Seneste opdatering: 27/6-05 kl. 1326
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De lærde strides. Umiddelvart ligner det noget af en lettelse for verdens tættest befolkede kontinent. Og “aldringen” – Da japanerne manglede arbejdskraft om kring 1960, opfandt de industrirobotten. Franskmændene og hollænderne inviterede i hundredetusindvis fra deres tidl kolonier. Det samme problem har flere løsninger. Jeg ville anbefale at tage det roligt. og i al fald ikke indforskrive flere analfabetiske stammefolk.
Into the Woods Economics and declining birthrates are pushing large swaths of Europe back to their primeval state, with wolves taking the place of people.
By Stefan Theil
Newsweek International
July 4 issue – Germans are getting used to a new kind of immigrant. In 1998, a pack of wolves crossed the shallow Neisse River on the Polish-German border. In the empty landscape of Eastern Saxony, speckled with abandoned strip mines and declining villages, the wolves found plenty of deer and rarely encountered humans. They multiplied so quickly that a second pack has since split off, colonizing a second-growth pine forest 30 kilometers further west. Soon, says local wildlife biologist Gesa Kluth, a third pack will likely form, possibly heading northward in the direction of Berlin…………………

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