Seneste opdatering: 26/10-13 kl. 1906
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Unbenannt-1I anledning af Lampedusa linkede jeg i gĂ„r til min post fra 2011 Jean Raspail: “Le Camp des Saints” (1973), (bogen The Camp of Saints, 102 sider, kan downloades derfra pĂ„ engelsk i PDF) hvori Raspail for 40 Ă„r siden profetisk forudser det scenarie, der nu er under accelererende udfoldelse i Middelhavet. Det er derfor meget kĂŠrkomment og belejligt at Cheradenine Zakalwe har oversat et helt nyt interview med den gamle forfatter fra Valeurs Actuelles: “The current issue of the French magazine Valeurs Actuelles has an interview with Jean Raspail”.

What do you feel about the current situation?

You know, I’ve no wish to join the big group of intellectuals who spend their time debating immigration
 I have the impression that these talks serve no purpose. The people already know it all, intuitively: that France, as our ancestors fashioned it centuries ago, is disappearing. And that we keep the gallery amused by talking ceaselessly of immigration without ever saying the final truth. A truth that is moreover unsayable, as my friend Jean Cau noted, because whoever says it is immediately hounded, condemned then rejected. Richard Millet came close to it, look what happened to him! [See here for more on this].

Is the seriousness of the problem being kept from the French people?

Yes. Starting with the politicians in charge first of all! Publicly “everything’s going well, Madame Marquessa”. But behind closed doors, they acknowledge that “yes, you’re right: there is a real problem”. I have several edifying letters on this subject from prominent leftist politicians, from those on the right too, to whom I sent the Camp of the Saints.

“But you understand: we can’t say it …” These people have a double language, a double conscience. I don’t know how they do it! I think the distress comes from there: the people know that things are being hidden from them. Today, tens of millions of people don’t buy into the official discourse on immigration. Not one of them believes that it is an opportunity for France “une chance pour la France”. Because reality imposes itself on them, every day. All of these ideas boil in their heads and don’t come out.

You don’t believe it’s possible to assimilate the foreigners welcomed into France?

No. The model of integration isn’t working. Even if a few more illegals are escorted to the border and we succeed in integrating foreigners a bit more than today, their numbers will not stop growing and that will change nothing in the fundamental problem: the progressive invasion of France and Europe by a numberless third-world. I’m not a prophet, but you see clearly the fragility of these countries, where an unbearable poverty is established and grows ceaselessly alongside indecent wealth. Those people don’t turn to their governments to protest. They expect nothing of them.

They turn to us and arrive in Europe in boats, ever more numerous, today in Lampedusa, tomorrow elsewhere. Nothing discourages them. And thanks to the demography game, by the 2050s, there will be as many young indigenous French as there are young foreigners in France.

Many will be naturalised.

Which doesn’t mean they’ll have become French. I don’t say these are bad people, but “naturalisations on paper” aren’t naturalisations of the heart. I cannot consider them my compatriots. We need to drastically toughen the law, as a matter of urgency.

How can Europe deal with these migrations?

There are only two solutions. Either we accommodate them and France – its culture, its civilisation — will be erased without even a funeral. In my view, that’s what’s going to happen. Or we don’t accommodate them at all – that means stop sacralising the Other and rediscover your neighbour, that means those next to you. Which means that we stop giving a damn sometime about these “Christian ideas gone mad”, as Chesterton said, or these depraved human rights, and that we take the indispensable measures to distance ourselves, without appeal, to avoid the dissolution of our country into a general mĂ©tissage [literally race-mixing but used as a sort of equivalent of the English diversity].

I don’t see any other solution. I travelled a lot in my youth. All peoples are fascinating but when you mix them too much, it is much more animosity that develops than sympathy. MĂ©tissage is never peaceful. It is a dangerous utopia. Look at South Africa!

At the point where we are now, the measures we would have to take would necessarily be very coercive. I don’t believe it will happen and I don’t see anyone who has the courage to do it. They would need to put their soul in the balance, but who is ready for that? That said, I don’t believe for an instant that the supporters of immigration are more charitable than me: there probably isn’t a single one of them who intends to welcome one of these unfortunates into his home… all of that’s just an emotional pretence, an irresponsible maelstrom that will engulf us.

Is there therefore no solution other than submission or coercion?

There could perhaps be one, but it will only have one chance: isolates where a population that is ethnically and culturally threatened by other communitarianisms could find refuge. Besides, it’s already happening: we can see already that the French “de souche” [indigenous] are fleeing the so-called “sensitive” districts. The demonstrations against homosexual marriage are also a form of communitarianism: they testify to the rejection by millions of French people to the “change of civilisations” promised by the Left and by Christiane Taubira. Today, everyone condemns communitarianism, but it could be a solution, at least temporarily. These opposed communitarianisms will reinforce themselves mutually by the animosity they will convey and that will end, finally, in extremely severe confrontations. Even if we don’t need to wish that adversity occurs.

You don’t believe in a sudden new beginning, as has occurred many times in the history of France?

No. It would require an epic spirit, an appreciation of an elevated destiny for a sudden new beginning to be possible in France. It would require people to still believe in their country. I don’t see many of them left. At least reforming from top to bottom the national education system and the audio-visual media, taking away the platform from the teachers and the journalists who are participating in the disinformation…

We have desacralised the idea of the nation, the exercise of power, the past of the country. We have put cracks in the statue of France, we have disfigured it (expecially the Left!) to the point where nothing inspires respect any more. The power of the false ideas disseminated by the national education system and the media is boundless. But as for me, I have lived in France for 1500 years, I’m OK with what is mine, and I’ve no desire for it to change…

Se ogsÄ video: Det anlÀnder rekordmÄnga flyktingar till södra Italien. Den nya vÄgen av flyktingar kommer samtidigt som EU:s politiker diskuterade frÄgan pÄ toppmötet i Bryssel.

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[…] den kommende generation i »Vi forblĂžder i humanisternes opslidningskrig«. Supplerende lĂŠsning Jean Raspail: “Our civilisation is disappearing” og Jean Raspail: “Le Camp des Saints” […]


[…] Se ogsĂ„ 26 oktober 2013: Jean Raspail: “Our civilisation is disappearing” […]

10 years ago

T.Snorrason slĂ„r huvudet pĂ„ spiken! Precis mina tankar. De lĂ€nder som berörs Ă€r ju i hög grad forna koloniallĂ€nder – men hur Ă€r det med forna Tyska VĂ€stafrika? Heter det inte Namibia idag? Och Ă€r det inte ordning och reda dĂ€r nu? Relativt sett. Mycket av elĂ€ndet vi ser idag beror pĂ„ europeiska koloniallĂ€nders konstiga nationalgrĂ€nser i Afrika. Den dĂ€r j-veln Livingstone skulle hudflĂ€ngas. Detsamma gĂ€ller kolonialherrarna och storviltjĂ€garna. UrsĂ€kta meeeej! Det intressanta Ă€r ju idag att – om vi fortsĂ€tter Snorrasons tankar – unga portugiser tar sig till sitt forna koloniala land i Afrika. De kommer med sin utbildning… Read more »

10 years ago

Tja, mon det nu var fup – oprindeligt – ? 😉 Er der da slet ingen nedre grĂŠnser for, hvad FN, EU & co. mener, de skal blande sig i? Hvem har givet dem ret til at blande sig i vore kulturelle normer og traditioner? Og hvori bestĂ„r det racistiske egentlig? Har anmelderen mon set, hvor groft albinoer (“hvide”) bliver behandlet i visse afrikanske lande – imcl. mord og overfald – ? MĂ„ske skulle man overveje i FN at bruge sin energi pĂ„ noget fornutigt i stedet – som fx. at forhindre den slags uhyrligheder. http://jyllands-posten.dk/international/europa/ECE6158527/fup-brev-fra-fn-truede-julemandens-forfader/ Fup-brev fra FN truede… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Bjovulf

Deres nĂŠste mĂ„l bliver vel sĂ„ de engelske Morris-dansere, hvor der ofte optrĂŠder personer med sortmalede ansigter – det har nogle grupper af sorte allerede fĂžlt sig forulempet af, selv om traditionen gĂ„r meget langt tilbage, og disse dansere i virkeligheden bare reprĂŠsenterer skorstensfejerne.

Men hvorfor dog bukke sig for den slags ubetydelige historiske kendsgerninger og have respekt for ĂŠldgamle
folketraditioner, nÄr nu man igen-igen kan fÄ lov at dyrke sin endelÞse politiske korrekthed og pudse sin
fine humanistglorie foran alverden?

T. Snorrason
T. Snorrason
10 years ago

Tja, den eneste probate – og rigtige lĂžsning – er at gen-kolonialisere Afrika og MellemĂžsten, fĂ„ sat ordentlig administration ind og dermed sĂžrge for udvikling af stabile samfund, med fĂždselsbegrĂŠnsning, uddannelsessystemer osv. At skulle modtage MellemĂžstens og Afrikas horder af uĂžnskede og reelt uuanvendelige, Ăžkonomiske flygtninge vil alene ĂždelĂŠgge Europas Ăžkonomier, skabe et enormt proletariat og til sidst balkanisering, ikke mindst da islam tilsyneladende mener at kunne udnytte Europas demokratiske styreform til at fĂ„ samfundsindflydelse. Hvad islam fĂžrer til af failed states er klart for enhver siden 1700, sĂ„ for at undgĂ„ fattigdom og nĂžd i Europa, er det nĂždvendigt… Read more »

10 years ago

Mycket intressant. Tack för det Steen! Du har rĂ€tt Thomas Nydahl att det inte Ă€r ett “vĂ€nster” projekt. Det finns helt andra intressen bakom och det gĂ„r tvĂ€rs igenom alla partier. FrĂ„n vĂ€nster till höger.

10 years ago

SĂ„ bra skrivet, Thomas, sĂ€rskilt den sista meningen. Och precis vad som slog mig nĂ€r ett antal socialdemokratiska riksdagsmĂ€n “glömde” av att rösta mot regeringens förslag om fortsatt sĂ€nkt jobbskatteavdrag. Att kommunerna i motsvarande grad HÖJER kommunalskatten kanske man inte ska orda om… Det vi kallar demokrati Ă€r numer bara ett spel för gallerierna. Det har gĂ„tt troll i det hĂ€r. Precis som du skriver “socialmoderaterna”, exakt! Och utsagan allra först hĂ€r förskrĂ€cker mig inte lĂ€ngre. Jag förstĂ„r att det bara kan gĂ„ Ă„t ett hĂ„ll. VĂ„r europeiska kultur Ă€r pĂ„ nedgĂ„ng – och sĂ„ gick det ju med romarriket… Read more »

Thomas Nydahl
Thomas Nydahl
10 years ago

Ovanligt intressant. Jag har lĂ€st hans bok, trots att min utgĂ„va Ă€r en sladdrig amerikansk mjukpĂ€rmsvariant. Jag finner honom intressantare hĂ€r. Hans tankar Ă€r i sjĂ€lva verket av högre karat Ă€n det mesta som sĂ€gs i dessa sammanhang. Varför tjafsa, alla “vanliga” mĂ€nniskor kĂ€nner redan villkoren. Inte minst hĂ€r i Sverige, dĂ€r stats-tv just sĂ€nt reportage om regeringens beslut att det kommunala sjĂ€lvstyret upphĂ€vs nĂ€r vi talar om att fylla pĂ„ med “ensamkommande”. Ingen kommun slipper undan! NĂ„, det jag sĂ€rskilt fĂ€ste mig vid i den hĂ€r intervjun var att mycket av det han sĂ€ger har en idĂ©mĂ€ssig överensstĂ€mmelse med… Read more »

Morten - - -
10 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Nydahl

Tilbage i firserne – pĂ„ ottitalet, hvor Danmark lignede nutidens Sverige – udtaltes det uimodsagt, at jamen, det er jo slet ikke indvandrerne, der skal integreres! Det er os alle sammen! I Det Nye Europa. Det virkeligt uudtalte i dansk og svensk politik er det konstruktivistiske Projekt Europa. Er det virkelig det? Ja! Europa trumfer alt. Vi har i Danmark ikke mange politikere, der stiller sig oprigtigt kritisk an over for “EU”, uanset hvilke taler de sĂ„ mĂ„tte holde (os andre hen med) om dansk kultur og begrĂŠnsning af kolonisering. Napoleonsdyrkeren, SĂžren Pind, er hertillands det mest eklatante eksempel, for… Read more »

10 years ago

Raspail Àr nu 88 Är och uttrycker sig med en precision och klarsynthet som Àr total. WOW!

Tack Steen för att du hÄller oss informerade.

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