Seneste opdatering: 19/4-18 kl. 1127
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Burkaforbud hĂ„ndhĂŠvet i Toulouse – tre dages ‘ekstremt voldelige optĂžjer’

Der er en elementÊr ting, europÊiske politikere ikke har opdaget: SÄ snart den muslimske befolkningsandel overstiger en vis stÞrrelse, kan et ikke-muslimsk flertal ikke lÊngere diktere islam noget som helst. Islam vil altid gribe efter magten og dominansen, det ligger i dens DNA, ogsÄ selvom den udgÞr langt under 50 procent af en befolkning.

Det er derfor islam i Danmark ikke bĂžr vokse med Ă©n eneste person, hvis vi vil bevare magten i vort eget land. Frankrig og Sverige har passeret det ‘point of no return’, deres skĂŠbne er i Guds hĂ„nd, hvilken gud det sĂ„ end er.

Hundreds of police were deployed after residents rioted and torched cars in Toulouse following a police stop of a woman wearing an illegal full-face Islamic veil.


The incident that allegedly sparked the riots took place Sunday after 5 pm when local police stopped a woman in the Toulouse district of Bellefontaine who was wearing a full-face Islamic veil, which is illegal in France.

Police asked the woman for identification and when she presented a poor photocopy of her government identification, they ordered her to remove her veil, broadcaster Franceinfo reports.The woman refused to lift her veil and is said to have started screaming for help. She was then arrested and placed in the police vehicle.

Shortly after, around 30 locals arrived and attacked the police with projectiles, injuring one officer. The officers retreated and discharged their weapons, including a tear gas launcher, 18 times before they could escape the mob. France: Muslims erupt in “extremely violent” riots after woman is ordered to remove her niqab.

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