Seneste opdatering: 2/7-13 kl. 2309
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Shouting slogans like “Free women” and “No Sharia,” a trio of topless female protesters from the infamous Ukrainian-based group FEMEN converged on a Swedish mosque Saturday and were promptly arrested.

“We should not be called whores,” the protester told AftonBladet, “or that we are doing something shameful — like they were calling us today in the mosque. They were calling us whores, whores from hell.” Topless FEMEN Activists Protest In Swedish Mosque, Allegedly Called ‘Whores From Hell’.

Der var også en demonstration i Stockholm i vinter med Aliaa Elmahdy, og hun er nu så smuk at man er tilbøjelig til at glemme selve sagen, hvis jeg skal indføje en randbemærkning. – Stockholms store moské på Södermalm har ikke fornægtet sin natur som fjendtligsindet ambassade og revolutionær celle lige fra grundlæggelsen i år 2000. Det har dog ikke forhindret svenskerne i at bygge 20 stormoskeer siden. Antallet kældermoskeer er 120 (2005 tal).

Et par af de helt tidlige sager om Södermalmmosken, som ikke har sat varige pletter på dens rygte: “Massmordspredikan i svensk moské”, Dubbla budskap i moskén, Moské säljer judefientligt material. Rapport inifrån Sveriges största moské, Norska TV2 – Daniel Arrospide infiltrerar Stockholms moske. Men dem har vi fortrængt og glemt. De er i virkeligheden venner af Sverige, demokrati, jøder, homoseksuelle, frie, nøgne kvinder, O.P. Andersson og kräftkalas, hvis vi blot behandler dem respektfuldt. De ved det bare ikke selv endnu.

Nu skal alle Malmøs skoler være lige dårlige
Der har i forvejen i femten år været et betydeligt svensk Exodus fra Malmø, men dette er noget som kan sætte skub i udflytningen. Oprindelige svenskere udgør i dag omkring 60 %, at komme ned på 50 % og derunder vil ikke tage ti år. Om man vil kalde det etnisk udrensning, er vel en kun smagssag:

Du kanske tycker att Malmö ser ut precis som vanligt i dag. Men faktum är att de tio stadsdelarna slagits samman till fem stadsområden. Upprinnelsen till förändringen är de dåliga skolresultaten. För att vända trenden har politikerna beslutat att centralisera skolan i tre nämnder – och därmed frånta stadsdelarna stora delar av ansvaret. I och med det blev det också mest praktiskt att slå ihop tio stadsdelar till fem. Malmös karta har ritats om

Etnisk udrensning af kristne i Syrien

Et andet bemærkelsesværdigt faktum er, at næsten halvdelen af de døde i Syrien er Alawitter selvom de kun udgør 12 procent af befolkningen. Syrien er en borgerkig og en religionskrig. Fra The Shadow War Against Syria’s Christians

Fr. Murad was only the most recent cleric to be targeted by these militias. The highest profile attack was the kidnapping by gunmen in April of Greek Orthodox Archbishop Paul Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim. This sent an unmistakable signal to all Christians: none is protected.Some other examples of Syrian Christians, from various faith traditions, who have been kidnapped and killed or never seen again include:.

27-year-old Father Michael Kayal of the Armenian Catholic Church in Aleppo was abducted in February while riding a bus after Islamists spotted his clerical garb. He has not been seen since.

Greek Orthodox priest Maher Mahfouz was kidnapped around the same time and has not reappeared.
Syrian Orthodox parish priest Father Fadi Haddad was kidnapped last December after he left his church in the town of Qatana to negotiate the release of one of his kidnapped parishioners. A week later, Fr. Haddad’s mutilated corpse was found by the roadside, with his eyes gouged out.

Yohannes A. (whose last name has been redacted by Fides protect his family) was summarily executed. An Islamist gunman stopped the bus to Aleppo and checked the background of each passenger. When the gunman noticed Yohannes’ last name was Armenian, they singled him out for a search. After finding a cross around his neck, one of the terrorists shot point blank at the cross, tearing open the man’s chest.

A woman from Hassake recounted in December to Swedish journalist Nuri Kino how her husband and son were shot in the head by Islamists.

“Our only crime is being Christians,”

she answers, when asked if there had been a dispute.
18-year-old Gabriel fled with his family from Hassake after his father was shot for having a crucifix hanging from his car’s rear-view mirror. The son told Kino:

“After the funeral, the threats against our family and other Christians increased. The terrorists called us and said that it was time to disappear; we had that choice, or we would be killed.”

Christians and others also have been targeted by the courts of the “Caliphate of Iraq and the Levant,” the name the al-Nusra Brigade and other Islamist rebels use in reference to the Syrian territory under their control.
Muslims are subject to kidnapping too, but the Wall Street Journal reported on June 11, 2013 that often “their outcome is different” because they have armed defenders, whereas the Christians do not. The Journal told the story of a 25-year-old cabdriver, Hafez al-Mohammed, who said he was kidnapped and tortured for seven hours by Sunni rebels in al-Waer in late May. He was released after Alawites threatened to retaliate by kidnapping Sunni women.

According to the U.S. State Department, Syria now has scores of rebel militias with new ones popping up all the time. Many are extremist. Sources told AsiaNews,

“[T]he purpose of these groups is not only the liberation of Syria from Assad, but also the spread by force of radical Islam throughout the Middle East and the conquest of Jerusalem.” According to interviews with local church leaders, many fighters do not speak Arabic and do not come from Syria, and are recruited by being told that they are going to “liberate Jerusalem.”

These extremists have wasted no time in establishing sharia courts. In the towns of al-Bab and Idlib and other villages under the control of Islamist groups, sharia has been enforced for the past year. These courts, according to a Washington Post report, pass sentences “daily and indiscriminately” against Christians and anyone else who fails to conform to Wahhabi Islam. All women are required to cover up with the abaya, a black, full-length gown. It was in Aleppo that al-Nusra executed a 14-year-old Muslim boy last month for insulting the prophet; they shot him in the mouth and the neck.
Syrian Christian refugees told Dutch blogger Martin Janssen that their village of 30 Christian families had a firsthand taste of the rebels’ new sharia courts. The Shadow War Against Syria’s Christians

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