Seneste opdatering: 25/3-05 kl. 0536
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forbliver noget af et mysterium. Er det fup, er bĂžrnene medicinerede eller er de virkelig syge ? Kun et ting vides – sygdommen forekommer nĂŠsten udelukkende i Sverige. Er eneste modgift PUT (Permanent uppehĂ„llstilstĂ„nd)?

The Red Cross and Save the Children have urged the Swedish Government not to deport about 150 child asylum seekers who are suffering a rare disorder that leaves them without the will to live.

“I’ve seen war in Iraq and Afghanistan, I’ve been to refugee camps and Aceh after the tsunami and seen children who have lost everything still smiling and running around,” the president of the Swedish Red Cross, Christer Zettergren, said on Wednesday. “So what are we doing in the Swedish system that makes these children lose their will to live?”

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