(På de svenske gule sider tilhører adressen Jihad Ali, hvad der måske er et meget almindeligt navn i Malmø, men sådan som der køres bil i Malmø, kan man ikke være sikker.)
Fra Norra Grängesbergsgatan, flere burde tage den fotgrafiske udfordring op
In deep denial – “Invisible parents, the neighbourhood of Mohammed B.”
begrebet “skyld” synes ret fremmed for muslimer, et fællestræk med psykopatibegrebet.
Margalith Kleijwegt talked to immigrant parents in the Amsterdam neighbourhood of Mohammed B., and found them in deep denial about their children.
Hüseyin P. was fourteen when he killed his sixteen-year-old classmate Youssef Mokhtari. He stabbed him in the neck with a butterfly knife. The tragedy took place outside their school, the Technical College in the Amsterdam district of Slotervaart. Fourteen-year-old Hüseyin is said to have been bullied because of his name; his classmates allegedly had trouble pronouncing it correctly. Hüseyin was offended, took it as an injury to his honour. That’s the story so far.
At blive præst , at blive jøde
Højtidelig søndag på udebane – præsteordination – når kirken gør teologer til præster. Dåb, bryllup, bisættelser (for mange) har jeg oplevet , men aldrig dette. Jeg har været i norske stavkirker, franske katedraler, sømandskirker i Østen, i synagoger, men dette var helt anderledes og havde sine egne ritualer, som jeg ikke kendte, sine egne salmer og musik, som jeg heller ikke kendte. En mystik, som jeg ikke ved hvor mange århundreder har været undervejs.
Det er ikke så ligetil at blive præst i Folkekirken, som man af og til kan forledes til at tro.
»Jeg stiver mig gerne af«
Virkelig indtagende radioudsendelse med masser af københavnerhistorie og dansk-jødisk historie, flugten til Sverige, Niels Bohr, Brandes, Besekow, Nathansen……….
Erik Henriques Bing – Ny kanon til de danske jøder
Forfatter og forlægger Erik Henriques Bing har netop offentliggjort en dansk-jødisk litteraturkanon på 12 værker i kunst- og kulturmagasinet Goldberg. Han har lavet listen, fordi han ikke mener, at de danske jøder kender deres egen litteraturhistorie i tilstrækkelig grad. Og så håber han, at hans kanon kan få de danske jøder til at diskutere, hvad de egentlig har tilfældes (! stavningen er DR´s)
Erik Henriques Bing er gæst i P2 Plus (51:42)
Foto © Snaphanen
Brownshirt Tactics Against Sverigedemokraterna
by Baron Bodissey
Are you tired of looking under Vlaams Belang’s bed for neo-Nazis?
When you open the Sweden Democrats’ closet, are the skeletons that fall out less than satisfyingly fascist?Do you want to know where the real Nazis are in Europe?
I’ll tell you where they are: they’re on the Left, the same place they’ve always been.
Ever since Rosa Luxemburg’s bully boys were beating up on Ernst Röhm’s bully boys on the streets of Berlin in the early ’20s, the thugs of the Left have been the champions of coercive force and the strong-arm methods. When the swastika-clad crowds roared their “Sieg Heil!” at Nürnberg, the forces of thuggish Socialism were in the ascendant. The only argument back then was between those who wanted their Socialism national, and those who preferred it international.
The single greatest success of the Left over the last seventy years has been to convince a gullible public that fascism and Nazism were of the Right. It was the great victory of Socialism.You could call it the Triumph of the Will.
Consider this particular example of modern Multicultural fascism being visited upon Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats), the only party in Sweden that resists the country’s official policy of unlimited Third World immigration. The Nazi-style arm-twisting is, as usual, coming from the Left:
Unions mull Sweden Democrat ban