Seneste opdatering: 25/6-08 kl. 1356
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Der er mindst tre kategorier af historier som får ingen eller begrænset dækning i mainstreammedierne: Drab og syreangreb på uindpakkede kvinder i muslimske lande; vold mod bøsser og jøder i Europa; og grusom forfølgelse af ikke-muslimer i lande hvor islam vinder frem. Her Irak: (LFPC)

Muslim militants are crucifying children to terrorize their Christian parents into fleeing Iraq, a parliamentary committee studying the persecution of religious minorities heard yesterday.Since the war began in 2003, about 12 children, many as young as 10, have been kidnapped and killed, then nailed to makeshift crosses near their homes to terrify and torment their parents.One infant was snatched, decapitated, burned and left on his mother’s doorstep, the committee was told.

Filham Isaac, speaking for the Nineveh Advocacy Committee, told the human rights committee that Iraqi Christian churches were bombed, clergy murdered and unveiled Iraqi women raped or scarred with acid.It’s part of a systemic — and very effective — campaign to ethnically cleanse the area of any non-Muslims, he said. Chaldean and Assyrian Christians, known as Chaldo-Assyrians, were once the largest Christian minority in Iraq. They are also the oldest, descendants of ancient Mesopotamians who adopted Christianity in the first century. […]

Coptic Christians from Egypt had much the same story, with young girls regularly kidnapped, raped or forced to marry Muslim men. Despite these difficulties, there is no mechanism to claim refugee status in the beleaguered countries. Sam Fanous, of the Canadian Coptic Association, told the MPs that the Canadian Embassy in Cairo needed Canadian, not area Muslim, staff to evaluate refugee claims. […].

 Iraqi Christians are targets of cleansing, committee told . At det er stået på i nogen tid, kan man se her: Arab Sport: Crucifying Christian Children in Iraq , oktober 2006

“Endnu en larmemanifestation mod udvisninger”

DE hylede og larmede, men Mustafa Ahmed, der har voldtaget ikke ét men flere børn, blir smidt ud af Danmark alligevel. Det var han ikke tilfreds med : “Det minder om, hvad Hitler gjorde mod danskerne“, sagde Mustafa. Mig minder historien om den værnemagtssoldat, der voldtog en kvinde i Frankrig. Han blev skudt ned på stedet af sin overordnede. Asyl til alle ser anderledes velvilligt på den slags. Byret: Iraker skal udvises – se også Mange irakere kan sagtens vende hjem

Diana West

der netop har været i Europa (og Danmark, mere om det senere) varmer op med en lille blogpost. Hun skulle vide at vores samhandel med Jordan er så lille, at den ikke er til at få øje på.

The Islamic strategy to compel the suicidal West to destroy its own identifying liberties by exploiting capitalism’s essential weakness– blithering fear of shrinking markets–continues apace with renewed calls for an Islamic boycott of Dutch and Danish goods. [..]
Danish Ambassador Thomas Lund Sorensen was perplexed by the move and told The Jordan Times that he finds it “interesting and very unusual that one country would subpoena the citizens of another country about an issue that has happened in their native land within that country’s laws”.

“Interesting and very unusual”?! How about “outrageous” and “Go to Hell”? Not diplomatic lingo, of course, but hasn’t anyone noticed this is a war on the West? Islamic Blackmail, Western Surrender?

Handelsvare : Svensk pas

250.000 “bortkomne, stjålne” – solgte. Alting flyder.

Brussels: Less and less women on the street

I anledning af den grove, racistiske voldtægt på Gare du Midi i Bryssel forleden ,ved højlys dag, bringer bloggen Islam in Europe et par beslægtede, oversatte historier fra “Europa´s hovedstad”:

“The articles are from the site of Brigitte Grouwels, a local politician in Brussels, and appeared originally in Het Laatste Nieuws and in De Volkskrant.

In a number of neighborhoods in Brussels there are less and less women on the street. Muslim girls are troubled if they don’t wear a headscarf. Ethnic Belgian women are jeered at and called whores if they dare show a piece of naked belly. “An atmosphere of intolerance prevails. Ethnic Belgian women tel me that they wear a scarf because then they aren’t bothered any more.”

State Secretary Brigitte Grouwels says that that’s an unacceptable situation. The women of Brussels will not tolerate it any more.

Safety on the street is one of the themes of the “women build Brussels” (Vrouwen bouwen aan Brussel) that Grouwels organized in 2005. The congress was about the participation of women in social life in the capital, but the fact the women in various neighborhoods can’t be themselves any more, is very important to Grouwels:

Q: Have you yourself been troubled?

A: Yes, and my daughter repeatedly, just as her friends. Those are young women dressed according to fashion, with small blouses and even a bit of naked belly. Immigrant girls are accosted if they don’t wear a headscarf, but also simply because they walk in the street, or if they dare laugh with each other. Take the Zuidlaan across from the South Station. In the past it was a completely mixed neighborhood, where many Belgians had a store. Now it’s a neighborhood where immigrant shops dominate, which are controlled by a specific type of men. They look from the cafes at everybody who passes by and intimidate women. Gradually they disappear from the street scene. An atmosphere of intolerance prevails. Women can’t dress like they would want. Well, we are fed up of being called a whore on the street and jeered at because we are not dressed according to the notions of certain men. It is discourteous and disrespectful behavior towards women.

Q: Who do those men say?

A: Remarks like you don’t belong here, how do you walk dressed, you’re a whore. It’s not only along the Zuidlaan but there it’s beginning to be noticeable that there are less and less women on the street. It happens just as well in Sint-Joost, in Molenbeek, in Schaarbeek, when they’re shopping on the Louizalaan and very frequently on the tram. Rspect is important in the culture of those men. Well, we demand respect for all women. It is a form of verbal abuse that is very disturbing. There are women who tell me if we put a cloth on our head, we’re not accosted any more. Well, that is a step too far.

Q: It’s the Belgians who must adapt to the immigrants?

A: So it is yes. Women must be able to walk about safely night and day. We haven’t fought 50 years for our liberation in order to be set back in time now. We don’t want that in any neighborhood in Brussels.

Q: Who are those men?

A: It’s particularly Moroccan youth, who think they have a right to impose their standards on girls. It also happen by the Turks, particularly in their community, but it’s just as unacceptable. They must also have the right to decide how they want to dress. If we want to show our naked bellies, those men have nothing to do with it.

Q: Were there no great rights in Brussels?

A: That is correct. But we must stay very alert. In the neighborhoods in France where the serious riots took place, you don’t see any more women on the street. The men think that they are the rulers in the street. Where we see that happening we must take action. It’s a sign that a neighborhood is going the wrong way, and there are neighborhoods that are going the wrong way in Brussels, in Molenbeek, Sint Joost, Kregem, Schaarbeek.

Q: Can you change something there with a congress?

A: Not immediately, but if we make it completely clear, all women together, that we don’t accept that and want respect, we’ll already be a step ahead. There are many immigrant women signed up. We come together to recognized our problems and to do something about it.”

Sources: Nieuwsblad, Grouwels 1, 2 (Dutch)

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Foto: Bryssel – “Let´s make equality reality” – © Snaphanen

Bill Warner: Measuring Mohammed and Dhimmitude

Jeg kan ikke forestille mig nogen islamkender som må være en større vederstyggelighed ude på Carsten Niebuhr Instituttet, og i hele det ikke-essentialistiske akademiske miljø, hvor islam-er-hvad-muslimer-gør-det-til, end Bill Warner. Ikke blot har Warner den frækhed at insistere på forne tiders essens, han tager skridtet fuldt ud og sætter tal på. Hovedrystelserne hos Bæk Simonsen et al. må kunne aflæses på Richterskalaen. Hvad gør usagkyndige lægfolk og islamofober som undertegnede? Det er vigtigt at holde sig for øje, at dette er meget mere end et akademisk spørgsmål – det drejer sig om liv eller død, om frihed eller slaveri, om samfund eller kaos. Skulle jeg deponere min tillid hos Bæk Simonsen? Jeg har oplevet BS live; tak, men nej tak. Jeg har oplevet hvordan han affejer konkrete spørgsmål om konsekvenser af islam i virkelighedens verden med henvisning til en løbende debat der åbenbart finder sted i muslimske miljøer – “og mere er der ikke at sige om det”, sluttede han. Warner giver nogle pejlemærker ved sine kvantificeringer, nogle indikationer som det så må være op til den enkelte at konkludere ud fra. Her kun indledningen til Bill Warners artikel, læs det hele på Dhimmi Watch:

If you are willing to do some math that is no harder than counting how many apples you have in your shopping cart, you can measure the core of Islamic political doctrine found in Mohammed’s biography, the Sira, a sacred text. What is surprising is that once you have a measure (metric) for Mohammed, you also have a measurement of our dhimmitude. It is an ugly and disgusting result.

THE SIRA: The totality of Islam is belief in the perfect truth of the Koran and following the Sunna of Mohammed. The Sunna is the actions and words of the perfect pattern of life, Mohammed. The Sunna is contained in the Sira and the Hadith (the Traditions of Mohammed). The Sira is half of the defining, foundational texts that determine the Sunna. The other half of the Sunna is the Hadith. The Islamic “Bible” is the Koran, the Sira and the Hadith.

The Sira is the life of Mohammed. There are three versions of the Sira given by three authors–Ibn Ishaq, al-Tabari, and Ibn Sa’d. They tell the same story, except for small details. Ishaq’s Sira is the oldest and the most authoritative.

Ishaq’s Sira is a large book that starts with a history of Arabia before Mohammed. The overwhelmingly important part of the book is the story of Mohammed as the prophet of Allah. He becomes a prophet on page 106, so that is where the story really begins. There are a 110 pages of notes at the end. The remaining 621 pages of text are about Mohammed as a prophet. Bill Warner: Measuring Mohammed and Dhimmitude

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15 years ago

@Vivi Andersen “Der nævnes i artiklen er der sket en stigning på 58% i racistisk motiverede forbrydelser herhjemme. Ikke eet ord om hvad der er for racistiske forbrydelser.” Præcis. Der har du medierne savlende ukritiskhed overfor godheds-industrien i en nøddeskal. Disse højst tvivlsomme rascisme-statistikker, hvor en muslim i vesten til enhver tid kan få hvad han opfatter som et ‘forkert’ blik fra en Europæer optaget i statistikken under rubrikken ‘grov rascisme’!!! Disse statistikker har gang på gang vist sig at være totalt useriøse, og alligevel lapper medierne dem ukritisk i sig. Jeg ved sgu snart ikke hvem der er mest… Read more »

Vivi Andersen
Vivi Andersen
15 years ago

Jeg glemte det der med Danmark svigter med racisme-lovgivningen, for ikke at bruge EUs lovgivning modracisme til på nationalt plan at slå ned på racisme. Der nævnes i artiklen er der sket en stigning på 58% i racistisk motiverede forbrydelser herhjemme. Ikke eet ord om hvad der er for racistiske forbrydelser. Skulle vi regne det hele med, nemlig også den racisme og de overfald som Daner Kafir bliver udsatte for hver eneste dag året rundt fra muslimsk side, så ville tallet ryge op med en fart som et F-16 flyv, der får et mega los, og det kan mærkes fysisk… Read more »

Vivi Andersen
Vivi Andersen
15 years ago

JensH. Angående medierne og politikerne, ja, så har du ret. Men de der dagligt pisker rundt for at tjene hjem til at skuden Danmark kan holde den økonomiske skrue i vandet, er efterhånden knapt så overbeviste om disse organisationers, om jeg så må sige, rene motiver. F.eks. i forbindelse med AI er der foregået en ændring i deres målgruppe, så vidt jeg forstår, Og detefter de har fået muslimen Irene Khan som formand. Dansk Flygtningehjælp forstår jeg ikke går uden om rationalitet og pragmatisme, men vælger at arbejde ud fra pladderhumanisme. Det samme gør Røde Kors som også er blevet… Read more »

15 years ago

@Vivi Andersen

“Hvem tager sig af hvad Dansk Flygtningehjælp siger i år 2008”

Det gør medierne og en stor del af politkerne desværre.

Iøvrigt, det totalitære EU-mareridt du har skrevet så meget om er så småt begyndt at at tage form:


Vivi Andersen
Vivi Andersen
15 years ago

Hvem tager sig af hvad Dansk Flygtningehjælp siger i år 2008 ?

Det at tage dem alvorligt er forlængst passe – og det kan de takke sig selv for !

Det samme gælder mange andre institutioner, såsom bl.a. Amnesty International og Røde Kors.

Deres adfærd overfor de Vestlige Kafir har lukket for sympatien – og for pengepungen hos en god del mennesker.

15 years ago

Ifølge Dansk Flygtningehjælp strammer Sverige deres flygtningpolitik, og at Sverige gør det mener denne landskadelige organisation er en falliterklæring for Danmark og resten af Europa:


Jeg ville snarre sige, at det er 10-15 år for sent Sverige gør dette.

15 years ago

De larmende tosser må jo hverken have arbejde eller studie, siden de kan opføre sig som gale på tidspunkter, hvor de fleste for længst har været oppe, smurt madpakke, pumpet cykel, afleveret børn og mødt på arbejde for siden at kunne levere det meste af lønnen til… ja, især til larmende tosser, så de i fred og ro kan opføre sig som gale.

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