Seneste opdatering: 13/4-08 kl. 2203
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Dokumentar sendt på Deutschland Einz juli 2007, men først online 11 april 2008. You Tube i seks dele. Seværdig , mange interessante detaljer og interviews med venner og familie. Skræmmende er den hollandske efterretningstjenestes impotens. Mordet kunne med  lethed være forebygget.

“Ein Mord wie der an Theo”, sagt einer seiner besten Freunde im Film, “ist wirkungsvoller als jeder große Anschlag mit 200 Toten. Dieser eine Anschlag hat das Leben sofort verändert, denn jetzt traut sich keiner mehr so offen seine Meinung zu sagen wie früher”.

VKO – S, SF, R : 94-81

Helle, Mette, Margrethe og Villy på Eventyr – det er tallene der tæller. Helt symptomatisk syntes DR´s morgenradioavis, at Rambølls ligegyldige måling om Lykke Rasmussen er langt, langt vigtigere at referere. De kalder det “public service”)

Oppositionen er langt fra et alternativt regeringsflertal. Måling viser solidt flertal bag VKO, mens to partier ryger ud. Socialdemokraternes historiske nedtur fortsætter, og samtidig kan SF’s himmelflugt ikke ændre på, at oppositionen ind til videre kun kan drømme om vælte statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V).

VKO står til et solidt flertal på 94 mandater mod 81 mandater til oppositionen, viser en politisk meningsmåling foretaget af Rambøll Management for Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.Enhedslisten og Ny Alliance kommer ikke over spærregrænsen, og det betyder, at VKO-flertallet står styrket over for oppositionen.
Måling: VKO går frem

“Self-imposed Muslim apartheid in the UK”

Jeg tror ikke der er mange spørgsmål vigtigere at få afdækket, end omfanget af undergravende virksomhed i de vestlige lande ved hjælp af petrodollars. Enkeltpersoners grådighed og uddannelsesinstitutioners dårlige økonomi er en Achilleshæl i vores frie samfund. Der er de velkendte eksempler, som Bill Clinton der modtager en milliongage for sin foredragsvirksomhed fra arabiske lande, og John Espositos center for islamstudier ved Georgetown University som ligeledes er afhængig af donationer fra Saudi-Arabien. Alligevel bliver dette ikke behandlet som det det er: Et nationalt sikkerhedsproblem. Menneskets natur er sårbar. Ligesom under den Kolde Krig er mange mennesker til fals for ussel mammon, og i dag behøver man ikke engang tro på den totalitære kommunisme for at lade sig lokke – man kan lade sig smøre af fedtede petrodollars under dække af at fremme ædle mål som ‘dialog’ og forståelse mellem kulturer. Resultatet er det samme, landsforræderi. Jeg ville utrolig gerne kende problemets omfang herhjemme (LFPC).

Extremist ideas are being spread by Islamic study centres linked to British universities and backed by multi-million-pound donations from Saudi Arabia and Muslim organisations, a new report claims. Eight universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, have accepted more than £233.5 million from Saudi and Muslim sources since 1995, with much of the money going to Islamic study centres, according to the report.
The total sum, revealed by Anthony Glees, the director of Brunel University’s Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies, amounts to the largest source of external funding to UK universities.

Arab donors have argued that their gifts to academic institutions help to promote understanding between the West and the Islamic world. However, Prof Glees claims in his unpublished report that the propagation of one-sided views of Islam and the Middle East at universities amounts to anti-Western propaganda. Prof Glees attracted controversy in 2005 when he claimed that up to 48 universities had been infiltrated by fundamentalists and warned that the threat posed by radical groups should be “urgently addressed”.

At a conference in London on Thursday, the Government is expected to call for the opening of more Islamic study centres at British universities. Last year, ministers declared Islamic studies a “strategically important subject” and put aside £1 million for the teaching of the subject, as part of a counter-radicalisation drive. Universities that have accepted donations from Saudi royals and other Arab sources include Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, University College London, the London School of Economics, Exeter, Dundee and City. Prof Glees says Government policies “push the wrong sort of education by the wrong sort of people, funded by the wrong sorts of donor”.

He added: “The Government must reconsider its far-reaching, security-driven plan to use higher education in the fight against the radicalisation of young British Muslims. If it proceeds, it will create the very situation the Government wants to avoid: the development of self-imposed Muslim apartheid in the UK.” He called on the Government to ban universities from accepting money from Saudi or Islamic groups to fund Islamic studies; for all university donations to be made public, and for a public inquiry into foreign funding. Major donations include £20 million from the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia towards the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, due to open next year, which is associated to the university.

Prof Glees’s report claims that over the past five years, 70 per cent of politics lectures at the Middle Eastern Centre at St Antony’s College, Oxford, were “implacably hostile” to the West and Israel – an allegation denied by Oxford. Prof Glees says universities are so strapped for cash that they risk being “held over a barrel”, with no option but to accept donations. He said: “Britain’s universities will have to generate two national cultures: one non-Muslim and largely secular, the other Muslim. […] ‘Extremism’ fear over Islam studies donations

»Asylum Seekers Desecrate Catholic Church«

As they re-occupy the Church of the Beguinage in Brussels. This first occured in 2000, when they trashed the place. Now, with the full permission of the parish priest- this is, after all, the parish whose biggest event in the year is a Multi-Cultural Picnic in the square in front of the Church. “The Church authorities no longer defend the inheritance of the Churches. In the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a banner hangs bearing the name of Allah.”

se alle fotos og Muslim group transform chapel in Brussels

samtidigt : Inden for blot tre år har islamiske ekstremistiske grupper og lokale myndigheder lukket flere end 100 kirker i det overvejende muslimske land

Islamisk supremacisme: Nogle mennesker kan bare ikke stilles tilfredse

Ikke før man er besejret og underkuet, som stadfæstet i Koranen 9:29. Jeg refererer tit og ofte til islams ‘supremacisme’, som i det lange forløb er tilstanden hvor islam hersker over hele verden, og kuffar som har afslået ’tilbudet’ om at konvertere er dræbt eller har accepteret en ydmygende undermenneskestatus som dhimmier. I den herskende uorden – i islams optik – hvor muslimer må søge til de vantros lande for forsørgelse, lægehjælp, teknologisk know-how og uddannelse, forventes det at de samme vantro kender deres rette plads i forhold til herrefolket.

Når muslimer derfor taler om “provokation” fra de vantros side, opstår den velkendte situation, hvor ordet i en islamisk sammenhæng … kontekst …. betyder mangel på underkastelse, men samtidig ringer nogle klokker hos de frivillige dhimmier og apologeter i Vesten. Se hvordan dhimmierne taler om at man ikke ‘skal provokere for provokationens skyld’, dvs. lave satiriske tegninger som vi laver om alle andre. Der er nu opstået den opfattelse, at det bare er dette det drejer sig om – holder vi op med disse barnlige provokationer, ja, så bliver alt godt igen, og taskerøverier, voldtægter og anden kriminalitet forsvinder som dug for solen, og vi kan endelig føre dialog på bazarmarkedet, mens vi køber spændende nye krydderier.

Men virkeligheden er jo, at der ingen ende er på hvad der opfattes som ‘provokation’, og for dhimmierne selv venter en brat opvågnen for dem eller deres børn, når dette ikke længere kan fortrænges. Senest har nu Yusuf al-Qaradawi betegnet Pave Benedicts dåb af den tidligere muslim Majdi Allam som “en provokerende og fjendtlig handling mod muslimer”. Mens vestlige idioter hilses velkommen som konvertitter til islam, afspejler den modsatte konversion for muslimer noget uacceptabelt. Al-Qaradawi er en central islamisk lærd indenfor sunni-islam, ikke en marginal loony, så dhimmierne burde tage deres reduktion af problematikken til at handle udelukkende om tegninger op til overvejelse. Men det gør kun de allerfærreste tilsyneladende. Alt for mange må føle hvis de ikke vil høre, og føle, det kommer de eller deres efterkommere til. Via Jihad Watch (LFPC):

PROMINENT scholar Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradawi has denounced Pope Benedict’s baptism of a Muslim-born journalist during the last Easter Mass at the Vatican as a “provocative and hostile act against Muslims”.

Sheikh Qaradawi, who is the head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and the European Council for Fatwa and Research, said the public baptism of Majdi Allam has provoked Muslims around the world.[…].

Qaradawi said the public baptism has worsened relations between the Vatican and IUMS. “We were looking for a different approach from the Pope after his anti-Islam remarks two years ago. But the Pope’s baptism of a person who was known for his enmity to Islam and the Qur’an made us stick to our previous decision to suspend the IUMS relationship with the Vatican,” he told Al Jazeera.

The scholar also blamed the West for worsening relations with Islam. “We try to seek peace with the Vatican and the World Council of Churches but in vain. They keep provoking us by their hostility.” Qaradawi flays Pope’s ‘hostile act’ & A Talk with Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi 8 april 2008

Islam knows how to work its way around democracies
Indisk kommentar til Daniel Pipes – Singha :

Magdi Allam and Wilder’s Fitna, despite their being milestones in Europe’s standing up to Islam are still isolated events. There is no systematic response to the challenge of Islam.Part of the problem is wooly eyed understanding of islam and the non existing myth of moderate moslem. Because of the fear of Islam, naive leaders are trying to fit islamic people among the liberal framework.
Tolerating an ideology that not only hates you, but also wants to destroy you and your way of life is stupidity. In the least abrogation of koran should be carried out. One obviously would not want islam to camouflage under the garb of religion and carry out a blatantly fascist agenda.

Here, I would like to stress what I have highlighted before – what is wrong with our present conceptualisation of islam, how islam has been tamed in the past and some possible suggestion.

No one has effectively defined moderate islam. islam is a single monolithic entity based primarily on koran and hadis (biography of mo-hum-mad, who muslims believe to be the ideal human). None of the variants of islam disagree on the centrality of koran and hadis. All sects of islam – shias, wahabis, bohras, ismaelis, barelvis, deobandis, ahmedis and sufis have been as intolerant as the other.

So for many scholars, the problem is they can not accurately define moderate islam and its utility based on historic context. Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Wafa Sultan, Anwar Shaikh, Ali Sina are right – islam is indeed beyond redemption or correction.

The discourse suggested by reputed scholars like Dr. Pipes that in some way one should perceive muslims and islamists as two different entities ends up hurting forces that stand for free values; No useful purpose is served by creating a distinction between Islam (dealing with religion) and Islamism (dealing with politics).

While some may think that this semantic approach gives people including muslims the opening to attack islam, it also obfuscates and in a way makes islam, an imperialistic totalitarian belief system, look nice suggesting as if islamism is something different and is the sole problem. Worse such a discourse provides islamists opportunity to camouflage their intentions under the cloak of moderate behavior and further islamist interests. In Islam, Duniya (Material World) and Din (Religion) can not be decoupled.

Every muslim charlatan under the sky including the Saudis, bin Talal, musharraf et. al have been able to expoit this semantic perception of difference between muslims and islamists very well, positioning themselves as moderates taking on islamists in a mock fight, winking at islamists and at a fundamental level, contributing to boost the damage making capabilities of islamists.

Gandhi, an apostle of non violence, who had a worldview that mirrored Dr. Pipes construct of moderate islam, miserably failed with muslims in weaning them towards tolerating those following contrary faiths.

From History let us examine some approaches that worked in rolling islam back:

1. Spanish Model: During the period of inquisition islam was kicked out albeit violently – by catholic Christianists in 15th Century – muslims were told to convert or get out. Most muslims chose to convert to Catholicism and remain in Spain, while a few opted out of Spain.

2. Chinese Efforts last century: (1936 – muslim population in China 50 million, 2006 – it is about 10 million).

Though some people claim the muslim population is in 15 to 20 million range, fact remains that China has achieved extra ordinary success in curbing islam.

In China till recently arabic script and skull cap were banned and in the present days too islam is closely monitored and regulated; koran meetings and haj disallowed till recently; longer beard length can trigger arrests; moulvi’s speeches need prior clearance from government; islam lost its vitality and most muslims in china have given up on islam and many are only nominally muslims. (It must be noted that china’s coercive approach towards islam has not prevented it from forging close economic and military linkages with islamic world – engagement with Sudan regime, weapon proliferation to Pakistan etc.)

The magnitude of the success of coercive chinese methods in taming islam can be gauged from this telling comparison with Democratic India: 1947 – muslim population in India was 30 million, In 2007 it is 200 million – give or take a few millions. The lesson – islam knows how to work its way around democracies.

Both the Spanish and Chinese approaches are not particularly preferred models for those who believe in genuine liberal values.

So what could be the framework to face the islamic menace. A tentative framework (set of necessary actions) is presented for further elaboration and refinement:

(a) Establish islam as a set of intolerant norms: Those that stand up against islam must be encouraged and felicitated – sentiments of islamists be damned. Public criticism of i-slam, quran and mohummad must be widely publicised. Suras and ayats in quran that call for violence against non-muslims must be forcefully questioned whenever muslims try to assert islam to be a peaceful religion. The logical fallacy of islamic inequality towards women and burqua usage should be pointed out in all available opportunities. Anyone that converts out of islam must be celebrated as a hero – as heroic as the chinese man that stopped the Tiananmen tanks.

(b) Face organised islamic resistance to prevent criticism of i-slam, Koran and mo-hum-mad head on and not compromise this whatever be the cost.

(c) Impose Secular Constituion on the Islamic World Where Possible: US did a mistake in Afghanistan and Iraq. US presence there was a God given opportunity to foist a secular constitution. In future where such opportunities present, free world must ensure a secular constitution in the muslim lands.

(d) Government regulation of mosques and profiling: In free world, considering the established terror making potential of Islam, there must be closed circuit TVs in all mosques and profiling. The probability of a muslim young man carrying out terror is much more than that of a Japanese old lady.

(e) Dismemberment of Saudi Arabia and Defanging of Pakistan – In Saudi Arabia, Shia and Sunni regions would need to be separated. Islamic cities – Mecca and Medina can be made a separate city state or an entity controlled by Hashemites. Oil and islam have been proven to be a combustible mix. Decoupling them could do world some good. Pakistan needs to be defanged – made to give up its islamic nuke. Any muslim country/group that supports terror and intolerance must be eliminated if necessary through occupation.

(f) Any country that censors views critical of islam, and disallows other religions should be publicly rebuked for intolerance and where possible sanctions imposed. Exposure to information can help people question the emptiness of assertion driven totalitarian islamic weltanschauung.

To summarise we have to create an environment where muslims must get exposed to valid alternate options such as – not believing islam and believing other faiths that appeal to intellect. That is the solution rather than failed vacuous constructs like “moderate islam” … or the “islam is peace” naiveté articulated by most politicians.

Free world should validate the success of the suggested approach by periodical survey and review of the incidents of terror attacks, reduction in muslim population etc.

If the above approach does not work, in helping light up civilised values among muslim societies by a definite cut off date (say 20-30 years, one generation), the choice for free world will be to occupy the islamic world, outlaw islam, and impose alternate options. During the last 2 centuries free world has missed many windows to defang Islam.

Isolated events like Magdi Allam’s conversion and Wilder’s Fitna, are still too isolated events in the systematic islamic malice facing the free world, not just europe. And, considering its legacy, it is questionable if Catholic church is part of the solution. The reality – Europe still has not shown it has the spine.

Taking on Islam is going to be the fight of the century; and it involves using all the tools under our arsenal. There are no easy options. The Islamists are extremely capable and underestimating their threat or wishing them away will be foolish.

Stopping Islamic Takeover of Europe – Resistance is Still Isolated. Systematic Resistance is What Will Work, Reader comment on article: Will Europe Resist Islamization?

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Hip Hop
Hip Hop
16 years ago

Historien om kirken i Belgien er interessant, da den har en dansk forløber. I 80’erne besatte en gruppe palæstinensere en dansk kirke og krævede asyl. Det fik de, da en særlov – den såkaldte “palæstinenserlov” – blev gennemtrumfet.

Senere har det vist sig, at op imod 80 procent af de personer, der fik asyl i Danmark ved den lejlighed, er blevet dømt for kriminalitet.

16 years ago

Vi takker for rosen, og er også glade for at flere nu opdager kommentarmuligheden, som har levet et lidt for hengemt liv. Blodtrykket, tjah, jeg skriver også om disse ting for at få min indestængte harme ud, og måske derved sænke blodtrykket en anelse.

Jan Christensen
16 years ago

Helt enig! Saphanen er en personaligt favorit blandt nettets mange media muligheder. Her få man det man ikke få fra DR eller TV2

Karsten, Objektivist
Karsten, Objektivist
16 years ago

AAARRRGGGHHH LFPC…”det er jo taget ud af en sammenhæng”…(fnis).

IRONI off:

LFPC du skal vide, at vi er mange, der sætter meget stor pris på dit arbejde her på sitet. Der er ikke noget så skønt, som efter en lang dag med snuden i MSM, at kikke ind på Snaphanen. Blodtrykket falder mærkbart (der er andre der også kan se DET…og har evnen til at spidde DET…)

Stor tak.

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