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Latest Survey Finds 25% of French Teenagers Are Muslims

En del af Frankrigs fremtid er afgjort demografisk. I Sverige ser den sĂ„dan ud: MĂ€n i Ă„ldersgrupp 15 – 34. Svensk bakgrund: 928 000. UtlĂ€ndsk bakgrund: 348 000. Totalt: 1 276 000. Skillnad: 580 000.

The French elites, however, either Right or Left, managed for five decades at least to dismiss the drastic demographic changes that had been taking place in their country, including the rise of Islam, since they clashed with too many political concepts — or fantasies — they had been brainwashed into.

An investigation of the French youths’ religious beliefs was conducted last spring by Ipsos. It surveyed nine thousand high school pupils in their teens on behalf of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Sciences Po Grenoble, and was released on February 4, 2016, by L’Obs, France’s leading liberal newsmagazine. Here are its findings:

38.8% of French youths do not identify with a religion.
33.2% describe themselves as Christian.
25.5% call themselves Muslim.
1.6% identify as Jewish.
Only 40% of the young non-Muslim believers (and 22% of the Catholics) describe religion as “something important or very important” ;
But 83% of young Muslims agreed with that statement.

Such figures should deal the death blow to demographic deniers. Except that once proven wrong, deniers do not make amends. Rather, they contend that since there is after all a demographic, ethnic, and religious revolution, it should be welcomed as a good and positive thing. Straight from fantasy to surrender. Latest Survey Finds 25% of French Teenagers Are Muslims

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Britta Due Andersen
Britta Due Andersen
8 years ago

Jeg har nu lĂŠst om rapporten – og dens resultat er fra distriktet omkring Marseilles. Det omrĂ„de er kendt for at have mange arabere fra Nordafrika, og er ikke reprĂŠsentativt for landet.

Britta Due Andersen
Britta Due Andersen
8 years ago

25,5 % af teenagers i Frankrig er muslimer. Herre hjĂŠlp mig!

Niels Henriksen
Niels Henriksen
8 years ago

OT Episode af 11.22.63 er oppe nu 😉

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