Seneste opdatering: 17/1-08 kl. 1708
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BRÅ er  klar med sidste års  statistik. Selvom deres  tal kom for tre dage siden, er tallet ikke at se i nogen svenske onlinemedier, så BGF og jeg kan vel kalde det “en solonyhed”, ikke at det ligefrem glæder mig. Der  er  tale om over en fordobling (100 % øgning) siden år 2000 !

 Danmarks statistik er ikke klar, men de skal også kun optælle  en niendedel af BRÅ.SE.  . Måske de har travlt med at tælle  penge……Jeg gættede  i slutningen af 2007 på 4.700 anmeldte voldtægter i Sverige, det passede næsten. Jeg kaldte voldtægt i Sverige  “kollisionspunktet”, kan man læse  her hvorfor. Dette er tal som nogle  nødigt vil tage til sig, at en kommentator på Information foreslog,  at “svenske kvinder nok var ti gange så tilbøjelige  til at anmelde  voldtægt som danske” (!) Man aner virkelighedsflugten og forstemmes.   (Der er selvfølgelig falske  anmeldelser, men der er formentlig mange flere  der ikke anmeldes.)

 I “gamle dage” – 1975 inden “globaliseringen”,  havde  Sverige forresten  768  anmeldte voldtægter  om året. Hvis  Sverige havde det idag, ville det omtrent korrelere med  befolkningstallet i DK og Sverige. Men de nye tal  taler for sig selv. De  danske  tal er  fladet ud, mens de svenske stiger eksponentielt. Jan Milld :

BRÅ har nu publicerat sin statistik också för år 2007. Hade någon förväntat sig annat än att den skulle visa på en ökning av antalet våldtäkter jämfört med tidigare rekordår? Perioden 1996-2007 visar följande:

Statistik från dansk polisen.
Siffrorna var, för respektive år:
2006 – 527
2005 – 475
2004 – 562
2003 – 472
2002 – 500
2001 – 493
2000 – 497

För Sverige var motsvarande siffror:
(2007 – 4.750)
2006 – 4.210
2005 – 3.790
2004 – 2.630
2003 – 2.570
2002 – 2.180
2001 – 2.080
2000 – 2.020


se også andelen anmeldte udendørsvoldtægter, Sverige, der på ni år er vokset fra 389 til 1073.

 Der er et stykke  vej fra Sveriges 4.750 til Englands 12.993 anmeldte  voldtægter, men man kan uden lommeregner se, at Sveriges  anmeldelsesfrekvens er  langt, langt større  end  Englands. – Denne  artikel antyder hvor vanskeligt et emne  voldtægt er:

It is not a question that one likes to ask oneself too often, but what would you do if you were raped? The reasonable answer, one might think, would be to report it to the police……………….. The reality is somewhat different. Ninety-four per cent of people who report a rape will not see their attackers convicted; and only 15 per cent of people actually report such attacks.
Rape is not a trivial crime, despite the police

British Muslim computer geek, son of diplomat, revealed as al Qaeda’s top cyber terrorist

Younes Tsouli, 23, an IT student at a London college, used his top-floor flat in W12 to help Islamist extremists wage a propaganda war against the West.
Under the name Irhabi 007 — combining the James Bond reference with the Arabic for terrorist — he worked with al Qaeda leaders in Iraq and came up with a way to convert often gruesome videos into a form that could be put onto the Web.

 Dialogens pris

En forhenværende amerikansk kongrespolitiker ved navn Mark Deli Siljander (R-MI) er blevet sigtet for hvidvask af penge, sammensværgelse og for at hindre rettens gang, i forbindelse med sit arbejde for den velgørende organisation Islamic American Relief Agency (IARA), som hævdes at have sendt nødhjælpspenge til den afghanske terrororganisation Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

Selv om sagen har specifikt amerikanske aspekter i kongresmandens religiøsitet som genfødt kristen, er der alligevel nogle vinkler som burde få også danskere til at spidse ører. Siljander var tilbage i 1980’erne kendt som skarp kritiker af islam, og en af Israels solide støtter i Kongressen, så solid at han fik ry som dette lands bedste ven her. Efter at have læst Koranen oplevede han imidlertid et klarsyn, da han så at Jesus her blev omtalt i udelukkende positive vendinger. Herefter blev han grebet af en stærk trang til at “nedbryde paradigmer” i forholdet mellem kristendommen og islam, en trang som gav sig udslag i nogle samtaler i Sudan i 2006 med en af de ansvarlige for Darfur-tragedien. Den amerikanske delegation fik som de første ikke-hvide og kristne mulighed for at tale til menigheden i moskeen ved Khartoums shariafakultet, hvilket overbeviste ham om et gennembrud som bundede i den “gensidige respekt” som han mente parterne havde udvist for hinanden.

Når man har tørret øjnene efter denne beretning, må man naturligvis tage alle forbehold, fordi sagen stadig verserer, og fordi det stadig er uafklaret om hans eventuelle lovbrud bundede i pengetrang eller i, bogstaveligt talt, grænseløs naivitet. Men forløbet er tankevækkende. Her er en mand som ifølge nære bekendte ikke savnede faktuel viden om islam, og som tidligere ikke havde haft nogen illusioner om dennes natur, men som pludselig vender på en tallerken og begynder at hælde de velkendte floskler om “dialog” og “respekt” ud af ærmet. Forløbet kendes vistnok også på vore breddegrader, og har især her i blogverdenen givet anledning til megen undren. For mig personligt er dette seneste eksempel endnu en indikation af at jihadbenægtelse er et internationalt fænomen med ofte slående paralleller. Jeg er ikke bekendt med at MSM har tacklet disse store linjer og forsøgt at afdække evt. psykologiske mekanismer som disponerer for dhimmitude. Vi er overladt til selv at prøve at afdække mekanismerne, som utvivlsomt i mange, mange tilfælde er rent pekuniære, selv om dette kan være umuligt at bevise i konkrete tilfælde. At ufattelige beløb i petrodollars bliver brugt til undergravende virksomhed i Vesten, heriblandt til finansiering af påvirkningsagenter, er imidlertid ubestrideligt. Som Bob Dylan sang i It’s All Right, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding): “Money doesn’t talk, it swears”.             LFPC.

A Congressman for Jihad

Hvad sagde FPÖ´s spidskandidat Susanne Winter ?

Hun er  Dr. Jur. så man må tro hun har tænkt de  juridiske  aspekter igennem inden. Her  med  engelske undertekster:

“Oprørte østrigere

Et markant flertal i befolkningen er enig med Fischer. 69
procent af de adspurgte østrigere anser i en meningsmåling
udtalelserne for at være en utilladelig provokation. Kun 18
pct. betragter dem som en kritik, det er i orden at
fremsætte. Ligeledes 69 pct. synes ikke, at politiske
partier skal kritisere godkendte religioner, kun 23 pct.
mener, at det er tilladeligt.  Berlingske

»Britain’s Muslim Gang Culture: Coming Soon to a Town Near You?«

(fra bladet med det underlige  navn og den  danskuddannede  redaktør Susan MacAllen)

The “Muslim Boys”  (del 1 af 3)

 I pray twice a day: before I do crime, and after. I ask Allah for a blessing when I’m out on the street. Afterwards, I apologize to Allah for what I done.”

On Wednesday January 4, 2006 a black mother gave evidence at an inquest. At Southwark Coroners Court in southeast London, Ruth Marriott spoke of the last days of her son Adrian Marriott. He had been an accountancy student, but was also a gang member, belonging to the Peel Den Crew. He was shot five times in the head on June 8, 2004, a few weeks before his 21st birthday. His body was found in parkland off Barrington Road in Brixton.

 52-year-old Ruth Marriott told the inquest: “We heard the shooting. We heard gun fire. The thought did strike me that Adrian could be involved, but it was a fleeting thought. Then we heard from police the following evening what had happened. Adrian was told on the Sunday prior to his death that he would be killed if he did not become a Muslim by the Wednesday, which was the day he died.”

 John Sampson, the coroner, asked if her son had taken the threat seriously. She answered: “I do not think he did.” Sampson later declared that Adrian Marriot had been unlawfully killed.

 Ruth Marriott last saw her son on the day before he died. She said: “He was happy. He was pestering me to order something for him out of my catalogue. He liked music and football, but Adrian was very much a family man. He also loved his dog. They would go out together regularly to the park that he died in.”

 The gang that ordered Adrian Marriott to convert to Islam is called The Muslim Boys. Until the killing, its ascendancy passed mainly unnoticed by the media. The Muslim Boys were viewed as just another of the many gangs that operated in south London, with names such as the Stockwell Crew, the Peel Den Crew, Mad Crew or Mad4T, the SMS (South Man Syndicate, also known as South Man Dem) and PDC (Poverty Driven Children). The police took the threat of the Muslim Boys more seriously. When Adrian Marriott’s funeral took place in Brixton, the ceremony was guarded by armed police.

 The Muslim Boys drew their recruits, mainly young black youths, from Brixton, Peckham, Lambeth, and Streatham. They targeted run-down housing projects such as the Angel Town Estate in Brixton where Adrian Marriott lived with his mother, his brother David, sister Tara and other siblings. The gang’s core membership originally came from another housing project in Brixton called the Myatt’s Field Estate. The Muslim Boys made most of their income by committing robberies, stealing from drug dealers and laundering money. They gained a fearsome reputation amongst their peers through their forced conversions to Islam.

 Before Adrian Marriott was given the order to convert to Islam or die, his sister Tara had already become a target of the Muslim Boys. Tara Marriott and her friend Jade Okai gave in to the gang’s demands and converted. They were given hijabs, Muslim headscarfs, which they were ordered to wear. They were also given Muslim books, DVDs and copies of the Koran, by two men who would later be charged with Adrian’s murder.

 In September 2005 three young men, Marcus Archer, Aaron Irving-Simpson and Marlon Stubbs, all aged 24, stood trial for the murder of Adrian Marriott. A jury at the Old Bailey heard that a few days before his murder, Adrian told his brother that Marlon Stubbs and two other individuals had threatened him at gunpoint and demanded £500 ($979). Shortly after this, Marriott and an associate “accosted” Archer at Loughborough Junction train station. Stubbs then telephoned Marriot’s sister Tara and said: “Your brother is a little tadpole. He just messed with a big shark, a whale.” Stubbs already had a conviction for raping two schoolgirls.

 The trial soon collapsed, and two of the accused were set free. Marcus Archer was jailed for eight years for illegal possession of a firearm. When Archer was arrested for Marriott’s murder outside a Croydon mosque in July 2004, a loaded gun was found in his pocket. No one from the gang has been convicted of Adrian Marriott’s killing. Though he belonged to a gang, Marriott’s mother Ruth said of him: “Adrian was my protector. He always looked after me.”

 A month after Adrian Marriott was killed, apparently with five machine gun bullets fired at close range into his skull, one of his friends had tried to exact “street justice” upon Aaron Irving-Simpson of the Muslim Boys gang. Nyrome Hinds attacked Irving-Simpson at a bus stop in Norwood. During the subsequent fight, Hinds pulled out a machine gun and a standard pistol. He was later sentenced to 14 years’ jail. The £13,505 cash ($26,432) he had with him at the time of his arrest was forfeited by Inner London Crown court on December 21, 2005.

 In 2005, about 20 “hardcore” members of the Muslim Boys gang were in jail, but prison was just another place to continue intimidation and recruitment. In February of that year, a journalist from the Evening Standard newspaper interviewed one of the Muslim Boys. 21-year-old Winston was “converted” in prison. He said: “Now we all go to mosque together. If I refuse, they blow [shoot] me, innit. I pray twice a day: before I do crime, and after. I ask Allah for a blessing when I’m out on the street. Afterwards, I apologize to Allah for what I done.”

Winston, who claimed to support Osama bin Laden, described his love of knives and spoke casually of the arsenal of guns possessed by gang members. These included Mac-10 machine pistols. He boasted of the money that the gang made from robberies, and said: “Then, after midnight me and my bruvs go to mosque to pray.”

 Imams in south London were intimidated to make them open their mosques to allow Muslim Boys gang members to pray after hours. The chairman of Brixton mosque, Abdul Haqq Baker, said of the gang’s behavior: “What we are seeing is a new phenomenon that I have not seen in my 15 years as a Muslim.” In January 2005, Brixton and Stockwell mosques publicly declared that there were “criminals masquerading as Muslims” who threatened the reputation of genuine Islam.

 Operation Trident was a police initiative to combat the escalating cases of black-on-black gun crime, then headed by Detective Chief Superintendent John Coles. A police statement read:

 “Trident are aware of a number of young black males in South London who call themselves the Muslim Boys, and are involved in gun and drug related offences. Some of these individuals claim to have converted to Islam, although their beliefs are not recognized by genuine Muslims within the community.”

 One officer from Operation Trident, Detective Sergeant Gary Friar, has claimed that the Muslim Boys use kids to deal drugs for them and to carry weapons. He said in 2006: “They employ runners as young as 12 or 13. Most of these kids join gangs under duress. The majority are from deprived backgrounds and estates where they come into contact with older gang members. The Myatt’s Field Estate in Brixton, for instance, has a core of four or five ringleaders who put pressure on younger kids to deal drugs for them.”

 “A lot of these youngsters don’t want to get involved but they are subjected to physical violence or threatened with firearms. Older gang members don’t want to get their hands dirty. They don’t want to get caught with the drugs. They would rather make a phone call to have their gun delivered as and when they need it rather than carry it around and face five years in prison.”

 A month after Marlon Stubbs had walked free from the Old Bailey courtroom, he was arrested again following an incident in Condell Road in Battersea, southwest London. He and another Muslim Boys gang-member, Stefon Thomas, had been identified by eyewitnesses after a family was shot at in the street. On October 10, 2005, Marlon Crooks had been proudly displaying his new BMW convertible to his relatives. A gang approached and opened fire on Crooks, his eight-year-old daughter, his mother, grandmother, sister and brother. Providentially, no one was hit by the bullets.

 Stubbs, Thomas, and another Muslim Boys gang member, 20-year-old Sanjit Webster, were charged with attempted murder at an Old Bailey trial. The jury failed to convict them on these charges, but on November 28, 2006, all three were jailed for possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

 When Stubbs and Webster were arrested, they were in a taxi traveling from Brixton to Stratford on November 3, 2005. This was the last day of Ramadan, Islam’s holy month, when Muslims are traditionally urged to abstain from battles. They had been overheard saying: “When Ramadan ends, the snake is going to strike.”

 On the same day that Stubbs, Webster and Thomas were jailed, three members of the Muslim Boys gang were convicted of a killing which had taken place shortly after Adrian Marriott was “executed” for failing to convert to Islam. On August 1, 2005, a 23-year-old nursing assistant called Charles Anokye was with a friend at the Mass nightclub at St Matthew’s Church, Effra Road, Brixton. Both men worked at the Rosedale Nursing Home in Tooting Broadway.

 During a three-month trial at the Old Bailey, Anokye’s friend James Idamakin testified that they had both been dancing when another man had said: “You’re blocking my view.” Charles Anokye had knocked another dancer with his drink bottle, and Idamakin had excused his friend by saying that Anokye was drunk, and had not intended that to happen. They left the club at 4 a.m., and Idamakin told the court that he had seen the Muslim Boys running out of the club.

 “I saw Charles with some boys.They were running after him. There were about six of them. They were kicking and punching him. He was on his feet then he fell,” Idamakin said.

 The court was shown closed circuit television footage of Charles Anokye being kicked, punched and stabbed. Two other people testified after being placed under a witness protection program. Anokye received 13 knife wounds to his chest and back and died. His assailants rifled his pockets for money as he lay bleeding to death in the street.

 17-year-old Anwar Hussain was convicted of murder. Two accomplices, 18-year-old Edwin Bamfo and 20-year-old Aaron Roberts were convicted of manslaughter. 18-year-old Rico Tracey and 17-year-old Ben Jatto, were cleared of killing but were convicted of violent disorder. One other individual was cleared of all involvement, and the jury could not reach a decision on two other defendants, who were to face a retrial. (foto Anwar Hussein)


 Hussain was later given a life sentence, while Bamfo and Roberts received a 10 year jail term. Bamfo, who formerly held ambitions to represent Britain as an Olympic sprinter, later had his jail sentence reducued to eight years. Ben Jatto received an 18-month jail term and Rico Tracey was jailed for two years.

 Tracey’s girlfriend, Fatima Cardoso, was given a three year jail sentence for perjury in July 2007. She had provided a false alibi for Tracey during his trial, and continued to lie when tried for perjury.

 In September 2006, another member of the Muslim Boys gang was jailed for 10 years for weapons possession. 22-year-old Joel Simmonds had a Mac-10 with 10 rounds of ammunition, as well as a stun gun and body armor.

 In the same month, the South London Press reported that with many of their leading players in jail, police were claiming that the fearsome reputation of the Muslim Boys was fading.

 Ruth Marriott was skeptical. She said: “I don’t think this is the end. The courts are too lenient and these guys are treated like royalty in prison. They regroup inside and come out with even more confidence… The Muslim connection is a load of crap. They use it to hide their evil deeds behind. I know true Muslims and they would never behave like this.”

 Though there may be fewer active members of the Muslim Boys on the streets of south London, their activities in jail are still giving Britain’s prison service a headache.

Belmarsh Blues

Many of the Muslim Boys gang members were incarcerated at Belmarsh, a prison that was constructed in 1991. This prison traditionally houses the majority of Britain’s convicted Muslim terrorists. One of its notorious inmates is hook-handed Abu Hamza al-Masri, former firebrand preacher at the Finsbury Park Mosque. A serving prison officer at HMP Belmarsh recently stated: “The highest-risk prisoners are kept in the High Security Unit. It’s a jail within a jail. The talk of the unit is always Abu Hamza. None of the prisoners ever bother him. A lot of the Muslim Boys look up to him. In addition to a portable TV, he has his own laptop provided by the Prison Service, a few books and a prayer mat.”

Inside Belmarsh jail, the Muslim Boys have imported their savage and ferocious behavior. They have carved for themselves a unique position within the prison hierarchy, feared by inmates and treated with caution by prison officers. To achieve this, they have violently attacked inmates and staff alike.

In December 2005, a leaked internal security report from the jail stated:

“Prisoners reported abuse, assaults, intimidation and threats. Some of the atrocities were carried out with impunity during associations causing victims to fear for their lives. Most of the perpetrators are believed to be members of the Muslim Boys gang who intensified their drive to recruit other prisoners to the fold. They force prisoners to accept the Muslim faith – those who refuse suffer assaults. They promise potential converts protection from other prisoners and staff who they challenge at every opportunity.”

A month later, a source inside the prison stated: “The Muslim Boys’ gangmaster orders most of the assaults on fellow prisoners. They rule through fear and are very hard to infiltrate.” Members of the Muslim Boys at that time had used “shanks”, razor blades attached to toothbrush handles, to attack victims in the jail.

In a vain attempt to control the violence led by the Muslim Boys gang, one gang leader was transferred in December 2005 to Brixton jail. This individual was said to have had “An extensive custodial history of drugs, assaults and threats of assaults to both staff and fellow prisoners.” Another Muslim Boys gang leader was sent to Whitemoor jail in Cambridgeshire. This man was described in the leaked security report: “In league with others he engaged in intimidation, assaults and recruitment of others into the Muslim Boys Gang/Muslim religion. The membership’s aim is to confront staff and cause major disruptions to good in the prison. Has been seen, along with two others, going round the landing tooled up [carrying weapons].”

In February 2006, a prominent member of the Muslim Boys gang led an attack upon prison staff that led to a riot in the prison’s high security unit. A prison guard was set upon by two inmates. Two of these were Muslim Boys gang members. Another prisoner then joined in. The officer was hit around his head and upper body with a pool cue and also a sock filled with cans of tuna. He received cuts and needed hospital treatment. The incident led to further violence in which two other prison guards were also attacked. One of these was punched and kicked in the shower block of the unit, and the other was assaulted in the medical treatment room. About 10 prisoners and 10 staff members fought with each other, and five prisoners were given disciplinary action.

On Good Friday, April 14, 2006, one member of the Muslim Boys was “punished” for trying to convert out of Islam. When the Belmarsh prisoner was in the bathroom, eight Muslim Boys gang members attacked him. The victim received head injuries. When prison officers tried to intervene, they too were attacked. The Home Office denied that the attack had been a serious incident, but a spokesperson said that four men were being subjected to “administrative action.”

 In May 2007, a leading member of the Muslim Boys gang again led an attack upon Belmarsh prison staff. On the morning of May 4th, this individual was asked to hand over his laptop computer to a prison officer. In March 2006 the prison controversially authorized the issue of laptop computers costing £1,000 apiece ($1,958) to 28 of the prisoners in the jail, including terror suspects and Abu Hamza. The prison authorities argued that these computers were to be used for prisoners to prepare their legal defenses.

The Muslim Boys gang member was suspected of using a smuggled card to enable his laptop computer to be connected to the Internet. He refused to give the computer to the officer and then punched and kicked him. Other prisoners then joined in, brandishing pool cues. When the security alarm was sounded, three more prison officers were attacked, in what was regarded by staff as a pre-planned assault. One of the prison officers received a broken chin and another underwent shoulder injuries.

 The nefarious activities of the Muslim Boys have continued inside Belmarsh. On Tuesday last week, the Daily Mirror newspaper reported that a plot by the Muslim Boys to hold a prison officer as a hostage was foiled. The act was to have been carried out as a “spectacular show of strength” by the gang, prison officers claimed. On Christmas Eve, plans of the prison’s accommodation and the alarm system were found in the possession of one prisoner. A prison source told the Mirror: “We understand some prisoners were plotting to maim or even kill a staff member after holding him hostage. It was designed to be high profile and high impact… There is a sense of relief that a major plot has been scuppered. But at the same time it has heightened fears that the safety of staff can no longer be guaranteed.”

 The Muslim Boys are in no way typical of either Muslim gangs in Britain, or the “traditional” gangs that inhabit Britain’s largest cities. Some police have suggested that they emerged after 9/11, and their claims to support Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda are part of a campaign to intimidate and rule by fear. Their rule on the streets of South London may, for a while a least, lack influence. In Belmarsh, a Category A jail where some of Britain’s worst terrorists are housed, it appears that their campaign of fear is showing no signs of going away.

 In Part Two, I will describe how young British Muslims, alienated from their parents’ traditional cultures, have been drawn into gangs. The activities of some of these gang members are just as disturbing as those of the “Muslim Boys”.

Family Security Matters

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[…] gjerningsmenn i samtlige overfallsvoldtekter de siste 3 år. (Se Voldtægt i Sverige 2008, Voldtægt i Sverige 2007, Voldtægt i Sverige […]


[…] Våldtäkt inkl. grov 5. 379 – en øgning på 14 % fra 4.750 i 2007. […]


[…] tone. Den danske debat var derimod provinsiel, og det var jo trist, syntes Elmquist. Jeg anførte, at der i Sverige begås fem gange så mange voldtægter som i Danmark (forskellen i befolkningsstørrelse er selvsagt indregnet), at antallet af grove overfald er […]


[…]  DN  og Metro : Allt fler  våldtäkter skjer  utomhus  (* 1200 under 15 år er ikke med i tallene). Se også  Voldtægt, Sverige, årsstatistik 2007. […]


[…] der gider slå den statistik efter, som BRÅ fremlagde  14 januar  2008, kan se at det rigtige  tal er 4.750. 3500 er hvad tallet har været midt i 2004. Udviklingen har […]

16 years ago

[…] men de illustrerede at det ikke er meningen Sveriges befolkning skal kende antallet af mord.  Heller ikke voldtægter, for den sags  skyld, og slet ikke  hvme der gør det.   I Danmark  er der ikke noget problem […]


[…] er ikke bare  førende i Norden (Europa?) med forfærdende   4.750  anmeldte voldtægter. De er  det også mht et mere………globaliseret syn på forbrydelsen. Et  […]


[…] er markant flere end i Danmark, men alligevel under en fjerdedel af de svenske  tal. ” Personer med en annen landbakgrunn enn norsk blir stadig mer overrepresentert blant […]


[…] og  hvorfor har svenske medier medvirket  til at  tilsløre fakta, senest f.eks. de  4700 anmeldte voldtægter i 2007 ? Næh, næh,  “Sandelin er en stueren Sverigedemokrat”, det er substansen i de  […]

16 years ago

det er utroligt at der kan være så mange voldtægt bare i sverige!


[…] i Sverige, som svenske. Bare at klargøre  hvor mange  mord der  begøs, kan der  strides  om. De  seneste voldtægtstal for 2007, er så opsigtsvækkende og tragiske, at kun få aviser  har nævnt dem, godt  camoufleret  […]


[…] om bla. skolebrænde, Snaphanen har sin egen lille aktie  i.  Man savner dog at den grasserende voldtægtsepedemi i Sverige berøres,  der har mindre økonomiske men større  menneskelige  […]


[…] Derfor  undlader de at grave dybere  i den. Det værste nylige eksempel er ikke-omtalen af rekord voldtægtstallet på 4.750 voldtægter i 2007.  Men Danmark, hvis regering de afskyr, er pludselig interessant  for de  samme problemer  i  […]


[…] reklamerer med  tallene (her pdf og exel). Statsfeministerne  har henvist denne kendgerning til blogosfæren. Her kunne måske  gøres  noget nyttigt, omend næppe […]


[…] På denne video kan man se 1 minut fra talen. Fundet via Snaphanen: […]


[…] Tack, Snapphanen för statistiken! Våldtäkt, statistik 2007 […]

17 years ago

“Og så er det jo ikke universitetsfeministerne , der rammes, men foilket, rosset – dem kan man bare lukke munden på, hvis enkelte ofre skulle have evner og kræfter til at ville skrive i aviserne.”

Men med den eksplosive stigning i antallet af voldtægter ender det da med, at selv ikke universitetsfeministerne går ram forbi.

Carsten D.
Carsten D.
17 years ago

Et monumentalt politisk og folkeligt moralsk svigt. Sverige – et såkaldt retssamfund, ignorerer totalt en statistik, der har bevæget sig så himmelråbende forrykt: 1975 – 768 voldtægter 2007 – 4.750 voldtægter Tavsheden i offentligheden er grotesk og absurd, specielt når man ved, at var der bare nogenlunde sikkerhed for, at den forrykte stigning (der med statsgaranti vil fortsætte i mange år) kunne tilskrives almindelige blåøjede Svenson’er, ja – så ville kvindeorganisationer, fagforeninger, pædagoger, politikere og ganske almindelige stille eksistenser gå i protestmarch, holde borgermøder og samle underskrifter. (læserbreve og debatindlæg optages som bekendt ikke i svensk presse). Sverige, et orwellsk-samfund… Read more »

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