Seneste opdatering: 18/4-14 kl. 1747
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The Roman philosopher Cicero said: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” [..]

In London, entire areas are slowly coming under Islamic control. Tower Hamlets is now lost to the West as Jews, women and homosexuals are persecuted whilst English street names and the few remaining whites are systematically replaced. Soon to be lost, if indeed they are not already lost are Luton, Bradford, Oldham, Birmingham, Leicester, etc.

The Norwegian writer Fjordman calls this ‘beheading nations’ and asks the following question: “Less attention has been paid to the fact that Muslims are beheading entire nation states. Although this is happening in slow motion, it is no less dramatic. Historically, the major cities have constituted a country’s ‘head’, the seat of most of its political institutions and the largest concentration of its cultural brainpower. What happens when this head is cut off from the rest of the body?”

Wilder’s PVV bliver størst i EU-valget

A TNS NIPO poll published today predicts that the PVV, the Party for Freedom of Geert Wilders, will become the biggest party in the European elections in the Netherlands. According to the poll the PVV is going to win the European elections on 22 May with 18.1% of the votes, followed by the Liberal VVD of Prime Minister Mark Rutte with 16.2% and the liberal-democrat D66 party with 15.7%. The losers of the European elections would be the Christian-Democrats and Labor. Wilder’s Freedom Party Leads Poll for Dutch European Parliament Elections

Front National bliver størst i det franske EU-valg

Ifølge en meningsmĂĄling udført for magasinet Paris Match i denne uge stĂĄr Front National til at fĂĄ 24 procent af stemmerne og blive det største franske parti i Parlamentet. BĂĄde de og mange af deres kommende gruppefæller er i dag løsgængere i Parlamentet. Ny mĂĄling giver medvind til EU’s yderste højre

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[…] til i 2002, hvordan det sĂĄ kan være uændret efter Fredrik Reinfeldts ekstraordinære hærgen. “Hvordan kan dette ikke værelandsforrædderi?,” spørger  Paul Weston om hans engelske modstykke, Tony Blair. Det er et kostbart selvmord og det […]

10 years ago

Paul Weston virker til at være en meget sympatisk og troværdig mand.

Altid en fornøjelse at se videoer med ham – noget som man absolut kun kan blive klogere af.

10 years ago

Korr. …”Det kan ske inom omrĂĄden som definitivt inte endast är öppet rent politiska sfärer, eller inom det öppet rent politiska sprĂĄket, utan bakom dimridĂĄer och falska och förrädiska – frihetsideal – , som kanske inte alls leder människor till nĂĄgon – frihet – , utan snarare dĂĄ tvärtom, leder dem till – slaveri – ….”.. AlltsĂĄ till en slags – slaveri – , där de är – slavar – under sina utseenden, och där de är – förslavade – ocksĂĄ under de – moderna ideal -, och de – moderna sexiga utseenden som just – propageras för -, inom… Read more »

10 years ago

”How is this not tresaon?”, frĂĄgar Paul Weston… Det som nog ändĂĄ är just kärnan i – förräderi – , och som nog alltid i alla tider har varit kännetecknet pĂĄ just – förräderi – , det är nog just – infiltrationskonsten – ? Att alltsĂĄ kunna infiltrera antingen en kunglig eller grevlig ätt, eller en klan, eller ett politiskt parti, och därmed en nation, och att genom denna infiltration faktiskt falskeligen utge sig för att vara en representant för eller en anhängare av, och en fullvärdig medlem, eller medborgare i en nation, och som dĂĄ menar sig tala för… Read more »

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