Seneste opdatering: 15/10-14 kl. 0045
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Australian authorities have published a graphic campaign, seemingly aimed at deterring asylum seekers. It uses the slogan: “No way. They will not make Australia home”, and shows a map of Australia with a line struck through it. The campaign has also used a graphic novel depicting asylum seekers in distress in an offshore detention centre.

Elements of the campaign have been launched on the Department for Immigration and Border Protection website and on the Customs and Border Protection website, with neither department willing to comment on the material. The campaign also appears to include the first official concession that the Coalition government has ordered Australian defence personnel to turn asylum seeker boats back.

A section of the immigration site says: “Don’t waste your money – people smugglers are lying. The Australian government has instructed the Australian Defence Force to turn back boats where it is safe to do so.” Australia launches impressive border control message

Den fÞlgende meddelelse udgiver Australien pÄ 17 sprog:

Operation Sovereign Borders
The Australian Government is implementing its toughest border protection measures ever to manage illegal maritime arrivals and combat people smuggling.

What is Operation Sovereign Borders?

Operation Sovereign Borders is the Australian Government’s military-led border security initiative to stop the boats, prevent people from risking their lives at sea, and preserve the integrity of Australia’s immigration program.

What does this mean for those who travel to Australia by boat without a visa?

If you come to Australia illegally by boat, there is no way you will ever make Australia home.

Anyone seeking to illegally enter Australia by boat will be intercepted and safely removed from Australian waters (including children, families or unaccompanied minors).

The rules apply to everyone: families, children, unaccompanied children, educated and skilled. There are no exceptions

You will be transferred within 48 hours to an offshore processing centre in Papua New Guinea or Nauru. Your claims will be assessed by the Government of Papua New Guinea or the Government of Nauru.

If you are found not to be a refugee, you will be returned to your home country or a country where you have a right of residence.

Even if you are found to be a refugee, you will not be resettled in Australia.

What if my relatives are already in Australia? Is it any different if my relatives already have a visa or are Australian citizens?

It does not make a difference if you already have family in Australia. The rules apply to everyone who comes to Australia illegally by boat.

Will boats be turned around?

It is the Australian Government policy and practice to intercept any vessel that is seeking to illegally enter Australia and safely remove it beyond Australian waters.

The people smugglers have told me they use new and different routes to Australia to avoid interception. I have been guaranteed arrival.

The people smuggler’s guarantee is a lie. You will not make it to Australia no matter which way you come.

The people smugglers told me that I would be eligible to settle in Australia.

Do not believe the lies of people smugglers. These criminals will steal your money and place your life and the lives of your family at risk – for nothing.

You or your family will not be permanently resettled in Australia.

You risk losing everything, including your life and the lives of your family if you come to Australia by boat without a visa.

What will happen if asylum seekers make it to the Australian mainland without being intercepted?

Australia’s tough border security measures mean that boats will not make it to the mainland without being intercepted.

No matter where asylum seekers arrive in Australia by boat, they will be transferred within 48 hours to an offshore processing centre in the country of Papua New Guinea or the country of Nauru.

If you come to Australia illegally by boat, there is no way you will ever make Australia home.

What are the arrangements between Australia, Papua New Guinea and Nauru?

Australia has agreements with the country of Papua New Guinea and the country of Nauru for the processing of all illegal maritime arrivals.

All illegal maritime arrivals – be they families, children, unaccompanied children, educated and skilled – have been transferred within 48 hours to offshore processing centres in the country of Papua New Guinea or the country of Nauru.

The rules apply to everyone: there are no exceptions.

Facilities in both locations are being expanded to accommodate illegal maritime arrivals while their protection claims are being assessed by the Government of Papua New Guinea or the Government of Nauru.

Does the 48 hour transfer to PNG and Nauru apply to women and children?

Everyone who arrives unlawfully in Australia will be transferred to Papua New Guinea or Nauru. Children and family groups are not exempt from transfer.

What about unaccompanied minors?

There are no exemptions to transfer to an offshore processing country.

Unaccompanied minors who have arrived unlawfully in Australia have been transferred to offshore processing countries. This will continue to be the case.

How many people can be transferred to Papua New Guinea or Nauru under the new arrangements?

There is no maximum number that can be transferred.

Facilities in both countries are continually being expanded. There is no limit on the numbers that may be transferred to PNG or Nauru under the new arrangement.

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[…] Se Morrison august 2014: “You will never, ever settle in Australia” og “No way you will make Australia home” […]


[…] frivilligt vil risikere deres liv. Den effektive og humane lĂžsning, ville vĂŠre at tale klarsprĂ„k som australierne: Spar jer bevĂŠret, risiker ikke jeres liv, I kommer ikke til at bo her, men det er for meget […]


[…] Australien har med succes nedbragt antallet druknede til nul, og det vil det ogsĂ„ ende med Europa gĂžr, nĂ„r politikerne har tĂŠnkt sig om i nogle Ă„r. […]

Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
9 years ago

Australien, og med fx. SUN news, i lidt mindre grad Canada, er faktisk mere “amerikanske”, i den gamle “can-do, no non-sense please” forstand, end det moderne USA.

Gunnar Biering
Gunnar Biering
9 years ago

Australien placerer nu flygtninge, hvor de hĂžrer til: I flygtningelejre, indtil de kan rejse hjem igen. Det gjorde Danmark ogsĂ„ med de tyske flygtninge i slutningen af Anden Verdenskrig. Men efter 1968 har mange vestlige lande – uden nogen dybere overvejelser, endsige folkelig debat – besluttet, at flygtninge skal integreres i vore lande. Det gik fint med europĂŠere fra Ungarn eller Polen, men det gĂ„r ikke med de fleste folk fra Asien og Afrika. Nu ser det ud til, at Folketinget er ved at vĂ„gne op. Men der skal en total kursĂŠndring til, herunder opsigelse af diverse konventioner, som Bent… Read more »

Britta Due Andersen
Britta Due Andersen
9 years ago
Reply to  Gunnar Biering

DesvĂŠrre mente Bent Wigotski ogsĂ„, at vi til gengĂŠld skal tage imod 10.000 konventionsflygtninge – altsĂ„ det er det rene galskab!

9 years ago

Australiensarna struntar i EU och Europa. Och det gör de rĂ€tt i. Makteliten har placerat all vĂ€rldens konflikter i knĂ€t pĂ„ Sveriges och Europas folk genom massinvandringen. Nu begĂ€r USA hjĂ€lp av Ryssland för att de tappat greppet om ISIS. Det Ă€r skrattretande och precis som jag sagt tidigare. VĂ€rldseliten (de rika) slĂ„ss om vĂ€rldsherravĂ€ldet. I ena minuten samarbetar de i nĂ€sta sticker de kniven i ryggen pĂ„ varandra. Maktspel och intriger. Och folken Ă€r brickorna som det spelas med. De struntar i folk eller liken de trampar över. Bara de kan fylla plĂ„nböckerna. Makt och pengar. BĂ„da genererar vart… Read more »

9 years ago

Da har ett vestlig kontinent truffet tiltak i trÄd med sunn fornuft.
Synd Ä se at det i Þyeblikket er en av to ytterligheter innen vÄr kultur; det skulle vÊre det rÄdende eksempel, slik det en gang var, fÞr historisk Þdeleggelse av vÄre samfunn begynte for litt siden.
Vel, dette er langt borte fra vĂ„r hverdag, – den andre ytterlighet finner vi i vĂ„rt Skandinavia.

9 years ago

Hvor svÊrt kan det vÊre? Australien viser vejen. Ingen problemer for dem med at sende sÄkaldte flygtninge til et andet land. Forresten, findes der nogen officielle statistikker for hvor mange sÄkaldte flygtninge, der sÞger til lande som Polen, RumÊnien og Bulgarien i disse uger og mÄneder? De tager da vel ogsÄ deres del af byrden? Og hvad med de baltiske lande, hvor mange sÞger mon dertil? Svaret blÊser i vinden, lidt ligeom tyrkernes evne til at forklare hvad der sker med deres evne til at holde pÄ deres indespÊrrede fanger.

9 years ago
Reply to  Lightmann

Statistik finns sĂ€kert men den offentliggörs knappast. Skulle dessa lĂ€nderna utsĂ€ttas för EU:s verklighet skulle de lĂ€mna EU bums. För att ens fĂ„ dem med i helvetet har de utlovats guld och gröna skogar. Myten om EU:s förtrĂ€ffligheter vĂ„gar man inte uppenbara för dĂ„ imploderar EU som den pösmunk det Ă€r. NĂ„got att komma ihĂ„g Ă€r att nĂ€stan inget folk sagt ja till EU eller velat gĂ„ med. Lögnerna Ă€r rent parodiska. Man sĂ€ger oftast att nu har folk röstat ja men man talar inte om att valdeltagandet Ă€r sĂ„ lĂ„gt att ja:et rör sig mellan 1-20 % som sagt… Read more »

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