂŠiske migranter: Minus ÂŁ100 milliarder

£100 milliarder = 887 mia DKK pÄ seksten Är. Hvis man vil sÊtte det i forhold til noget, var Danmarks samlede BNP i 2010 1.743 mia kroner.

Immigrants from outside Europe have taken ÂŁ100billion more in benefits and services than they paid back in taxes, a major study revealed yesterday. Over a 16-year period, the bill to the taxpayer of providing them with welfare, health and education was 14 per cent higher than the money they put in the national purse.

However, migrants from Europe – including those from Eastern Europe who came in large numbers after 2004 – have paid more in taxes than they received, researchers said. The report from academics at University College London claims to be the most far-reaching study yet conducted of the impact of migration on taxpayers.

Professor Christian Dustmann and Dr Tommaso Frattini said that between 1995 and 2011, migrants from European countries paid 4 per cent more into the tax system than they took out, while British-born people had on average paid in 7 per cent less than they received from the state. However, migrants from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) – which is the 27 EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – had made a ‘negative fiscal contribution’ overall,’ their report said.

It said that over the same period, the non-EEA immigrants received public services and benefits worth £104 billion more, at 2011 prices, than they paid in taxes. Their contributions, the report said, paid just over 86 per cent of the value of the services and benefits they received. How migrants from outside Europe leave a £100billion hole in the public purse: Amount taken in benefits and services is 14% higher than money put back

Immigration: The European Experience , Christian Dustmann* and Tommaso Frattini, 49 sider, PDF

Teen Poet Sparks New Debate on Islam in Denmark

Hassan – the 18-year-old son of Palestinian immigrants who are Muslims – is now creating his own brand of controversy in Islamic circles and elsewhere with a new book of poetry that was published in Denmark last month.

“There’s something wrong with Islam,” Hassan, a self-proclaimed atheist, says. “The religion refuses to renew itself.” It needs a “reformation.” Like Westergaard, Hassan’s safety is on the line.

Hassan’s biggest complaint seems to be with his own peer group. “There is a massive group of Arabs – Muslims — – that commit crime on a big scale. They steal things, they sell stolen things, or they deal hash. But how can you call yourself a Muslim if all this is forbidden?” He is careful to clarify the target of his criticism. “I speak about the lower class, the ghetto areas.” Wall Street Jornal

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Peter Andersen
10 years ago

Det er en desperat handling udfĂžrt af desperate mennesker. Fremtiden tilhĂžrer ikke lĂŠngere dem…

10 years ago

Virker som ene offeret ble stÄende passiv istedet for Ä velge Ä lÞpe vekk, ikke helt uvanlig i pressede situasjoner faktisk.

10 years ago

HÊslig fej terrorisme! BegÄet med en koldblodighed der er afskyelig og rÊdselsvÊkkende.

Havde det grÊske eurokrat-regime haft bare antydningen af konsekvens og moral var landets yderste venstreflÞj ikke fri til at rende rundt og myrde hvem den lyster. Likvideringen skal jo ikke mindst ses i lyset af den behandling Gyldent Daggry nyligt har fÄet af regimet.

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