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UK: Somalisk pigebande frikendt for vold – var uvante med alkohol

Virkeligheden overgår den mest bizarre fantasi, men dette er jo også Storbritannien hvor The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum. Britiske fængsler er overfyldte, og enhver kan ved selvsyn konstatere de groteske begrundelser for at lade folk slippe for afsoning. Prøv f. eks. at søge ‘avoids jail’ eller lignende på the Daily Mail. Måske tiden er ved at være moden til aversionsterapien The Ludovico Treatment, som netop blev udviklet for at aflaste fængselssystemet derovre? (LFPC)

A gang of Muslim girls who repeatedly kicked a young woman in the head walked free from court after a judge heard they were ‘not used to being drunk’ because of their religion.

The group screamed ‘kill the white slag’ while kicks raining in on 22-year-old Rhea Page as she lay motionless on the ground, the court heard.

The attackers – three sisters and their cousin – were told by a judge that normally they would have been sent to jail.

However, he handed the girls – all Somalian Muslims – suspended sentences after hearing that they were not used to alcohol because their religion does not allow it. […] Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling ‘kill the white slag’ freed after judge hears ‘they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims’

USA: Er ny interneringslovgivning en antydning om noget i gære?

Når en demokratisk præsident truer med veto hvis lovliggørelsen af internering af amerikanske borgere på ubestemt tid skulle blive nedstemt, er der grund til at spidse ører. Der tales specifikt om islamiske femtekolonneelementer. Ved de noget vi ikke ved? Dette er hvad spekulationerne på nettet vedr. denne paragraf handler om. Der gættes bl. a. på insideviden om et forestående angreb med masseødelæggelsesvåben. Føderal internering af egne borgere er noget nær den værste vederstyggelighed i amerikansk selvforståelse, og sammenholdt med Obamas knæfald for alt islamisk bliver dette som et minimum højst interessant at følge. Uanset hvad der har begrundet lovtiltaget strider dette mod den nuværende administrations bandlysning af enhver henvisning til islam i officiel retorik og planlægning. Kunne en (utilsigtet) konsekvens blive ophøret af denne uhørte og landsskadelige selvcensur ville det være et kæmpeskridt i den rigtige retning (LFPC).

H.R. 1540, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, has already passed the House, and is currently before the Senate. One section of the bill gives the President the authority to detain indefinitely American citizens, picked up on American soil, because they are allegedly supporting the enemy:


Congress affirms that—

(1) the United States is engaged in an armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces and that those entities continue to pose a threat to the United States and its citizens, both domestically and abroad;

(2) the President has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 23 1541 note);

(3) the current armed conflict includes nations, organization, and persons who—

(A) are part of, or are substantially supporting, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners; or

(B) have engaged in hostilities or have directly supported hostilities in aid of a nation, organization, or person described in subparagraph (A); and

(4) the President’s authority pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 11 107–40; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority to detain belligerents, including persons described in paragraph (3), until the termination of hostilities. […]

UPDATE: A commenter points out that, according to Senator Carl Levin, it was the Obama administration which told Congress to remove the language in the original bill which exempted American citizens and lawful residents from the detention power. See the C-Span video of the debate on the floor of the Senate, at 4:43:29. […] Defense bill will allow President to indefinitely detain American citizens

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13 years ago

Studio Ett i SR:s P1 bjuder på ett riktigt solskensreportage idag. Den gamla bruksorten Fagersta i Västmanland ska bli EUROPAS FÖRSTA SOMALISKA KOMMUN: “Fagersta i Bergslagen har bara under 2010 och 2011 tagit emot mer än 150 flyktingar från Somalia och därmed blivit ett påtagligt inslag i stadsbilden. För nu bor mellan tre och fyrahundra somalier i kommunen vilket i en kommun med 12 500 invånare innebär en stor utmaning för att få integrationen att fungera. Och i Fagersta har man satt målet att man ska bli bäst i Sverige på integrationen. Och nyckeln till framgång stavas språk och arbete.… Read more »

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