Seneste opdatering: 27/11-07 kl. 1922
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hver dag nu , er der flere større brande i Sverige. En skole, et højhus, en fabrik, en kirke. I virkeligheden  langt  værre end det der er  foregået  i Paris hidtil.

Av drygt 500 skolbränder under 2006 hade hälften anlagts. Det innebär att fem skolor sätts i brand, som sabotage, varje vecka året runt. Kostnaderna för samhälleet är gigantiska. Utvecklingen har gått snabbt och tagit kommuner och polis på sängen. För tio år sedan var antalet bränder under 300 per år. Sex år senare hade siffran stigit till 350 och förra året alltså till över 500 bränder per år. Ökningen beror till största delen på medveten skadegörelse.

Allt fler anlagda bränder drabbar Sveriges skolor

Stenkastande ungdomar störde räddningsarbetet

Fem uger i Göteborg   (Götborgsposten)


»Iraqis get a chilly welcome as refugees in Denmark«

International Herald Tribune har pudset den svenske journalist Ekman på Danmark. Det forklarer jo  en hel del. Ekman glemmer at fortælle, at de  tyve  tolke endte med at være  362 mennesker. Sverige tager  i snit imod  1600 irakere…om måneden, det  siges at det er den aktuelle  grænse  for, hvad menneskesmuglerne kan overkomme, så hvorfor er Ekman så negativ ? Han burde føle sig god og mild som det land, der endnu en stund er  hans. Og mon ikke  befolkningens stigende desperation kan holdes nede en fem-ti år endnu?

At first, their prospects seemed bleak. Denmark has in the past decade become one of the most anti-immigrant countries in Europe, with Muslims the object of great hostility.A major factor has been the rise of the openly anti-immigrant
 Danish People’s Party, which is an important source of support for the current conservative government.   IHT

»De  moralske  forræddere« 

Tidligere ministerråd udsender ny bog om de danske medløbere under Den Kolde Krig. I 33 år havde Nils Jæger som loyal embedsmand holdt sine meninger for sig selv, men kunne efter at være udtrådt af tjenesten ikke mere holde mund.

Nils Jægers holdninger kommer allerede klart til udtryk på forsiden af hans nye bog ”En ussel fortid”, hvor undertitlen varsler, hvad der venter læserne: ”Den Kolde Krig og diktaturets danske medspillere”. Jæger beskriver, hvorledes diktaturets danske medspillere i betydeligt omfang udgik fra ”blomsten” af det danske samfund: Uddannelsesmiljøet, kulturlivet, intelligentsiaen, medierne og det politiske liv, bl.a. professor Mogens Fog, forfatterne Jørgen Knudsen og Erik Knudsen, DKP’s daværende formand, nuværende SF-folketingsmedlem Ole Sohn, Gert Petersen, VS-repræsentanten Steen Folke, Bjørn Erichsen, gammel kommunist, underviser på marxistiske kurser i DDR og senere tv-direktør i Danmarks Radio, socialdemokraterne Ritt Bjerregaard, Svend Auken m. fl. samt ikke mindst den aktive forfatter og samfundsdebattør Klaus Rifbjerg.

Nils Jæger siger om hovedsigtet med sin nye bog:

»Jeg ønsker fokus på det forhold, at vi i Danmark i en helt afgørende periode i det 20. århundrede havde en intellektuel og kulturel elite, der gav katastrofale politiske råd. At der eventuelt ikke kan påvises håndgribelige skadevirkninger af deres indsats, undskylder ikke det moralske forræderi. Mange af de pågældende har i vidt omfang kunnet fortrænge og undertrykke deres tidligere støtte til morderiske regimer og fører sig med nødvendige tilpasninger fortsat frem som vejledere i den hjemlige debat.”

JP  og Nomos: Nils Jæger  Med nationen som indsats…
Det historiske svigt. Socialdemokratiet og venstrefløjen i den kolde krig

Mon ikke en ny generation  giver disse stolte venstrefløjsnavnes  efterfølgere endnu en tur i manegen ?

Paris Burns Again

by Nidra Poller

The tally on Sunday’s punk jihad outburst is heavy and rising.

Twenty-five policemen injured, dozens of cars burned, shops destroyed, individuals assaulted. Blind with rage, the rampaging mob found time to steal before smashing and burning. For the brother of Mushin, one of the victims, “it’s not violence, it’s an expression of rage.” Journalists are unwelcome, often assaulted, but they are getting the story out.

According to concurrent reports, the rage broke out immediately. The police claim the motorcycle ran into their patrol car at an intersection; the enraged know better—the police car in hot pursuit of the innocent boys, Moushin and Larami, smashed into their motorcycle. Moushin’s uncle was outraged because the bodies were left lying in the fire station. But it seems that the forces that came to pick them up had to turn back because they were attacked. The boys had gone out to do a little bit of rodeo, a favorite sport in the banlieue projects. Le Parisien posted You Tube videos filmed by reckless kids.  (foto, sent  mandag aften hvor  30 politifolk iflg. RFI er  sårede. Video min. 1:30 fra France 3)


Reckless, yes, but when they get wrecked it’s the fault of the police, the Peugeot dealership, and McDonald’s.The euphemism for these enclaves — “quartier sensible”—bears a nugget of truth if correctly translated as “touchy neighborhoods.” Villiers le Bel is in the administrative district of Sarcelles / Garges-les-Gonesses about 20 km north of Paris. Not so long ago Sarcelles was the home sweet home of Jewish refugees from North Africa; today it is their nightmare. They endure constant attacks and harassment from the permanently enraged African-Arab-Muslim residents who live cheek by jowl with their still neat clean streets.Socialist leader François Hollande is demanding the truth, the whole truth and of course the right truth on this incident—it has to be the fault of the police, the fault of the brutal Sarkozy government, the fault of deaf ears turned to the suffering of youths in this, the touchiest of touchy neighborhoods.Whether this remains an isolated incident or the beginning of a new chain of assaults against law and order, it exposes the recent strike for what it is: psychodrama in a country whose citizens voted for just the opposite. Neither the railroad workers nor the voters will get anything worth having if they don’t come to terms with the seething rage in those touchy enclaves. Readers who have been following the al Dura affair will notice the child-killing motif—you killed our kid(s) we’ll burn your house down.

Sunday night

Fires are raging in the banlieue tonight. Two boys aged 15 and 16 riding on a mini-motorcycle (prohibited on the road) hit a police car this afternoon in Villiers-le-Bel. The boys, who weren’t wearing helmets, were killed. Hundreds of enraged men and boys are tearing up the neighborhood.

Le Parisien reports that they burned down a Peugeot dealership, sacked a train station and shops, tore up a McDonald’s, stole the day’s receipts and attacked customers, smashed and burned cars, and are still going strong. A police commissioner who tried to talk to the mob was attacked with iron rods; his face and skull are fractured. A police station was burned down, seven policemen were injured.

Interviewed by Le Parisien, the uncle of Moushin Souhhali, one of the victims, says he understands the rage; it’s terrible to lose a 15 year-old boy. His body, claims the uncle, was dumped at the fire station with no respect. The police who, in his opinion, caused the accident were nowhere to be seen. He heard they were speeding. His nephew was a good boy, not a delinquent.
The November 2005 riots that lasted three weeks were triggered by the death by electrocution of two teenage boys who ran away from the police and hid in an electric substation. According to the sociological interpretation of the incident, the police were guilty of pursuing the innocent boys.

Nidra Poller, Pajamas  Media      JP Urolighederne  fortsætter, mandag – Foto © Snaphanen


Whom Will France Mourn? A Tale of an Accident and a Murder

Yesterday evening, three young people died in the suburbs to the north of Paris. Moushin (15) and Larami (16), two immigrant youths, were killed in Villiers-le-Bel when their motorcycle, which is said to have been stolen, collided at high speed with a police vehicle. The two youths, who were not wearing compulsory crash helmets, died on the spot. A police chief who arrived on the scene was, however, beaten up and suffered serious facial trauma. A few hours later, Anne-Lorraine (23), a young journalist, was stabbed to death on a suburban train near Creil, whilst resisting a man who was trying to rape her. The man had already been convicted for violent sexual assault in 1996……

 Her body was discovered in an empty carriage when the train entered its terminus at Creil, also in the Val d’Oise province. The girl was covered in blood and had over thirty stab wounds in the chest and face. She was still alive but died shortly afterwards. The police later arrested a 44-year old man with stab wounds on his arms. When questioned he confessed that he had assaulted the young woman.  The man said that he had tried to rape Anne-Lorraine because they were alone in the train carriage. He had stabbed her because she resisted him.

Brussels Journal

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[…] for godt  ud. Og så skal Sverige  selvfølgelig undgå at disintegrere helt i anarki. Den daglige  intifada til en halv mia årligt, må høre op. Det vil koste uhyre  summer i  det man vist kalder  “social […]

Jacob A
Jacob A
17 years ago


Jacob A
Jacob A
17 years ago

Hmm, betjente ramt af hagl?

Bare de der baliou-ballademagere ikke får fat i automatvåben og den slags i stor stil.

Lars Findsen På Crack (islamofob)
Lars Findsen På Crack (islamofob)
17 years ago

Så fik JP fjernet afetnificeringsfilteret. I går var det de velkendte “unge” der hærgede i “forstæderne”: Fransk politi: Vi kæmper mod en by-guerilla Af SØREN HOLM-HANSEN, Jyllands-Postens korrespondent Offentliggjort 27.11.07 kl. 11:24 Urolighederne nord for Paris er mere intense end i 2005, siger fransk politi, som melder om 77 kvæstede betjente efter to døgns gadekampe. “Vi står over for en veritabel by-guerilla med konventionelle våben og jagtvåben,” siger en talsmand for de franske betjente, Patrice Ribeiro, til nyhedsbureauet AP efter endnu en nat med voldelige uroligheder i Villiers-le-Bel nord for Paris. http://jp.dk/udland/europa/article1183650.ece Jeg ser ikke tv-nyheder, så jeg ved ikke… Read more »

17 years ago

Steen , angående skolbränder , skolorna brinner i Thailand också : http://www.westernresistance.com/blog/archives/003310.html


17 years ago

Paris Burns – Again…

The guns came out overnight in Paris:
A crowd of youths set police barricades on fire and threw stones and Molotov cocktails at officers, who retaliated with tear gas and rubber bullets. In Villiers-le-Bel and surrounding areas, youths set fire to 3…

Lars Findsen På Crack (islamofob)
Lars Findsen På Crack (islamofob)
17 years ago

Nu skal de to ‘hovedløse’ knallertkørere nok have deres eget mindesmærke i ‘respektens’ tegn. Hvad med at udstille knallerten som et stykke performance art?

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