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Se ogsĂ„ Paul Weston – Update Re Britain’s Sharia Compliant Police.NĂ„r man hĂžrer om de vanvittige engelske politikere og politifolk, kan fĂžlgende undersĂžgelse ikke overraske en. Sverige og New Zealand er i top, blandt dem der har lagt sig fladt ned for islam. Hvordan menneskerettigheder som religionsfrihed sĂ„ pĂ„ nogen mĂ„de kan vĂŠre en islamisk dyd:

Vesten mere koran-kompatibel end den muslimske verden

Islamicity Index: ‘Non-Muslim Countries Reflect Islamic Values Better than Muslim Countries’ The survey studies countries based on the Quranic teachings of universal values, rather than personal core beliefs like prayer or pilgrimage.

Conducted by the Washington-based Islamicity Foundation, the survey aimed at gauging the degree of compliance with the rules outlined in the Quran and practiced by the prophet Mohammed.

The survey measured the level of each country’s “Islamicity”, where the concept was based on economic and human development, laws and governance, human and political rights, and international relations, but not on Muslims’ adherence to core personal beliefs such as daily prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage.

Inversely, the North African country ranked 132nd in terms of human and political rights, scoring 2.68 and 114th in terms of international relations with a 3.56 score.Morocco ranked 15th against 40 other Muslim-majority countries, including Saudi Arabia. Where the index placed Morocco at 94 out of 153,Saudi Arabia and Tunisia, ranked 85 and 86, respectively.

Topping the list of the 153 countries surveyed was New Zealand, followed by Sweden, Netherlands, Iceland, and Switzerland who scored highly on economic development and human rights, justice, governance and international relations. Islamicity Index bases study on Qur’anic Values.

Swedish Institute mener, at Sverige har det bedste ry i verden. Og det kan meget vel vĂŠre sandt. I shithole-lande, der er ude efter nye territorier at erobre: Sweden ranks as the most reputable country in the world.

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