Seneste opdatering: 22/11-12 kl. 1420
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A series of articles published in The Times has exposed the pattern of child-sex crimes in which young white teenage girls in Rochdale, Burnley, Dewsbury, Keighley, Leeds, Carlisle, Derby, Telford, Birmingham and Oxford have been groomed by groups of mainly Pakistani men.

Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, has expressed concern at Ms Berelowitz’s findings for not coming down more strongly on the role of Asian men, accusing it of “political correctness”. After a two-year investigation, the report found that 2,409 children were victims of sex crimes by gangs or groups of men in a 14-month period from 2010 to 2011. A further 16,500 young people displayed high-risk signs of exploitation.

“Each year thousands of children in England are raped and abused from as young as 11 by people seeking to humiliate, violate and control them. The impact … is often devastating,” it said. The report recorded but did not elaborate on the fact that more than 25 per cent of reported child sex abuse perpetrators were Asian and South-East Asian, although they represented only 6.9 per cent of the population. Anger at ‘politically correct’ sex gangs report, ‘Thousands’ of children sexually exploited by gangs, Is it really true that children are being sexually exploited in every ‘town, village and hamlet’ in England? Politically Correct Report into Group Sex Abuse of Children Minimises the Muslim Factor – Rapport, download: Child Sexual Expolitation Inquiry interim report – I thought I was the only one. The only one in the world

Muslim Gang Rape Whitewashed in Britain
by Paul Weston

Wherever in the Western world you find large groups of Muslims, you also find a correspondingly large amount of gang rape with Muslims the perpetrators and native white girls the victims. I’m not sure what the rape statistics in Muslim-ruled countries are like, but one assumes they are lower than in the West simply because infidel girls are seen as permissible targets in the Dar al-Harb (the House of War).

Western women and girls do not yet seem aware of the Islamic requirement to swathe themselves in layers of black clothing in order to counter the sexual urges of predatory Muslim males. After the reporting of the Muslim gang rape epidemic in Australia, it fell to Sydney-based Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, Australia’s senior Muslim cleric, to state what has since become painfully obvious to those who truly understand the sheer horror of Muslim attitudes toward non-Muslim women:

“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it … whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem….if she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred.”

High Wycombe, an area not perhaps associated with a high Muslim presence, is the latest part of Great Britain to discover such wonders of multicultural enrichment, where eight Muslim men were arrested on the 19th of November over grooming and rape allegations. And there was I, thinking High Wycombe was still part of what was once a rather pleasant country called England…GoV.

Danskt stöd för Lars Vilks

Nu har en dansk stödkommitté för Lars Vilks bildats. De sju i kommittén är:

Helle Merete Brix, journalist og forfatter, initiativtager og komiteens koordinator.
Uwe Max Jensen, journalist og billedkunstner, initiativtager og kontaktperson til Lars Vilks.
Firoozeh Bazrafkan, billedkunstner
Bernt Johan Collet, godsejer og tidligere bestyrelsesformand for CEPOS
Mikael Jalving, historiker og kommentator
Farshad Kholghi, skuespiller og kommentator
Niels Ivar Larsen, journalist og redaktør på Information
Jaleh Tavakoli, løsgænger i Borgerrepræsentationen og talskvinde for Frit Iran

hemsidan skriver de:

Lars Vilks komiteen har til formål at arrangere fire årlige møder i København med den svenske tegner og kunstteoretiker Lars Vilks og at støtte op om hans ytringsfrihed, om retten til at tegne, tænke og tale frit.

När det nu gjorts i Danmark, kanske det vore en bra idé också för svenskt vidkommande?Tystnaden är feghetens broder. Den som talar och uttrycker sitt stöd för Lars Vilks säger egentligen något mycket mer, som handlar om vilket slags samhälle vi vill leva i. Thomas Nydahl

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[…] “Try and try and try again” Svenska kyrkans censur av ‘Fädernas Kyrka’ Englands tilvandrede børnemisbrugere »Hudna« Theodore Dalrymple: “The Ultimate ‘Freedom” Pressens mørke side »Ubegribeligheder […]

12 years ago

Jag kan bara påpeka detta om våldtäktsstatistiken i den första artikeln. Jag tror inte på det första pajdiagrammet (pie chart på engelska) och jag tror inte på det andra. Det var nog 7 år sedan jag sist var i UK och landet kändes inte längre som det tillhörde Europa. Det fanns så många svarta och “pakis” att det faktiskt lämnar Malmö rejält i lä. Den etniska sammansättningen av landet är inte som i det första diagrammet. Jag tror inte heller på att andelen våldtäkter som registreras som “vita” är korrekt registrerade, även om man inkluderar “undisclosed” som icke-vita. Varför skulle… Read more »

Svend Andersen
Svend Andersen
12 years ago

O.T.: SD på 12,3% i ny Sentio-måling udført 15-21 nov.: http://www.dagensopinion.se/fortsatt-opinionsras-kd 😉

Frank P
Frank P
12 years ago

Senere sagde Sheiken Taj Din al-Hilali om kød-udtalelsen,: “I acknowledge that I had made statements which were not wise at that time,” he said. Selv i kænguru-landet kan folk ikke se det åbenlyse. Dobbeltunge taler vi ikke. Senere: “I worry about that,” he said. “Some people are being trained in Arab countries and return to act like an exploding bomb.” Alle vestlige lande installerer fremtidige borgerkrige. Lortet flyder ud af mellemøsten, på tiden at sætte en vandløs, så rotterne ikke kommer efter. Her er den svenske medieelite og deres lønninger de får for at undertrykke den svenske befolkning: http://www.dagensmedia.se/nyheter/print/dagspress/article3588745.ece Jan… Read more »

Morten - - -
Morten - - -
12 years ago

“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it … whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem….if she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred.” Var denne udtalelse faldet hertillands, var den pågældende imam omgående blevet straffet efter § 266B – han sammenligner jo muslimer med katte! Umælende dyr, uden forstand … Om “et stykke kød” er… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Morten - - -

Bare det at kalde en kvinde for et stykke kød.
Burde få rødstrømperne til at gå amok.
Men de sure gamle kællinger sover bare videre.

Ps. Katte er mere civiliserede og renlige end muslimer.

Morten - - -
Morten - - -
12 years ago
Reply to  XXXXX

De sover skam ikke! De definerer

De hvide kvinder og de sorte mænd har en fælles fjende, der forener dem, i deres undertrykker, Den Hvide Mand. Det kan man ikke komme udenom!

– – –

12 years ago

Hvornår er muslimer ikke rasende over et eller andet? 😀 Muslimer raser over Paris Hiltons mekka-butik http://www.bt.dk/kendte/muslimer-raser-over-paris-hiltons-mekka-butik Den kontroversielle hotelarving Paris Hilton har åbnet en butik i muslimernes hellige by Mekka, hvilket har udløst en stime af vrede kommentarer verden over. Med sit sexede og glitrende superstar-image har hotelarvingen Paris Hilton lagt navn til alverdens produkter – lige fra parfumer og hårbørster til film og musik. Mange af produkterne kan man købe i hendes helt egne Paris Hilton-butikker, og selv om den for muslimer hellige by Mekka har mange forskellige vestlige butikker, er lige netop Hiltons butik for meget af… Read more »

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