Seneste opdatering: 22/3-14 kl. 0745
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Jesper Langballe holdt dit foredrag for Studenterkredsen på Aarhus Universitet den 13 februar 2014. Lyden er god, men man skal kunne forstå Blichers danske, også når han citerer Christian VI’s Bibel fra 1740.  Langballe giver et bredt billede af Blichers tid, med mange afstikkere til eftertiden og nutiden – (Jesper Langballe er død.)

Steyn and Levant, a full hour of free speech

Når islam tager over

I Danmark har kun Den korte Avis bemærket de muslimske magtovertagelser –  ‘Trojan Horse’ – af Birminghamskoler. Flere burde gøre det. I dag ser vi at Omstridt bestyrelse i Egedalsvænge smides på porten fordi rettroende muslimer ikke anerkender demokratiets mest elementære principper – beskyttelsen af mindretal, men som den sudanesiske forfatter Al-Hajj Warraq beskrev deres tænkemåde i april 2012 (i forbindelse med broderskabet i Egypten) :

Our own experience shows that these people use democracy as a ladder. They climb this ladder and then throw it away, so that no on else can climb it. They will reshape all the state institutions – the media, the education – and they will even monitor the souls and conscience of people. You will never get the opportunity to vote against them in future elections.

Så kort kan det siges. Sådanne personer er ikke bare uværdige til at leve i et demokrati, de er lige så farlige som det lille, længe latterlige naziparti skulle vise sig at blive for Tyskland. Lande med en stor andel af disse typer – England, Frankrig, Sverige – er demokratier i farezonen.

Politikere er mere naive end politiet tillader, hvis de tror at fanatiske muslimer vil stille sig tilfredse med at lave politiske kup i skoler for småbørn. I dag beskriver den anerkendte konservative kommentator Andrew Gilligan i The Telegraph de skræmmende perspektiver i sagen i klummen Muslim extremists, and a worrying lesson for us all Activists attempting to ‘Islamify’ state schools in Birmingham could try to launch a national campaign Her i uddrag:

Last week, a deputy head teacher in Birmingham, called Razwan Faraz, tweeted a newspaper article casting doubt on claims that hard-line Muslims were plotting to take over some of the city’s state schools. “The truth reveals itself,” he said.

The document behind the claim, supposedly a “how-to” letter from one Muslim extremist to another, certainly had its problems. At least one of its claims was wrong, taking credit for the ousting of a head teacher that had occurred 20 years before. The very name the letter gave to the alleged operation, “Trojan Horse”, was perhaps a little too obvious. For that reason, this newspaper and others described it as a “purported” document. But whether or not the letter is genuine, much of what it describes is certainly real.

Investigations by The Telegraph, separate to and in parallel with the “Trojan Horse” letter, reveal that there is indeed an organised group of Muslim teachers, education consultants, school governors and activists dedicated to furthering what one of them describes as an “Islamising agenda” in Birmingham’s schools. And Mr Faraz should know: he is at the heart of it.

They convene, among other places, on WhatsApp, a messaging service, where they have a closed discussion group called “Educational Activists”. In their messages, all of which have been leaked to this newspaper, the activists describe their goals and tactics. As one put it: “Let the schooling babysitters, the Department of Education and [schools inspectorate] Ofsted be factors of [merely] incidental importance in the Prophetic endeavour to raise and educate our young people.”

In one typical entry, for February 5, this year, one member, Nasim Awan, an Islamic bookshop owner, political activist and former chair of the city’s Springfield Neighbourhood Forum, boasts: “A battle was fought and won tonight at a large inner city primary school where the governors voted by 8-7 in favour of collective worship that is wholly or mainly of an Islamic character, thereby overturning five years of ‘children pray in their own way and language’! The governing body is now polarised on faith grounds.”

Other messages from different members have an unpleasant Islamic supremacist or anti-Semitic note to them. “JEWS have intentionally developed some websites to spread wrong information about the Quran,” says one. Another message, sent from the mobile number of the deputy head of Carlton Bolling school in Bradford, Akhmed Hussain, says: “Al-Islam will prevail over all other ways of life. Look at how [the] Muslim population is increasing in the UK.”

The activists claim credit for the appointment of a new Muslim head teacher, Shanaz Khan, at Small Heath, a secular state secondary in Birmingham, where she will start in September. It was a “hard battle” but the “dynamics have finally changed”, says one member of the group, who identifies himself as a Small Heath governor. “A true achievement. At last!” exults one member of the group. . . But Mr Faraz says a more tactical approach will be followed. “She [Mrs Khan] is a very astute lady. She knows her game,” he writes. “Please don’t pressurise her to start the Islamising agenda first. That will be a lot easier when she is respected as leader. She has to establish herself with minimum controversy for the first six months, and lead the people to believe in her before they believe in her policies.”

Mrs Khan and the school were not available for comment. There is no suggestion that Mrs Khan is an extremist.

At Oldknow, an academy primary school in Small Heath, the non-Muslim head teacher, Bhupinder Kondal, is leaving. Former and current staff have told The Sunday Telegraph that she has been driven out, despite achieving the highest Ofsted grade, “outstanding”, by a concerted campaign to remove her and Islamise her school.

“Last year, the children were not allowed to celebrate Christmas,” said one teacher. “The pantomime was cancelled and they were told they couldn’t put up cards or a Christmas tree.” Several of the Muslim parents, the vast majority at the school, strongly objected, the teacher said. They wanted their children to be able to celebrate Christmas.

“The same year [Mrs Kondal] got an ‘outstanding’, the governing body failed her on schools management,” said a teacher. “They kept setting her targets that were completely unrealistic and they wanted her out.”

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[…] lærte jeg det.  Revolutionsromantik er aldrig kommet fra arbejderklassen, som Jesper Langballe sagde i et af sine sidste foredrag. Se også TV2 overtager venstrefløjens […]

10 years ago

Blicher är en fantastisk dansk författare och ett lika fantastiskt livsöde. Den svenske författaren Artur Lundkvist satte honom mycket högt/höjt. Särskilt B:s noveller läser jag om och om igen. Tack för föredraget som jag lyssnade mig igenom ett par gånger för att inte missa någonting ur föredraget. Ge gärna mer tips om äldre danska förf. Klassikerna kan jag. Susanne Brögger är mycket läst i Sverige. Jag vill gärna passa på och slå ett slag för Scherfig. “Ämbetsmannen som försvann” är en pärla! Sen har vi fina danska poeter. Inger Christensen var/är en sådan. Tyvärr borta, men hon var påtänkt som… Read more »

10 years ago

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