Seneste opdatering: 25/9-13 kl. 1035
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Yassin-Mahi Ifølge en soma­lisk nett­avis dri­ver den svensk-somaliske poli­ti­ker Yaasin Maahi Maa­lin human traf­fick­ing: han orga­ni­se­rer et nett­verk som sel­ger visum til Sve­rige for mel­lom 15.000 og 20.000 dollar.

Mahi tren­ger pen­gene til sitt bunn­skrapte poli­tiske parti og for å kjøpe seg bor­ger­mes­ter­pos­ten i Mogadishu. Han har med­hjel­pere som lærer kun­dene hva de skal si til svenske myn­dig­he­ter. Det vises også til at han har gode kon­tak­ter i det sosial­de­mo­kra­tiske partiet.

Alleged visa traf­ficker Yaasin Maa­lin seemingly exploit his rela­tions through poli­ti­ci­ans in Sweden Social Party whom Maa­lin uses to assist obtai­ning visa for indi­vi­duals whom he claim are coming Sweden to sup­port Swedish Somali socia­list party.

Maahi is having king­pins in Nai­robi and Moga­dishu who pro­vide will­ful mis­re­pre­sen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion of visa hope­fuls to cheat immi­gra­tion offi­cers. Cause of per­sons traf­ficked is false pro­mi­ses of emp­loy­ment and a bet­ter life.

Throug­hout investi­ga­tions exa­mi­ners noticed Yaasin Maahi now proces­sing indi­vi­duals to be smugg­led to Scan­di­na­vian capi­tal cities in Octo­ber to in order for him t gain money to finance his pen­ni­less poli­ti­cal party or for him to buy Moga­dishu mayoral position.

This swindle is latest of chain of visa cons in Nai­robi and unpar­do­nably embroils poli­ti­ci­ans who want to use them as means to finance their poli­ti­cal campaigns. Visa traf­fick­ing is belie­ved to be paid between 15000 to 20000 Ame­ri­can dollars..Names trafficked persons to Europe by Yaasin Maahi will be presented in the next edition. Svensk-somalisk politiker selger visa til Sverige, Yassin Mahi – både en förebild och drivkraft i Katrineholm

The Swedish Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria

Antagelig er den første systematiske oversigtartikel om emnet denne skrevet af Per Gudmundsson. Som han anfører er antallet af Syrienjihadister foruroligende højt, når man tænker på at Säpo for knap tre år ved tiden for det mislykkede terrorforsøg på Bryggargatan i Stockholm, at der kun fandtes cirka 200 ‘aktive jihadister’ i Sverige. Halvdelen af jihadisterne i denne artikel havde ikke nogen kendt tidligere jihadforbindelse og kan derfor ikke være med i Säpos vurdering fra år 2010. Kan man overhovedet skønne det svenske rekrutteringsgrundlag med nogen sikkerhed? Gudmundssons artikel står i The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point Military Academy. Nogle nedslag:

In April 2013, the Swedish Security Service estimated that “around 30” individuals from Sweden have traveled to Syria to join “groups inspired by al-Qa`ida.”[1] This author has identified 18 fighters from Sweden who have joined the war in Syria—including their real names and social security numbers—and has researched their backgrounds and relationships.[2] Using public records, this article explores the socioeconomic backgrounds, regional distribution, criminal records and ethnicities of the 18 fighters. It also includes more anecdotal data from information collected through social media to show group affiliations, casualties and previous connections to terrorism and the global jihadist movement. Public records do not tell the whole story of the 18 fighters. Based on social media and press reports, eight of them have already died in Syria.

A major concern of Swedish security officials is whether Swedish citizens have committed any terrorist acts, war crimes or other atrocities in the Syrian conflict. There are some worrying signs. One obvious incident is the suicide bombing conducted by 19-year-old Abu Maaz, one of the Lebanese brothers. Yet there are no credible reports about the casualties (Jund al-Sham boasted that 200 soldiers were killed).[52] The fact that fighters from Sweden have fought with, or side-by-side, Jabhat al-Nusra and the ISIL is another concern. Just being a member of a terrorist organization, however, is not a crime in Sweden.

Evidence of possible war crimes is not easy to confirm. Abu Dharar Filibbini, however, has been the most prolific publisher of photographs from the war. In mid-December 2012, he posted a series of photographs from when Kataib al-Muhajirin and Jabhat al-Nusra captured the Sheikh Suleiman air base. In one of the pictures, he posed triumphantly with his foot placed on the head of a slain enemy in civilian clothes. Other pictures from the same battle showed inhumane treatment of prisoners and him posing with corpses.

He is not the only one to publish photographs of atrocities. The most gruesome photo yet was published in early July 2013 by an unidentified fighter from Sweden, Abu Ikrema. It showed a fighter—most likely himself—posing with the head from a decapitated man-

One fighter, Khaled SigSauer, born in July 1990 and a cousin to the deceased Abu Abdurrahman, figured in the background of a jihadist-related case of attempted murder in Sweden in the fall of 2011. Four young men in Gothenburg were arrested on the suspicion that they planned to murder the Swedish artist Lars Vilks.[59] The four men, who were subsequently freed by the court,[60] carried knives on their way to an art fair where the alleged stabbing was to occur. One of the knives had been provided by Khaled SigSauer, who was friends with two of the suspects. Khaled SigSauer was interrogated during the investigation, court documents show.

Another concern is whether fighters will return to Sweden with the intention to perform jihadist activities at home or in Europe. According to sources within Swedish intelligence agencies, however, fighters have already returned home. One fighter, Abu Dharar Filibbino, returned in the spring of 2013, now a battle-hardened veteran. At home in Gothenburg, he resurrected his Facebook profile and started to post pictures from his battles, advice on the equipment needed in war, movies from training, and also a film showing him and other fighters from Sweden experimenting with explosives.[67] He also published a series of new homemade logos, indicating that he was toying with the idea of starting an organization of some kind, possibly in Sweden.

Still, the size of the Swedish contingent in Syria seems to have surprised the Swedish Security Service. The only official estimate on the total number of jihadists in Sweden was published by the Swedish Security Service in December 2010.[68] On a given year, it said “around 200” individuals from Sweden could be considered active in the jihadist movement in one way or another. In light of the number of men from Sweden who have already joined the war in Syria, that overall number seems low. Half of the fighters identified in this article had no known previous connections to the jihadist movement and may not have been included in the 2010 count. Indeed, the Syrian war continues to attract young men from Sweden at a pace not seen in previous jihadist conflicts.[69] Unless stricter enforcement measures are taken, this participation rate may continue to rise. Per Gudmundsson: The Swedish Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria med kildehenvisninger

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Frank P
Frank P
10 years ago

Sverige er et vanvittigt land…

3 fyrer overfalder kærestepar, kvinden voldtages igen og igen, mens manden ligger bevidstløst… men ingen skriver rigtigt om det…

2 børn på under 10 år er blevet voldtaget på få dage i Malmø… men ingen skriver om det og politiet sys kun at være optaget af at holde møder oven på den såkaldte ‘register-skandale’, fordi de har ført kartotek over de mest kriminelle sigøjnere og medie-sverige nu spiller helligt forargede…

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