hvad gør Sverige så ? Jo, de samler krisepsykologer, græder ud på TV , går i fakkeltog og tænder lys, som var det i en katolsk kirke. Sådan reagerer et barn, ikke et samfund der vil overleve. Da ondskab officielt ikke findes, men kun er et ulykkeligt facit af uheldige, sociale omstændigheder, er der selvfølgelig ingen der klart ser, hvad der er sket med landet : godheden er gået amok, den er blevet sin egen karrikatur : renlivet ondskab. Sverige har brug for mod, vilje og kræfter, ikke tårer og kollektivt føleri. Initiativet “Bevara oss från gatuvåldet” lyser ikke just af kamp- og overlevelsesvilje, men hvad kan man egentlig vente sig i en befolkning, hvor selv ikke tip-oldeforældrene har nogen erfaring med kamp og konflikt ? Det er en erfaring de tilvandrede har langt mere present, og der skal derfor ret få af dem til at terrorisere et helt land.
Nu kan du tända ett ljus mot våldet
Hvordan bliver man stueren ?
“Eksemplet med Snaphanen viser det klart: Mange læser den, men få vil være ved det.” (Kimporator)
…hvis det nu en dag skulle blive min ambition, ikke at være noget “rondell katten” har slæbt ind. Jeg har tænkt så det knagede – uden resultat. Vende tilbage til universitetet eller Journalisthøjskolen? Skrive lyrisk som en Chopin-Impromptu ? Blive forelsket, munk, sygeplejerske? Ta´ lykkepiller eller en phd ? Forslag modtages. Nu om stunder er det dog så heldigt, at man kan slæbe den bærbare med på lokum eller til frisør, eller hvor man ellers læser sin smudslitteratur Det blir Snaphanens redning ! Indtil videre forbliver det som det er. En blog ligner sin skriver – på godt og på ondt. Det kan ikke afhjælpes. Endelig er mange hits ikke ligefremt proportionalt med kvalitet, det skal jeg være den første, nå ja, den anden efter Kurrild Klitgaard, til at istemme. Og så har Punditokraterne iøvrigt 14 bidragydere. Hvem der bare havde det.
UK: 21,000 girls at risk of genital mutilation
More than 21,000 girls under 15 in England and Wales are estimated to be at serious risk of being forced into genital mutilation and a further 11,000 over-eights are highly likely already to have been subjected to the practice, according to research.
Parents and guardians in African immigrant communities are thought to be taking their children abroad for female gential mutilation (FGM), but so called “excisors” are also said to be operating in Britain. Around 66,000 women and girls in England and Wales may have undergone the procedure, in which part or all of their genitalia is cut off and stitched up, without anaesthetic, the campaigning group Forward said yesterday. Guardian
Washington Post: Inden københavnerkonferencen – Det saudiske hykleri
Saudi Arabia’s public schools have long been cited for demonizing the West as well as Christians, Jews and other “unbelievers.” But after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 — in which 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis — that was all supposed to change.
The passages below – drawn from the same set of Saudi texts proudly cited in the new 74-page review of curriculum reform now being distributed by the Saudi Embassy – are shaping the views of the next generation of Saudis and Muslims worldwide. Unchanged, they will only harden and deepen hatred, intolerance and violence toward other faiths and cultures. Is this what Riyadh calls reform?
This is a Saudi textbook. (After the intolerance was removed.)
” Every religion other than Islam is false.”
“Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (Islam, hellfire): Every religion other than ______________ is false. Whoever dies outside of Islam enters ____________.”
“True belief means . . . that you hate the polytheists and infidels but do not treat them unjustly.”
“Whoever obeys the Prophet and accepts the oneness of God cannot maintain a loyal friendship with those who oppose God and His Prophet, even if they are his closest relatives.”
“It is forbidden for a Muslim to be a loyal friend to someone who does not believe in God and His Prophet, or someone who fights the religion of Islam.”
“A Muslim, even if he lives far away, is your brother in religion. Someone who opposes God, even if he is your brother by family tie, is your enemy in religion.”
“Just as Muslims were successful in the past when they came together in a sincere endeavor to evict the Christian crusaders from Palestine, so will the Arabs and Muslims emerge victorious, God willing, against the Jews and their allies if they stand together and fight a true jihad for God, for this is within God’s power.”
“As cited in Ibn Abbas: The apes are Jews, the people of the Sabbath; while the swine are the Christians, the infidels of the communion of Jesus.”
“God told His Prophet, Muhammad, about the Jews, who learned from parts of God’s book [the Torah and the Gospels] that God alone is worthy of worship. Despite this, they espouse falsehood through idol-worship, soothsaying, and sorcery. In doing so, they obey the devil. They prefer the people of falsehood to the people of the truth out of envy and hostility. This earns them condemnation and is a warning to us not to do as they did.”
“They are the Jews, whom God has cursed and with whom He is so angry that He will never again be satisfied [with them].”
“Some of the people of the Sabbath were punished by being turned into apes and swine. Some of them were made to worship the devil, and not God, through consecration, sacrifice, prayer, appeals for help, and other types of worship. Some of the Jews worship the devil. Likewise, some members of this nation worship the devil, and not God.”
“Activity: The student writes a composition on the danger of imitating the infidels.”
“The clash between this [Muslim] community (umma) and the Jews and Christians has endured, and it will continue as long as God wills.”
“It is part of God’s wisdom that the struggle between the Muslim and the Jews should continue until the hour [of judgment].”
“Muslims will triumph because they are right. He who is right is always victorious, even if most people are against him.”
The 10th-grade text on jurisprudence teaches that life for non-Muslims (as well as women, and, by implication, slaves) is worth a fraction of that of a “free Muslim male.” Blood money is retribution paid to the victim or the victim’s heirs for murder or injury:
“Blood money for a free infidel. [Its quantity] is half of the blood money for a male Muslim, whether or not he is ‘of the book’ or not ‘of the book’ (such as a pagan, Zoroastrian, etc.).
“Blood money for a woman: Half of the blood money for a man, in accordance with his religion. The blood money for a Muslim woman is half of the blood money for a male Muslim, and the blood money for an infidel woman is half of the blood money for a male infidel.”
“The greeting ‘Peace be upon you’ is specifically for believers. It cannot be said to others.”
“If one comes to a place where there is a mixture of Muslims and infidels, one should offer a greeting intended for the Muslims.”
“Do not yield to them [Christians and Jews] on a narrow road out of honor and respect.”
“Jihad in the path of God — which consists of battling against unbelief, oppression, injustice, and those who perpetrate it — is the summit of Islam. This religion arose through jihad and through jihad was its banner raised high. It is one of the noblest acts, which brings one closer to God, and one of the most magnificent acts of obedience to God.”
Nina Shea is director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom House.
The passages below — drawn from the same set of Saudi texts proudly cited in the new 74-page review of curriculum reform now being distributed by the Saudi Embassy — are shaping the views of the next generation of Saudis and Muslims worldwide. Unchanged, they will only harden and deepen hatred, intolerance and violence toward other faiths and cultures. Is this what Riyadh calls reform?
Nina Shea is director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Freedom House.Washington Post
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