Seneste opdatering: 6/2-14 kl. 0703
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By Fjordman

In October 2008, I published an essay entitled Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union. The reasons I cited back then (and many more could be mentioned) were:

1. The EU Promotes Crime and Instability
2. The EU Weakens Europe’s Cultural Defenses
3. The EU Promotes a Bloated Bureaucracy
4. Excessive Regulation and Centralization is bad for Freedom and for Prosperity
5. The Lack of a Real Separation of Powers in the EU Invites Abuse of Power
6. The Lack of Transparency Leaves the EU Vulnerable to Hostile Infiltration
7. The EU Leads to Less Freedom of Speech
8. The EU Fails to Consult its Citizens and Insults Them When Doing So
9. The EU Undermines Political Legitimacy and Connections between Rulers and the Ruled
10. The EU Spreads a Culture of Lies and Corruption

The European Union (EU) is not good for prosperity in Europe. Perhaps it would have been so if it had remained a free trade zone, as it was first claimed to be. However, the bloated and excessively centralized bureaucracy of the EU today is clearly harmful to ordinary Europeans. It is nonsense to believe that this ramshackle, top-heavy Frankenstein monster is going to make Europe more competitive.

As I warned in 2008, the EU does not protect the peace in Europe. On the contrary, it undermines stability in the continent by dismantling border controls at a time of the greatest population movements in human history. Many immigrants come from unstable countries whose instability spills over to European states. Through its senseless immigration policies, the EU may become partially responsible for triggering internal conflicts in several European countries. It may be remembered as the “peace project” which brought war to Europe again.

The European Union has created a borderless region from Greece to France and from Portugal to Finland, yet the citizens of these countries still pay most of their taxes to nation states whose borders are no longer upheld. It is ridiculous to pay up to half of your income to an entity that no longer controls its own territory or legislation. Unless national borders are re-established, the citizens of EU member states no longer have any obligation at all to pay taxes.

EUSSRThe EU promotes a ridiculous amount of laws and regulations, yet street crime goes largely unpunished. Laws are used to punish law-abiding citizens while real criminals rule the streets, although this flaw is admittedly shared with many national governments. European authorities make a mockery out of the social contract every single day as they fail to uphold law and order.

In Scandinavia, the cultural critic and columnist Kasper Stþvring published a book in early 2014 making many of the same arguments: The EU does not promote “peace” in Europe. On the contrary, it could be sowing the seeds of future conflicts by systematically breaking down dozens of European nation-states at the same time. The open borders through its Schengen Agreement and the legal and illegal mass migration promoted by the EU’s policies are particularly dangerous.

What has changed since 2008? Nothing. At least, nothing positive. If anything, the problems are worse today than they were some years ago.

The financial crisis was then just beginning. It turned out to be so serious that the euro, the common currency for many (but not all) EU member states, could have collapsed. It hasn’t, at least not yet. But the crisis has still not been resolved. It has hit many countries in southern Europe hard, including Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece. The public debt keeps mushrooming.

The euro currently seems like a bad idea. Greece does not have the same economic level or industrial output as does Germany. It is artificial for these countries to have some same currency.

In fairness, a few of the problems we are currently witnessing are not unique to the eurozone. Britain, which is a member of the EU but not of the euro, also suffers from spiraling debt. So does the USA, and for that matter Japan. In all of these big economic blocs, the central banks have for years been extremely aggressive with money-printing, although this hasn’t solved the underlying issues.

The EU is not the cause of all of Europe’s ills. Many of them are common to the entire Western world. A few of them are even more pronounced in North America than they are in Europe. However, the EU makes many of these fundamental problems worse, and adds several more on top.

It would be worthwhile to debate whether the EU was fundamentally flawed from its very inception, or whether it was a good idea that turned bad somewhere along the way. I used to be more pro-EU as late as in the 1990s, but then I was young and naĂŻve. When I read about how Jean Monnet and other key players from the beginning wanted to sell a planned European political federation as merely a free trade zone, I am tempted to conclude that the EU was indeed flawed from its very inception. It was born in lies and deceit.

EU StalinRegardless of whether the EU may once have been a good idea or not, the actual organization as it exists today has become thoroughly corrupted. It is increasingly totalitarian and wedded to dangerous Utopian ideas.

Can the European Union be reformed? I find the possibility very unlikely. The entire organization is now rotten to its core. It has, sadly, managed to bribe and seduce the political establishment throughout much of the European continent. The EU cannot be reformed; it can only be abolished and completely dismantled.

An unresolved question is how the dissolution of the EU will take place, if it does. Ideally, the common people should rise up against the small elite that has usurped power and is grossly abusing this power. At the moment it seems probable that economic tensions stemming from a badly constructed union could ultimately fuel the demise of the EU. The final outcome remains to be seen.

In terms of money and largely unchecked and unaccountable power, however, it seems unlikely whether the ruling EU elites will give up their lucrative positions without putting up some sort of resistance.

Samposteret med Gates of Vienna

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10 years ago

RĂ€ttelse; jag menar naturligtvis att en rĂ€tt för tvĂ„ rĂ€cker till mĂ„ltider i tvĂ„ dagar. SĂ„ generöst Ă€r det. Kanske nĂ„gonting istĂ€llet för “kalla rĂ€tter” till vĂ„ra gamla?

10 years ago

Kvinnofridslagar och kvinnors rĂ€ttigheter hade vi hĂ€r i Sverige redan pĂ„ Magnus LadulĂ„s tid. LĂ€s bara den ytterst kunniga Alice Lyttkens genomgĂ„ng av historien om kvinnans stĂ€llning i Norden. En man som vĂ„ldtagit en kvinna fick huvudet kapat! Det dĂ€r lĂ„ter ju vĂ„ldsamt. Men vi HAR faktiskt en egen historia och om kvinnors rĂ€ttigheter. Nu till nĂ„gonting annat. Sett i TV, som det heter. Som ni vet har kineserna tagit sig in i Afrika för att tĂ€cka sina behov av rĂ„varor samtidigt som de naturligtvis ger nĂ„gonting i gengĂ€ld vad gĂ€ller infrastrukturen. Nu min frĂ„ga: vad beror den afrikanska kontinentens… Read more »


[…] http://snaphanen.dk Auteur: […]

10 years ago

Fjordman er inde pĂ„ samme linie som i denne artikel i dagens –

The Telegraph: Dutch would be ‘better off’ if they left the euro


EU er en kolos pÄ lerfÞdder. Nu ser jeg frem til hvad schweizerne stemmer pÄ sÞndag mht. nedlukningen
for indvandring af unyttige mennesker til landet. Og valget til europarlamentet 25. maj.

Samtidigt finder jeg en vis trĂžst i Machiavellis iagttagelse i Fyrsten:

…”I Ăžvrigt kan en fyrste aldrig sikre sig mod et fjendtligsindet folk, for de er de mange…”

10 years ago

Sverige skall lĂ€mna EU omedelbart. För att EU-kritiker skall rösta i EU-valet krĂ€vs ett garanterat EU-uttrĂ€de. Och dĂ„ menar jag det! Och inte flummerier och mixtrande. Folk har fĂ„tt nog av bedrĂ€gerier frĂ„n politiker hĂ„ll. BĂ„de le Pin , vilken jag för övrigt litar mera pĂ„ Ă€n Farage, slirar pĂ„ EES-avtalet. EES-avtalet tvingar Sverige och andra lĂ€nder att följa EU-beslut oavsett vad folket och deras valda ombud i riksdagen (eller parlament) har för Ă„sikter. Nationerna blir INTE suverĂ€na utan kvarstĂ„r som lydstater. Nationerna skall ut! UT! Och bli suverĂ€na stater igen. Kunna samarbeta med vem de vill, ha avtal med… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Allan Hansen

Jag lĂ€ste hit…”stoutly defended her right to cover her hair…” sedan kunde jag inte lĂ€ngre. Tack Allan Hansen för att du Ă€r en av dem som gör det synligt! Jag önskar fler kunde göra det. FĂ„r lĂ€sa resten i morgon. NĂ€r min upprördhet lagt sig. Man gör kvinnoförnedring och kvinnoförtryck till “en rĂ€ttighet”. SĂ„ infamt! Svenska kvinnor Ă€r fria kvinnor. Och denna ondska finns i Sverige och hela vĂ€stvĂ€rlden. Vi kvinnor har aldrig bett om det. Vi Ă€r för vĂ€lutbildade för att gĂ„ med pĂ„ sĂ„dana trakasserier. Med urgamla rĂ€ttigheter. Kvinnofridslagar. För mig innebĂ€r det en VÅLDSAM krĂ€nkning och förakt… Read more »

10 years ago

Off Topic En betegnelse, som dette rĂ„dne, kaotiske tyranni i den EuropĂŠiske Union (EU) bruger til at tyrannisere og undertrykke bl.a. EU-modstandere samt islam-kritikere og modstandere af muslimsk masseindvandring med (via:http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2014/02/uc-berkeley-professor-forcing-students.html ;Comments: Jewess):Islamophobia – noun. 1991.UK.1.Fear of Westerners finding out your hatred couched as victimhood really means death to Israel.2. Hatred or fear of Jews or Westerners or of their politics, culture, success, history and contributions to humanity. Related words: terror, bds ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott,_Divestment_and_Sanctions ), 9/11, land-stealing arabs. Islamofobi – navneord. 1991. Storbritannien.1. Frygt for, at folk fra vesten finder ud af, at dit had, udtrykt som betegnelsen offer virkelig… Read more »

10 years ago

Each one of these ten points is as valid today as it was in 2008, that is: 100% valid. I too was naive in the Nineties and voted both for Sweden`s entrance into the EU and for the euro. Fortunately, Sweden at least didnÂŽt enter the euro zone.Now, awakened by the destructive reality of the Union, the only possible solution, as I see it, is OUT of the EU. I voted as a good Swedish liberal back then, as a supporter of our Folkpartiet, and ironically the real eye-openers for me have been above all politicians from just that party… Read more »

10 years ago

“1. The EU Promotes Crime and Instability” Ja, simpelthen af natur. Den universelle republik er pr. definition grĂŠnselĂžs, evigt ekspanderende, og anti-demokratisk. Og fremmer sĂ„ledes gangstervĂŠlde, korruption og generel ansvarslĂžshed. Samtidig med udhulningen af det nationale folkestyre ser vi ogsĂ„ en politisk scene prĂŠget af stadig stĂžrre meningslĂžshed, ustabilitet og frĂ„s. Politikere der primĂŠrt er igang med at forĂŠre de vestlige nationer bort og ugenert stemmer deres egne lĂžnninger op, mens “reform”-sablen svinges mod sociale sikkerhedsnet, almindelig borgerlig indsigt og deltagelse i styret og muligheden for at fĂžre en reel selvstĂŠndig national politik. Det fjerde rige har allerede i sin… Read more »

Varmt Konservativ (kr) / Stay Ahead
Varmt Konservativ (kr) / Stay Ahead
10 years ago

Mycket bra artikel i NY Times om EUs favoritkandidatland, Turkiet:


HÀr Àr en annan frÄn samma tidning om egyptiska hemvÀndare frÄn Syrien som orsak till den ökande terrorn sedan Ärsskiftet:


…vilket osökt för oss in pĂ„ denna artikel om stupade “svenskar” under hösten. Notera att en av de döda var medgrundare till den vĂ€nsterextrema organisationen Pantrarna, aktiva i samband med vĂ„rens “spontana kravaller” i Sverige:


Allan Hansen
10 years ago

50 millioner amerikaner lever
under sulte grĂŠnsen.
Kilde: CNN 5/2 – 2014.

Peter Buch
Peter Buch
10 years ago

Der udbedes en opremsning af betingelser og forhold der skal opfyldes for udemokratiske og kriminelle forhold som nĂŠvnte EU reprĂŠsenterer ikke fortsĂŠtter dets virksomhed. Anskuet dels fra et enkelt individs side med forslag til hvad vedkommende kan gĂžre, og dels hvad stĂžrre grupper og samfund har af muligheder.

Individer er samfunds mindste dele, men kan Êndre meget i stÞrre samfund navnlig ved handlinger pÄ fÞlgende udvalgte felter:
Valgte reprĂŠsentanter og grundlaget for disses virke.
Personlige forhold.

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