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1-Indspilning i fuld skærm 03-08-2014 164606

Bara den illegala invandringen till Sverige kommer att utgöra 344.800 personer före utgången av 2018, visar Migrationsverkets nya prognos. Inräknat samtliga invandrargrupper väntas Sverige ta emot ansökningar om uppehållstillstånd från 202.100 personer bara under 2014. Om den siffran håller i sig kommer över 1 miljon invandrare att begära uppehållstillstånd i Sverige de kommande fem åren. Över 200.000 invandrare i år, Svenska folket byts ut i en allt snabbare takt.

Det er stadig sommer, det er 25 grader i København, alt for godt vejr til at være på nettet, men Migrationsverkets nye prognose kan ikke forbigås. Med the point of no return mener jeg det tidspunkt, hvor det ikke længere kan undgås, at svenskere bliver et mindretal blandt andre i deres eget land. Det er formentlig passeret for ti år siden, men hvis der er en sidste chance for at undgå det, er det dette svenske valg om 6 uger.

Det valg er et skæbnevalg, derefter lukker ‘the window of opportunity’ sig helt. Man ville kunne sige at en ‘borgerlig’ statsminister, Reinfeldt, lukkede og slukkede den proces Bildt, en anden borgerlig statsminister, indledte i 1992: Nedlæggelsen af nationen Sverige, hvordan den så vil ytre sig rent praktisk.

Opstiller man tre demografiske scenarier, hvor nr. 3 er SD politik fra næste år, kan det med scenarie 3 lige akkurat undgås, ellers vil det ske i år 2050 plus minus ti år. Da indvandringen for en stor del består af muslimer, er det ikke noget langt skud, at indfødte svenskere vil miste den politisk magt i Sverige til personer, der ikke præcis hylder “mångfald og queer-teorier”. Hvis det ikke faktisk skete for vores øjne, ville man tro, det var en ond drøm. Uhrskov beskrev scenarierne. Hvornår kommer svenskerne i mindretal?

Tabstal: Vestlige medier er megafoner for Hamas’ propaganda

Som jeg skrev da det her begyndte, baseret på de tidligere gange: Hamas spiller på dem som på et klaver. Vestlige medier i Gaza befinder sig i en politistat, og de fortæller det ikke. Richard Kemp er oberst i den britiske hær og har tilbragt 30 år i bla. Irak, Nordirland, Afghanistan og på Balkan.

With few exceptions, reporters, commentators and analysts unquestioningly accept the casualty statistics given by Gaza’s Hamas-controlled medical authorities, who ascribe all deaths to the IDF. Is anyone in Gaza dying of natural causes? Mass executions of “collaborators,” and civilians killed by malfunctioning Hamas rockets, are all attributed to IDF fire.

Are the “overwhelming majority” of the dead really civilians? It would seem so. We see a great deal of grotesque and heart-rending footage of dead and bleeding women and children but never so much as a glimpse of killed or wounded fighters. Nor do reporters question or comment on the complete absence of Gazan military casualties, an extraordinary phenomenon unique to this conflict. The reality of course is that Hamas make great efforts to segregate their military casualties to preserve the fiction that Israel is killing civilians only. There are also increasing indications that Hamas, through direct force or threat, are preventing journalists from filming their fighters, whether dead or alive.

We will not get to the truth until the battle is over. But we know now that Hamas have ordered their people to report all deaths as innocent civilians. We know too that Hamas has a track record of lying about casualties. After Operation Cast Lead, the 2008-09 fighting in Gaza, the IDF estimated that of 1,166 Palestinian deaths, 709 were fighters. Hamas – backed by several NGOs – claimed that only 49 of its fighters had been killed, the rest were innocent civilians. Much later they were forced to admit that the IDF had been right all along and between 600 and 700 of the casualties had in fact been fighters.

Analysis of casualty details released by Qatar-based Al Jazeera indicate that so far in the conflict most of those killed in Gaza have been young men of fighting age, not women, children or old people. According to one analyst, despite comprising around 50% of the population, the proportion of women among the dead is 21%. Preliminary analysis by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Israel suggests that 71, or 46.7%, of the first 152 Palestinians killed were fighters and 81, or 53.3%, non-involved civilians.

This sickening exploitation of their own people’s suffering, and media’s complicity in it, is nowhere more cynically demonstrated than in the operating theaters of the Gaza Strip. Without the slightest regard for life-saving hygiene, or for the care, privacy or dignity of the wounded, Palestinian officials enthusiastically hustle camera crews in to the emergency room as desperate surgeons battle for a bleeding and broken child’s life. Gaza’s Civilian Casualties: The Truth Is Very Different

Se også Douglas Murray: Hamas censors British journalists. Why don’t we care? og Spanish Journalist On Why Hamas Never Photographed In Action: “If Ever We Dared Point Our Camera On Them They Would Simply Shoot At Us And Kill Us.”

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Moran ya Simba
Moran ya Simba
10 years ago

200,000 indvandrere til Sverige i år?? In other news, falder Obama-USA Israel i ryggen. Hold kæft hvor der her ender galt…


10 years ago

1 miljon söker kanske uppehållstillstånd på 5 år, men vi ska inte glömma att 15 000-20 000 per år är svenskar som återvänder (samtidigt som 25000 utvandrar), och många studenter och bra folk. Men “MENA” kanske nu 100 000 per år (var 30 000 år 2009) och övriga 50 000 medan 50 000 avvisas mm. Nåväl, inte otänkbart att Ny(liberal)a moderaterna redan omöjliggjort vinst för alliansen från och med valet 2018? Statsvetare Magnus Hagevi om att 7 av 10 muslimer i Västra Götaland röstar på S, bara 4% på alliansparti: http://www.folkbladet.nu/154188/muslimer-rostar-rodgront?mobil Angereds skolval, 81,3% rödgröna partier. Metro: http://touch.metro.se/nyheter/angeredsgymnasiet-slapper-valresultatet-forst-s-far-halften-av-rosterna/EVHneu!gxxwaQNxTBee6/ Tror Marika… Read more »

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