Seneste opdatering: 23/11-14 kl. 1204
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Tommy Robinson fri pÄ totalitÊre betingelser

Just to let you know following on from Tommy’s release from Prison we re-arranged Tommy’s debate at the Oxford Union for the 26th November. Tommy was visited by the Probation Services and informed that if he attends this debate he is not allowed to talk about Islam, Mohammed, Koran and if he does he will be recalled to Prison. Tommy is still determined to go and explain why he cannot debate certain subjects but is concerned that his Freedom of Speech is being silenced with the threat of Prison when none of the above topics relate to his ‘mortgage fraud’. Tommy feels that this is the way they are going to handle things now to try and silence him. Vlad Tepes

“Our tactics are putting the fear of God into IS”

SAS troops with sniper rifles and heavy machine guns have killed hundreds of Islamic State extremists in a series of deadly quad-bike ambushes inside Iraq, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Defence sources indicated last night that soldiers from the elite fighting unit have eliminated ‘up to eight terrorists per day’ in the daring raids, carried out during the past four weeks. Until now, it had been acknowledged only that the SAS was operating in a reconnaissance role in Iraq and was not involved in combat. But The Mail on Sunday has learned that small groups of soldiers are being dropped into IS territory in RAF Chinook helicopters – to take on the enemy.

Targets are identified by drones operated either from an SAS base or by the soldiers themselves on the ground, who use smaller devices. The troops are also equipped with quad bikes – four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles that can have machine guns bolted on to a frame. They then seek out IS units and attack the terrorists using the element of surprise and under the cover of darkness.

The missions have taken place on a near daily basis in the past four weeks and the SAS soldiers have expended so much ammunition that regimental quartermasters have been forced to order a full replenishment of stocks of machine-gun rounds and sniper bullets. An SAS source said: ‘Our tactics are putting the fear of God into IS as they don’t know where we’re going to strike next and there’s frankly nothing they can do to stop us…‘We’re degrading their morale. They can run and hide if they see planes in the sky but they can’t see or hear us. Using so many snipers takes the fear factor to another level too; the terrorists don’t know what’s happening. They just see their colleagues lying dead in the sand.’ SAS quad bike squads kill up to 8 jihadis each day… as allies prepare to wipe IS off the map: Daring raids by UK Special Forces leave 200 enemy dead in just four weeks

Marcus Birro i Radio LĂ€nsman om hoten och hatet

Radio LĂ€nsman uppmĂ€rksammade i sitt senaste program att det gĂ„tt 10 Ă„r sedan filmskaparen Theo Van Gogh mördades pga att han kritiserat islam. Medverkade gjorde Marcus Birro som nyligen fick ta emot ett drev av hat och hot, inklusive mordhot, pĂ„ grund av att han talade klarsprĂ„k om att det Ă€r islam – inte religioner i största allmĂ€nhet – som ligger bakom den helt övervĂ€gande andel terroristbrott som begĂ„s runtom i vĂ€rlden. Twitterstorm nĂ€r Birro kopplade ihop islam och terror

Hvad angĂ„r Birro’s helt korrekte pĂ„stand om islam som en kaos- og krigskraft: Muslimer udgĂžr 23 procent af verdens befolkning. De stĂ„r ifĂžlge The Uppsala Conflict Data Program for 80 procent af  alle konflikter med over 1000 dĂžde om Ă„ret. Islam ikke fred, det er det modsatte. Islam betyder krig og underkastelse: A world without islam would be pretty peaceful

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9 years ago

Godt show af Paul Weston, men det bedste er naesten publikum. Jeg tror endda det var himself der forklarede, at foer anstaendige mennesker toer demonstrere i gaderne, skal der vaere en avantgarde af skallesmaekkere, der kan soerge for at Antifa-folkene bliver hjemme, goere gaderne sikre for ytringsfrihed.

9 years ago

Har aldrig forstÄet pressen pÄ dette punkt.
Hvor smart er det lige at skrive om, hvad ens lands tropper laver
i krigs omrÄder i fremmede lande ?

9 years ago

A flaming Sword of Damocles.
The winged dagger.
“Who Dares Wins”

9 years ago

Fremragende tale af Paul Weston!

Og mens britiske elite-soldater lÊgger blodige baghold i Irak for at forhindre IS i at lade omrÄdets sunni-muslimer fÄ det de Þnsker sig, nemlig en sunni-islamisk sharia-stat, sÄ fosser den tredje verden fortsat ind i de vesteuropÊiske multikulturelle stater.

Det er vist det man kalder symptombehandling par excellence!

Islam mÄ altsÄ ikke beherske det allerede islamiske MellemÞsten, men hjertens gerne erobre Vesten gade for gade, bydel for bydel.

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