Seneste opdatering: 11/12-14 kl. 0900
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Now I finished the movie showing me and a couple of my friends tour skating on a frozen lake near Östersund, Sweden [a couple of nights ago]. This night was really magic, no wind, lots of ice crystals in the air and an almost full moon that shined upon us during our two hours out on the ice. To the right of the moon, you can see the constellation of Orion and, down left of the moon, you can see planet Jupiter shining brightly.Video: Moonlight skating in Sweden

Fjordman: Is a Country Merely Empty Space?

Peder Jensen kommenterer Reinfeldts selvafslørende bemærkninger i Politiken. Gå ikke glip af professor Arntsbergs Fredrikshugget om samme:

Søren Espersen from the Danish People’s Party (DF) warned that the very liberal Swedish immigration policies now constitute a threat to Denmark and other neighboring countries. The declaration by Sweden’s former Prime Minister Reinfeldt that “there is plenty of space for more refugees” in the Nordic countries was slammed by Danish leaders. “This is the first time I’ve heard that a country’s geographic size should determine how many people from distant lands can fit in. That’s a new one for me. But space is not the problem – the problem is that we have huge economic and cultural challenges,” Martin Geertsen, the integration spokesman for the opposition party Venstre, told Danish media. Mette Reissmann of the ruling Social Democrats also dismissed Reinfeldt’s criticism, adding that Denmark doesn’t share Sweden’s goal of being seen as a “humanitarian superpower.” Frontpage Magazine

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9 years ago

At Sveriges rabiate indvandringspolitik opfattes som en trussel av både Norge,Danmark og sikkert med Finland, må stå glasklart med tanke på de nordiske aftaler der sikrer fri bevægelighed af arbejdskraft og sikrer alle der omfattes af de fælles aftaler, det pågældendes lands sociale rettigheder. Den dagen det svenske velfærdssamfundet bryder sammen og det er ikke et spørgsmål om, men hvornår dette kommer at ske, da er sandsynligheden for at myriader af bidragsafhængige indvandrere kommer som “locus” at sværme over de andre nordiske landes grænser og man kan antage at disse sociale flygtninge fra Sverige allerede inden afrejsen er fuldt på… Read more »

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