Seneste opdatering: 18/4-13 kl. 2101
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Ungjenter mĂ„tte ta pĂ„ hijab og fremsi islamsk trosbekjennelse pĂ„ arabisk.Tirs­dag kveld send­te TV­Nor­ge et inn­slag i hu­mor­pro­gram­met «Anne-Kat» der ung­jen­ter i Oslo fikk delta i en kon­kur­ran­se om Ă„ vinne bil­let­ter til en kon­sert med Jus­tin Bie­ber. Inn­sat­sen? Å «kon­ver­te­re» til islam. Jen­te­ne mĂ„tte fjer­ne all smin­ke, ta pĂ„ hijab og lese noe som til­syne­la­ten­de var en islamsk tros­be­kjen­nel­se pĂ„ ara­bisk. De mĂ„tte ogsĂ„ lese opp en tekst pĂ„ ara­bisk om at «Jus­tin Bie­ber er uren og an­ta­ke­lig­vis homo». Biskop slakter «Bieber-konvertering» pĂ„ TV Norge, Daniel Greenfield: Norwegian Comedy Show Offers Bieber Tickets in Exchange for Converting to Islam

“Islam – our own private Hell”

When as a Muslim and as an Arab, I look… with envy at life in the West, I feel cheated.

I am convinced that life in the West, despite its many drawbacks, is Paradise on earth, and certainly in comparison to life in the Arab-Muslim world. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that radical Islamic ideologues who lived in the West, such as the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sayyid Qutb, have been as envious as I. They have seen with their own eyes the startling difference between Western society, which is progressive, developed and has untold achievements to its credit, and oppressive Islamic society, which smothers its people and forces them into a life of backwardness. The shock that greeted extremist Muslims, and the realization that Islam could never achieve such greatness, caused a rush of jealousy and hatred easily seen in publications and activities, the objectives of which are to incite Muslims to destroy the West, its culture and its achievements.

While life in the West apparently really is Paradise on earth, as Muslims we can only achieve it once we are dead, and the only way we can get there is through jihad against the infidels. The interpreters of Islam have us convinced that the ticket to Paradise can only be bought with the blood of innocent Western civilians. Thus it happened that, throughout history, the sword of Islam, wielded by Arab tribes united under the flag of the Islamic nation, cut its way through Christian communities in the Middle East and Europe. And thus it happened that the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula, especially those in Khaybar, were slaughtered, as were the Copts of Egypt, and the Byzantines, on the ruins of whose churches today sits Islamist Turkey, headed by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Erdogan.

I can see no magic solution for an Islamic nation that believes only in the law of the sharia, which today means enslaving, drugging and neutering our intelligence. The sharia separates the world into exactly two parts: observant Muslims on one side and enemy infidels on the other. The world as well is divided now into two parts: the region ruled by Islam and the battle zone where anyone lives who is not a Muslim.

Only when we are liberated from our catastrophes, from the things forbidden to us — and from our unwillingness to ask why these aspects of Islam were promoted instead of others, and what the people who promoted them really wanted — will we progress and become creative. Unless we turn Islam into a religion purely of the spirit, calling for a direct connection between man and Allah, we will never be rehabilitated.

Until that happens we will remain in our own private hell and try to drag the rest of the world into it with us, our way of life will continue to represent hell for the rest of the world and we will continue to complain about Islamophobia and dream of Paradise while it is just nearby, close enough for us to reach out and touch it. The Islamic Paradise, by Ali Salim

Moderat marokkansk islam: DÞdsstraf for apostasi foreslÄs

The Supreme Ulema Council of Morocco plans to issue a fatwa decreeing the death penalty for apostasy, according to Moroccan news website Lakome. This council, which consists of religious Muslim scholars (ulema) appointed by the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs, is considered the highest religious government institution in Morocco. Lakome reports that this information was made public earlier this week by the Moroccan daily newspaper Akhbar Al Youm. The Council recently voiced its opinion on freedom of religion, claiming that the death penalty should be applied to Moroccan Muslims who convert from Islam. According to another Moroccan website Medias24, this issue was discussed all day long this past Tuesday on Moroccan radio. Will Morocco Inflict the Death Penalty for Apostasy?, Islam modéré : le Conseil des Oulémas du Maroc recommande la peine de mort pour les musulmans apostats

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PisseNisse i HökarÀngen
PisseNisse i HökarÀngen
10 years ago

Marocko Ă€r ju pĂ„tĂ€nkt för EU-medlemskap (ansökt 1987 och nu i “advanced status”). Det lĂ„ter ju iofs trevligt, rent principiellt, om vi kan Ă„terinföra dödsstraffet i EU. Det behövs, tyvĂ€rr (för Breivikar och dess likar)

Om Bryssel bestÀmmer om dödsstraff för apostasi, skall vi införa det. För Sveriges del gÄr det inte heller att gÄ ur EU, med mindre Àn att grundlagen Àndras, dÄ EU-medlemskapet Àr inskrivet i senaste svenska grundlagen (som togs utan samhÀllsdebatt).

Om EU havererar sĂ„ Ă€r det tryggt att veta att Sverige fortfarande Ă€r medlem 😀

10 years ago

Dödsstraff finns redan inskrivet i Lissabonfördraget dolda i flera olika fotnoter. Jo, det gĂ„r att lĂ€mna EU pĂ„ stubinen eftersom det Ă€r olagligt. Å andra sidan kan folk egentligen bestĂ€mma vad de vill. Bara de fĂ„r makten över RD. Lagar Ă€r till för att Ă€ndras. Annars stĂ€mmer det att det Ă€r inskrivet i grundlagen. En grundlag Ă€r till för att skydda folket inte för att skydda makten. Cameron hotade med att lĂ€mna. Le Pen har begĂ€rt folkomröstning. SĂ„ varför kan de? Politik Ă€r att vilja. Vill Löfven och Reinfeldt lĂ€mna EU sĂ„ Ă€r det bara att göra det. Ordna med… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Angela

Studieförbundet NĂ€ringsliv och SamhĂ€lles (SNS) sĂ„ kallade DemokratirĂ„d konstaterade 2010 i en rapport “Europiseringen av Sverige” att den svenska grundlagen, regeringsformen, Ă€r missvisande nĂ€r det gĂ€ller relationen till EU.

Enligt SNS-rapporten pÄverkar medlemskapet i EU det svenska statsskicket i betydligt större utstrÀckning Àn vad som framgÄr av regeringsformen. Sveriges medlemskap i EU Àr med andra ord olagligt. Och sÄ lÀr det förbli. RÀcker inte med att Àndra paragrafer.

Morani ya Simba
Morani ya Simba
10 years ago

“The Islamic Paradise” wow. Ligesome “Slagteriet er begyndt” en af de essays der har gjort meget stĂŠrkt indtryk pĂ„ mig. Og bestyrker min mistanke om at Islam mĂ„ske er et mĂžrkt, Ă„ndeligt tyranni. Lidt som “the black sleep of Kali” fra Indiana Jones filmen men bare virkelighed. Tak for at poste dem.

10 years ago

Marokkanerne vil sĂ„ledes snart (hvis de genindfĂžre denne del af Allahs sharia) kunne bevidne moderate halshugninger, eller mĂ„ske moderate hĂŠngninger, hvis man ikke klare det med moderate steninger!? Jeg kender ikke shariaens foretrukne afstraffelsesform for at forlade islam, bĂžsser skal vist helst kastes ned fra hĂžje bygninger (eller var det en mur de skulle have styrtet ned over sig?), men udkommet er selvfĂžlgelig, at man moderat… dĂžr. Marokkos re-islamisering vĂŠkker utvivlsomt glĂŠde og hĂ„b iblandt de mange moderate, som USA-EU-NATO bevĂŠbner i alt andet end moderate mĂŠngder. Jeg spĂ„r de vestlige eliter yderst alvorlige problemer med, at moderere disse islamiske… Read more »

10 years ago

Dette er det mest usmakelige jeg har sett pÄ lenge. De enfoldige jentene latterliggjÞres. Kvalmende fyrer.

Peter Andersen
10 years ago

De norske piger udtrykker jo bare det tidsbillede vi alle godt er klar over eksisterer. De aner jo intet om islam eller noget som helst andet end pop og pjat. Men alligevel er det mĂ„ske meget god humor – set fra den konservative vinkel – til at skabe debat. Det er nemlig ret grĂŠnseoverskridende og siger jo alt om vores tid, selvom det mĂ„ske ikke var det der var sigtet.

I Ăžvrigt var det – gudskelov – ikke den rigtige trosbekendelse de fremsagde…

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