Seneste opdatering: 12/4-13 kl. 1636
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Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations. Islam, as a divine religion, sets down rules that strike a balance between men’s responsibilities and women’s rights. Skriver Onislam net i sin kritik af FEMEN’s aktioner. Hvordan skal det nærmere forstås? At tørklædet er politisk obligatorisk, men ikke religiøst? Tvungent er det i al fald i vid udstrækning, og det burde vække kvinden i kunsteren Katrine May Hansen […]

Seneste opdatering: 11/12-12 kl. 2217
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“Islamofobi” eller indsigt? “Virkeligheden er alle tings prøve,” som sikkert andre end Jakob Knudsen har sagt: The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has commissioned an opinion poll to find out what Germans think about Muslims. Generally, the results are regarded as “catastrophic”. Respondents to the poll were asked to choose which of 21 statements they were offered about Islam that most closely reflected their opinion. 83% of them think that Islam is associated with impairing […]