Seneste opdatering: 12/5-14 kl. 2158
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Hele mÞdet i CEPOS som lovet forleden. FÞrst en kort indledning, sÄ taler David Gress, sÄ Robert Spliid og derefter er der debat med salen. Man kan ogsÄ se Gress om EU i DR 2 Dagen i dag i dag mandag.

1-cepos 1 069

“Expressen fortĂŠller de uinformerede og uudannede sandheden”

Expressen har som bekendt anvendt sig af venstreradikale “Researchgruppen” for at spionere pĂ„, hvad de anser for “racister”. Amerikanske Breitbart com har talte med flere svenskere, blandt andre Expressens chefredaktĂžr Thomas Mattson og Timbro’s Markus Uvell. Mattson har det svĂŠrt med sandheden:

Mattson defended his journalists’ behaviour: “There has been no ‘intimidating.’ What was done was that a number of people who mass-distributed racism was interviewed by journalists, by phone or in person. This is what we do every day, there was nothing special in that sense.”

He presented the Swedish mainstream media as being the source of truth which must combat unregulated online sites: “The hate sites focus on immigration and run stories which are so-to-say 50 per cent true, but they very often to not give the readers the full truth.”

“By that, they are contrasting established news media and claim to be telling the ‘truth.’ And by doing so, they create a gap in knowledge in the society given that people who visits the hate sites might think that they offer a different perspective and they are also led to believe that general newspapers, TV and radio donÂŽt want to tell what is really going on
less educated and not so informed people must be given the opportunity to find real information,” by which he meant newspapers such as Expressen.

Markus Uvell, president of the Swedish free market libertarian think-tank Timbro said: “The exposure of the identities of the people expressing racist ideas was another milestone in Swedish media’s intrusion of privacy. The ideas expressed were indeed horrible, but even people with horrible ideas have the right to privacy online. Some of the comments are probably illegal under the Swedish hate speech act, others not. Regardless, this does not justify a intrusion of privacy by a tabloid.” SWEDISH NEWSPAPER WORKS WITH FAR-LEFT GROUP TO ‘OUT’ RIGHT-WING COMMENTERS

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