Seneste opdatering: 7/2-08 kl. 0735
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(tilsendt lĂŠserfoto, – det ville  vĂŠre dejligt at fĂ„ lidt flere  af dem –  5 juni 2007, Kongens Have)

Ny Alliance holder fast i modstanden mod Dansk Folkeparti.
 “Vi har et enormt potentiale,” siger Anders Samuelsen.

 Now, What If

Mogens Rukov pÄ engelsk

Denmark is an unusual place.Take, for example, the newspaper Politiken. It is The New York Times of Denmark, a repository of the conventional wisdom, the place to look for a reliably politically correct opinion on anything and everything.

But not always. Recently there have been cracks in the liberal monolith that is Politiken. The feature article translated below is unusual, and rings out as a voice of sanity in the politically correct wilderness.Our Danish correspondent TB volunteered to translate the article, and has this to say about it:

Something has definitely changed among the people in charge of this paper. A year ago you would never have seen an article like that in Politiken. Actually the most insane editor in Denmark, Tþger Seidenfaden, walked out on all of us last time there was a meeting of Trykkefrihedsselskabet [the Press Freedom Society], the one in support of Lars Vilks, telling everybody in the room that they were a bunch of misusers of freedom of speech. He was especially targeting Flemming Rose, Vilks, and the creators of the Mohammed cartoons. It was hilarious
Maybe they have now seen the signs
? One can only hope.

And now for the article itself.   Gates  of Vienna


er kort for “Marie Louise”. Min fĂžrste kĂŠrlighed hed Malou. Hun var hollĂŠnder. Vi var fire Ă„r gamle. Det var intenst. Jeg tror ikke hun interesserede sig for flygtningelejre, populisme og reformer. Vi sad under borde og flygler og kyssede i mĂžrket. Da hun rejste hjem til Holland, grĂŠd jeg. SmĂ„ bĂžrn har store fĂžlelser.

“Tanken om at sidde fire Ă„r til med en VKO-regering, der pĂ„ sĂ„ mange omrĂ„der er ude af trit med, hvad befolkningen gerne vil, og hvad samfundet har brug for, er ikke til at holde ud.”

Aamund: VKO ikke til at holde ud

Eftersom imamutbildningen i Sverige bedrives i statlig regi kommer den att bli könsneutral och jÀmlik, sÀger folkpartiet.Det innebÀr att hÀften av alla imamer som utbildas skall vara kvinnor.Utbildningen vÀlkomnar ocksÄ sexuella minoriteter som homosexuella och lesbiska.    Genusteori och queerforskning ingÄr som kursmoment, framhÄller fp.Den manliga imam som ej vill tjÀnstgöra tillsammans med kvinnliga imamer kommer ej att kunna fÄ tjÀnst i en svensk moské.Moskéerna kommer ocksÄ att omfattas av den nya lagstiftningen om vigsel av samkönade par.
Lesbiska imamer vÀlkomnas, sakset fra Kurt Lundgren

 Swedish Migration Board Bans Freedom of Expression

Jag har nu blivit tvungen att lÀmna mitt jobb, i huvudsak pÄ grund av vad jag skrivit i denna blogg. Vad jag hÀr har tagit stÀllning för, Àr demokrati och frihet. Vad jag tagit stÀllning mot, Àr terror. Konkret har det inneburit ett stÀllningstagande för Israel, som Àr den enda demokratiska staten i Mellanöstern och den enda stat i vÀrlden som stÄr inför hotet att utplÄnas.

Demokrati och terror

Swedish Migration Board Bans Freedom of Expression

by Baron Bodissey

The Swedish Migration Board has demoted — and in practice fired — Asylum Assessment Manager Lennart Eriksson, 51, for voicing support for democracies such as Israel and the USA on his personal website. The Migration Board has not alleged that Eriksson’s personal beliefs have in any way affected the quality the his work, nor is it alleged that he has behaved in any way inappropriately while at work, acknowledging that he manages his website entirely in his own private time. It is for his political beliefs that he is being persecuted. Eriksson is a Conservative.

Lennart Eriksson, 51, has worked at the Swedish Migration Board in Göteborg in western Sweden in a variety of positions for almost 20 years. He is a Conservative in his personal political affiliations and has for many years managed his own Internet website where he has expressed his personal opinions on a variety of subjects. On this website Lennart Eriksson has voiced support for Israel and the USA as pillars of democracy. His employers have known about the website for many years.

Conservative politics “not mainstream”

Over the past five years, up to September 2007, Lennart Eriksson served as manager of an asylum assessment unit. On his return from a year-long leave of absence during which he completed his doctoral thesis, he was immediately called to a meeting with the newly appointed operational manager. The manager informed Eriksson that he had seen his website and that Lennart Eriksson’s Conservative views were both “unusual” and controversial. The manager was particularly opposed to Lennart Eriksson’s support for Israel and the USA and his online description of WW2 US general George Patton as one of the heroes of the Second World War. Lennart Eriksson was then summarily informed that he had been demoted.

In response, Lennart Eriksson sued the Swedish Migration Board in county court. Eriksson’s view is that he has in practice been fired from his job as asylum assessment unit manager, camouflaged in the form of a transfer. Lennart Eriksson feels that whatever the final legal outcome regarding the terminology — demotion or transfer — there is no cause for this move. The Migration Board confirms that Lennart Eriksson has been transferred as a result of the opinions he expressed on his private website. Opinions that are not against anything, but rather for certain beliefs — Conservative politics and democratic countries, specifically Israel and the USA.

Freedom of expression in danger in Sweden

The right to freely express opinions on political, cultural and social issues without risk of reprisal is the very foundation of a democratic society. Freedom of expression, which is protected in Sweden by the Constitution, does not provide unlimited freedoms but it is a very far-reaching right indeed. The opinions that Lennart Eriksson expresses are based in their entirety on a strong democratic foundation whose cornerstone is an unassailable conviction of every individual’s equal human value. Lennart Eriksson’s opinions are politically Conservative. These opinions may naturally be disputed within certain quarters, not least among a largely left-leaning media. They may not always be regarded as politically correct in a society where there is a strong innate tendency to conformity. However, these views are nonetheless shared to a large extent by the entire Swedish government, a coalition that includes a large number of Conservatives. A long history of Social Democratic control at the helm of the nation and of the Swedish Migration Board, however, has left a very firm imprint on both the nation’s media and various state departments — not least the Migration Board.

Political persecution

Political persecution is not easily identified in a country where generations of citizens have been brought up to hear that this sort of thing does not occur in Sweden. If someone in another country had suffered the treatment to which Lennart Eriksson has been subjected — the more so in a State-run and State-funded department — the victim would in fact have been entitled to seek and thus be granted political asylum in Sweden.

The Swedish Migration Board fulfils a vital social function. Protecting human rights and offering asylum to victims of persecution are among the Board’s central roles. However, the Swedish Migration Board reveals that it will not hesitate to pursue its own employees for their political beliefs. Consequently, the Swedish Migration Board’s credibility in its everyday operations — operations of immense sensitivity to the nation’s security — is being rapidly undermined and risks total collapse.

By supporting an operational manager who displays a remarkable lack of education, an embarrassing shortfall in historical perspective and a penchant for prejudice coloured by personal political belief, the Swedish Migration Board has diluted the democratic nature of one of Europe’s oldest democracies.
For more information about this case, the media are requested to contact:

Ilya Meyer, phone +46 31 694431, 426 68 VÀstra Frölunda, Sweden.
Fax: +46 31 690486
Email: ilya.meyer@transtext.se
Swedish Migration Board Bans Freedom of Expression

Gates of Vienna

Endnu en dag – endnu et skyderi

Skyderiet fandt sted i det omrĂ„de, hvor den sĂ„kaldte SjĂŠlĂžrbande huserer. Medlemmer af banden har flere gange tidligere vĂŠret involveret i skudepisoder i KĂžbenhavn – ogsĂ„ pĂ„ Carl Jacobsens Vej. Politiet har desuden nĂŠvnt grupperingen i forbindelse med et skudopgĂžr den 13. december sidste Ă„r, da en 21-Ă„rig mand blev drĂŠbt i Mimersgade pĂ„ NĂžrrebro. Tre fĂŠngslet efter skyderi Offentliggjort 06.02.08 kl. 19:50

Ligesom den legendariske frÞ der svÞmmer ubekymret videre i den opvarmede gryde, ligeledes med de hyppigere og hyppigere historier om skyderi i Danmark. JPs seneste opdatering er et stykke afetnificeret Ritzau-spam, stÞrre betydning tillÊgges emnet Äbenbart ikke. Vi er nÄet op pÄ nÊste leje, vi lever, de fleste af os, nu bare altsÄ i et land hvor skyderi for ikke sÄ lÊnge siden ikke var noget der fandt sted i almindelige boligomrÄder. Hvad bliver nÊste optrapning? Man mÄ kigge pÄ andre omkringliggende lande, for at se tendenserne. BilafbrÊndinger, isÊr i weekenderne, optÞjer der ignoreres af MSM, markant Þgning af danskerflugt fra visse kvarterer, mere rÄ gadevold, flere voldtÊgter?

Et er sikkert, der kommer ikke nogen massiv, assertiv indsats, som sĂŠtter vores tarv over alt andet. Der kommer ikke pĂ„ denne side af ragnarok noget folkekrav, nogen mediekampagner med fokus pĂ„ “hvor er vi pĂ„ vej hen, nu mĂ„ der sĂŠttes ind inden det er for sent”. Andre lande er kommet dertil, uden at der er blevet slĂ„et i bordet, og vores egne dhimmier tager ned til dhimmierne i Holland og klapper i deres smĂ„ dhimmihĂŠnder over hvor godt “integrationen” gĂ„r der. Holland, hvor der gĂžres klar til opstand over en film som ingen har set; Holland, hvor Ayaan Hirsi Ali ikke kan leve frit og sikkert; Holland, engang et af Europas mest tolerante lande, i dag med vold mod bĂžsser og jĂžder som en ny virkelighed; Holland, hvor en angiveligt moderat kommunalpolitiker viser sig at vĂŠre Hizb ut-Tahrir-stĂžtte …? Nej, der sker ikke noget sĂ„ lĂŠnge gryden bare bliver opvarmet lige sĂ„ stille. (LFPC)

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