Det er måske for tidligt at drage paralleller til den japanske Premierminister Tojos (apokryfe) ord efter Pearl Harbor, “I fear all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve”, men noget er øjensynligt ved at dæmre i USA. Om det så fører til at landet begynder at handle med en skrækindjagende beslutsomhed, eller om Præsident Obama i stedet vil signalere lydhørhed og vilje til dialog, er endnu på nuværende tidspunkt umuligt at forudsige. Men ligesom her i Europa hjælper det fedt med et fredeligt flertal, da alvorlige problemer som bekendt ikke kan ophæves at modeksempler, hvortil kommer velkendte komplikationer i form af enabling, radikaliserbarhed, og ureformerede helligtekster der udgør et altid ulmende bål under det hele. Jeg vil godt vove én prognose: Dette er ikke forbigående enkeltepisoder. USA er i starten af noget der vil blive meget, meget værre (LFPC).
You’ve heard the narrative from the Beltway punditry: Our Muslims are better assimilated than Muslims in Europe. Our Muslims are more Westernized, less radicalized. Well, it’s a false narrative.
We are seeing the horns of a Muslim insurgency in this country. We are being Europeanized. And we need a counterinsurgency plan not just in Afghanistan but right here at home. While our leaders are too politically correct to even think about such a thing, they are starting to at least recognize the problem.
Even President Obama, who still won’t utter the M word, notes the rise in “extremists within our borders.” So does his Homeland Security chief, who just months earlier fixated on white militia groups as the main domestic terror threat. “We are seeing young Americans who are inspired by al-Qaida and radical ideology,” echoed DHS secretary Janet Napolitano, while still failing to name the source of that ideology. “Home-based terrorism is here.”
And for the first time, a senior Justice Department official has gone on record saying the U.S. is turning into Europe, with Muslim citizens becoming more and more hostile toward the government, and plotting and carrying out more acts of homegrown terrorism. […] Homegrown Insurgency