Seneste opdatering: 20/6-10 kl. 1149
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“By banning the Apéro in the Goutte d’Or neighborhood, the prefect of Paris imposes the Islamic right of occupation. This ban is an anti-French discriminatory and oppressive act by the administration that violates the freedoms and rights of Parisians.”  (Carl Lang, PdF.)

The organizers of the Apéro decided to obey the courts and to move their party from the Barbès quarter to the Arc de Triomphe, at 7:00 p.m. (so it’s over as I write this). They have also agreed to dispense with the wine and drink grape juice instead. Shucks. Without wine it’s no fun, but the Facebook group has now grown to over 10,000 members, showing at least that resistance is growing. From Wine to Grape Juice, Apéro géant interdit à la Goutte-d’Or : la polémique en direct. m. ti videos

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