Seneste opdatering: 10/8-12 kl. 0358
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Sendt 4 august 2012. Fra Køln, Bryssel og London. Der er en senere her fra 8 august: Stakelbeck One-on-One with UK Islamist Anjem Choudary.

The Ethnic Future of Western Europe to 2030

In Sweden, according to Pew’s recent report, Muslims alone will comprise nearly 14% of the population in 2030

The pre-2004 EU has a roughly similar population to the US and is a good basis for comparison. The white (non-Hispanic) share of the American population will decrease from about 65 to 50 percent between 2010 and 2050. During this same period, the native-born white share of Europe’s population is projected to decline from 95 to about 85 percent. Note, however, that while the proportion of minorities in the US will increase from a third to a half (a 50 percent increase), it will jump from 5 to 15 percent in western Europe, a 300 percent increase. In addition, approximately half the minority growth in Europe will be Muslim, a much larger share than in the United States [..]

In addition, approximately half the minority growth in Europe will be Muslim, a much larger share than in the United States. The rate of change is therefore more dramatic and unprecedented in Europe, and will be especially marked in the urban areas where the overwhelming majority of the non-European population resides. If we focus on major west European immigration gateways, the change is even more rapid. England is likely to be 25% minority in 2050 writes demographer David Coleman, and in Sweden, according to Pew’s recent report, Muslims alone will comprise nearly 14% of the population in 2030 and will double in number in most countries over the next twenty years. The Ethnic Future of Western Europe to 2030

“Tolerance in Islam”

Yesterday, Abdelfatah Mourou, a prominent Tunisian Islamist figure, was hospitalized after he was attacked by an attendee of a conference entitled, Tolerance in Islam, which he was heading in Kairouan. The assailant struck Mourou in the head with what appeared to be a water glass following a dispute. Mourou passed out and was taken to the hospital, where he was given five stitches in the forehead.

Mourou, who is one of the founding members of Tunisia’s eminent Islamist Ennahdha party, was chairing the conference with Ridha Belhaj, the head of the ultra-conservative Hizb-ut-Tahrir party, and Youssef Seddik, a well-known Tunisian philosopher. Ennahdha Founder Attacked at “Tolerance in Islam” Conference

Tolerancen ses i de sidste sekunder af videoen. Islamisten Mourou skal have fornærmet en vis afdød Aisha:

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[…] 10, 2013: Brotherhood Supporters Advising Obama Administration? Se ogsĂĄ Inside the Muslim Brotherhood in the West og Muslim Brotherhood America’s Next Great […]

11 years ago

Et (øl?)glas over hovedet fra en from broder i troen forekommer at være billigt sluppet i Dar al islam. Beviserne hober sig ellers op med rekord fart overalt kloden rundt: Islam er en grundlæggende politisk, voldelig og totalitær religion! Men bare rolig, den problemstilling har vores politikere nemlig fuldstændig styr pĂĄ. Mens alle andre, ikke mindst muslimerne selv, kæmper som vilde dyr for at tøjle konsekvenserne af den koraniske forpligtigelse pĂĄ hellig krig for Allahs sag, sĂĄ har Vestens magthavere fundet mirakelkuren. Og den bestĂĄr af deres fantastiske evne til at …. Og deres utrolige indblik i …. Deres tilbundsgĂĄende… Read more »

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