Seneste opdatering: 9/1-12 kl. 1652
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Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland og Die Linke ser en belejlig mulighed for at komme af med den store tyske blog Politically Incorrect, der har mellem 50 og 70.000 lĂŠsere om dagen. Vi har set den dagligt i mange Ă„r, og aldrig set en redaktionel artikel, der ville bryde nogen lov i Danmark. Dens millioner af kommentarer, kan vi ikke udtale os om, men det er da ikke umuligt, at de vil knalde PI pĂ„ dem. “PI har et forstyrret forhold til den demokratiske retstat,” siger Manfred Murck fra Verfassungsschutz. Der er vel bare det problem, at kommentarer pĂ„ store anerkendte blogs, ikke adskiller sig synderligt fra dem man ser pĂ„ store tyske, engelske og danske aviser, hvis demokratiske sans sĂ„ ogsĂ„ mĂ„ vĂŠre forstyrret. SĂ„ mĂ„ debatĂžkologerne vĂŠre konsekvente og frabede sig hele mĂžllen.

I Norge sÄ man at Aftenposten lukkede hele sit debatforum, da de opdagede at Breivik havde vÊret en flittig bruger. Vi ved derfor ikke hvad han skrev. Derefter gik bladet umiddelbart over til at revse bla. Document.no for, at Breivik havde kommenteret der en kortere overgang, til trods for at Document Þjeblikkeligt offentligjorde samtlige Breiviks kommentarer. Mage til skinhellige hyklere skal man desvÊrre ikke lede ret lÊnge efter. Nu er der rÞster fremme, for at fÄ det Äbnet igen.

German authorities have announced a plan to place anti-Islamic websites under surveillance because of growing concern that they are becoming more radical and fomenting right-wing violence

The domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, said last week it had set up a working group to assess whether German-language sites such as Politically Incorrect and NĂŒrnberg 2.0, whose stated aim is to oppose the “Islamisation of Europe” are in breach of the constitution.Right-wing populists and websites condemned Mr Breivik as a crazed loner. But many of the arguments in his 1,500-page declaration matched their own rhetoric, sparking accusations that they have been breeding violence by railing against Muslims. [..]

Aiman Mazyek, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, said in a recent interview with SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung, a leading newspaper, that it was time authorities clamped down on such sites.

“We must be clear that the lines between right-wing populists and right-wing radicals are blurred. The one can pave the way for the other. Right-wing populists like to fan fear of Islam, and the resulting hostility to Islam is used by neo-Nazis as an entrance ticket into mainstream society. “Those who sow hatred and transport blatant racism cloaked as criticism of Islam aren’t representing an opinion but committing a crime. No one minds criticism but there is no right to spreading racist ideology, which is precisely what inflammatory internet sites are doing.” Anti-Islamic websites come under greater scrutiny in Germany. – (POLITICALLY INCORRECT – Das Tribunal der Islamhasser. Behörden schĂ€rfen Blick auf Islamfeinde, VerfassungsschĂŒtzer nehmen Islamfeinde ins Visier.

Den talentfulde hr. Gilani

Den pakistanske socialbedrager Hassan Gilani med hjem i London, KĂžbenhavn og millionvilla i Lahore – Mercedes, chauffĂžr, kok og gartner:

It looks like the kind of home owned by a successful businessman or influential politician. But this imposing five-bedroom house, in one of the most affluent districts of Lahore, Pakistan, is understood to be owned by a man being investigated for benefit fraud in Britain and Denmark.

The opulent two-storey home, worth up to ÂŁ300,000 in the country’s second-biggest city, is the subject of an investigation by the Department for Work and Pensions and Danish authorities into Hassan Gilani. […]

Mr Gilani has allegedly been paid huge sums after saying he was disabled and could barely walk, while claiming to live in both countries.

But his neighbours in Pakistan say he is regularly seen strolling round the upper-class neighbourhood of Model Town and that he often spends several months at a time at the house to escape the cold English winters.

Last week, this newspaper revealed he has received up to ÂŁ110,000 in housing benefit from the British taxpayer since 1997.

He has also been paid up to ÂŁ70,000 in disability allowance in the past decade, while banking about ÂŁ112,000 of benefits in Denmark.

Locals in Lahore told how Mr Gilani, 58, who lives in a taxpayer-funded three-bedroom terrace house in Croydon, South London, bought land for the house in the early Nineties. In the years that followed, he turned it into one of the smartest homes in this tree-lined street, five miles from Lahore. […] Croydon, Copenhagen – and here, in a rich suburb of Lahore, is benefit probe father’s THIRD home

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12 years ago

Jeg har en dystopisk forudsigelse. Dybest set er jeg optimist, men jeg vil ikke udelukke fĂžlgende fremtidsscenarie: Islamiseringen fĂ„r lov til at skride frem trin for trin, akkurat sĂ„ langsomt, at en stor del af befolkningen ikke tĂŠnker over det. Javist kommer der nogle skoler med halal-mad, men det er jo ikke slemt i sig selv. SĂ„ kommer der flere moskeer (vi har allerede mere end 100 i DK til oplysning), men det er jo heller ikke slemt i sig selv. Flere banker holder op med at have sparegrise for ikke at stĂžde nogen, men det er jo heller ikke… Read more »

Frank P
Frank P
12 years ago

Demokratiske stater pĂ„ kanten til det totalitĂŠre. Vi ser det over alt nu. Det er en klichĂ©, men det giver mening, at hive Orwell frem. Her til morgen pĂ„ P1 interview med Fazal, der har Ă„bnet et Bageri i en af MalmĂžs forstĂŠder. Man skulle tro at Ă©n som ham fĂ„r fripas. Men nej. Attentater, bomber, beskyttelsespenge, han tĂžr ikke gĂ„ ud efter mĂžrkets frembrud. Han overvejer at sĂŠlge lortet videre. En skizofren sindstilstand i Sverige, det mest ubegribelige land af alle, naturlige reaktioner ser man aldrig. Der et intet naturligt over Sverige. Man mangler et sprog til at forklare… Read more »

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