Seneste opdatering: 28/2-18 kl. 1415
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“I took a lot of heat on Sweden”

Donald Trumps tale pĂĄ CPAC. Jeg er skeptisk, det er ikke en klassisk dannet Kennedy (“civis romanus sum”), og senere Reagan og Thatcher med et lignende vingefang, der taler, men jeg er stadig fascineret, og mindre kan mĂĄske gøre det?

Det demografisk krympende Vesten er inde i en overlevelseskamp, og kan bruge næsten enhver i sin kommende overlevelseskamp. Er han virkelig sĂĄ meget værre end den ‘halvsorte’ Obama, som vestlig journalistik ville prakke os pĂĄ? Sverige og Europa kommer op i talen min. 35:26. Se ogsĂĄ Uhrskov Donald Trump har forvandlet Det Republikanske Parti.

A Tidal Wave of Refugees Is Coming

Den velkendte Spengler skriver om det, journalister og politikere temmelig upræcist kalder ‘flygtningekrisen.’ Hvad der er pĂĄ vej til det endnu fungerende Vesten er snarere

Humanitarian catastrophes of biblical proportions

Harden your hearts. According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 68 million people around the world are or at risk of becoming refugees. The migration of a few million people has already turned the European Union inside out and motivated the election of an America-first presidency. What we have seen so far, though, is nothing compared to what is to come.

Africa can’t absorb its rapidly growing population. The World Bank estimated in 2014 that between 1993 to 2008 the average per capita income of sub-Saharan African economies barely budged — it increased from $742 to $762 per year (measured in 2005 purchasing-power parity-adjusted dollars). Africa retains the fertility behavior of pre-industrial society, with an average of five children per female, but lacks the infrastructure, education, and governance to absorb them into economic life: 64% of sub-Saharan Africans live on $1.90 per day or less.

The problems of sub-Saharan Africa (as well as Pakistan and other troubled countries) are physically too large for the West to remedy: The sheer numbers of people in distress soon will exceed the total population of the industrial world.

The mass of human misery headed towards the industrial countries simply is too great for us to bear. It is hard to see how humanitarian catastrophes of biblical proportions can be avoided. The responsibility of an American president is to make sure that they don’t happen to us. A Tidal Wave of Refugees Is Coming

Se også Ny bog: “I 2050 kan der være 150-190 mio. afrikanere i Europa mod kun 450 mio. europæere” og  »Vi forbløder i humanisternes opslidningskrig.«

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