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Adolf Eichmann’s arabiske venner

Douglas Murray skriver om Bettina Stangneths bog Eichmann Before Jerusalem. The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer. Eichman var ikke den gÄr bureaukrat, som han fremstillede sig selv som, og som han lykkedes med at overbevise Hannah Arendt om, han var en troende nazist pÄ en historisk opgave, at udrydde verdens jÞder. Bogen handler ogsÄ om den bog, Eichman begyndte pÄ i 1956, Die anderen sprachen, jetzt will ich sprechen [The Others Spoke, Now I Want to Speak!]:

Western culture has, for Eichmann, been irrevocably Judaised. And so Eichmann looks to a different group, to the ‘large circle of friends, many millions of people’ to whom this manuscript is aimed:

‘But you, you 360 million Mohammedans, to whom I have had a strong inner connection since the days of my association with your Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, you, who have a greater truth in the surahs of your Koran, I call upon you to pass judgment on me. You children of Allah have known the Jews longer and better than the West has. Your noble Muftis and scholars of law may sit in judgement upon me and, at least in a symbolic way, give me your verdict.’ [pp 227-8]

Elsewhere Stangneth shows how open Eichmann must have been in his admiration for Israel’s neighbours. After Eichmann’s abduction his family apparently became concerned about his second son. According to a police report, ‘As Horst was easily excitable the Eichmann family was afraid that when he heard about his father’s fate, he might volunteer to fight for the Arab countries in campaigns against Israel.’ As Stangneth adds, ‘Eichmann had obviously told his children where his new troops were to be found.’ [229]

Of course for years after the war there were rumours that Eichmann had fled to an Arab country. He might have had a better time there. Other Nazis certainly did, including Alois Brunner – Eichmann’s ‘best man’ – who settled in Damascus after the war and who is now believed to have died in Syria as recently as 2010. Eichmann’s Argentina years were certainly filled with frustration and rage. What is most interesting is how mentally caught he remained even before he was captured, principally by the impossible conundrum of how to persuade the world to accept what he had done and simultaneously boast about his role in the worst genocide in history.

There is much more to say about this book. But I do urge people to read it. Not least for the way in which Stangneth sums up the problem with the only strain of Nazi history which really remains strong to this day. ‘Eichmann refused to do penance and longed for applause. But first and foremost, of course, he hoped his “Arab friends” would continue his battle against the Jews who were always the “principal war criminals” and “principal aggressors.” He hadn’t managed to complete his task of “total annihilation,” but the Muslims could still complete it for him.’ Adolf Eichmann hoped his ‘Arab friends’ would continue his battle against the Jews

Leseprobe aus: Bettina Stangneth Eichmann vor Jerusalem

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Peter Andersen
9 years ago

VenstreflĂžjens arabiske venner, AFA’s arabiske venner, Nazisternes arabiske venner, Obama og Kerrys arabiske venner, New York stock-exchanges arabiske venner, London Financial-centers arabiske venner, Merkels arabiske venner… Hvad er det lige der gĂ„r igen her..?

9 years ago
Reply to  Peter Andersen

+ . Exactly

9 years ago
Reply to  Peter Andersen

Troen pĂ„ islam, her er den kedelige del. Der er stor chance for i begge lyver, for i burde vide bedre. Sandheden er lige foran jeres Ăžjne. Hitler var inspireret af Dannebrog, det danske flag. han var inspireret af hedenskab, det er her “heil” kommer fra. Heil/heit/hede/heden/hĂŠden/Heidin “Parteiadler” symbolet er direkte inspireret hovedsageligt af romerrigets “Aquila” Ăžrn men ogsĂ„ af “hrafnsmerki” Det er derfor nazi emperiet blev kaldt det tredje rige. Han var inspireret af det nordiske folk der kiggede ind ad mod sig selv efter forbedrelse. National socialisme er en svagere hedenskab, hvilket er hvorfor nationalisme fĂžrst er pĂ„… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  intetnavntak

Desuden ved vi at Jens Stoltenberg er blevet anklaget for at vĂŠre KGB agent.
Vi ved at KGB havde et kommunist netvÊrk i Danmark, som de betalte penge i hÄb om at fÄ indflydelse.

Peter Andersen
9 years ago
Reply to  intetnavntak

Jeg siger jo ikke at venstreflÞjen, politikerne eller finans-sektoren har noget til fÊlles med Eichmann. Jeg konkluderer bare, at hvis du holder hof med arabiske imperialister, er det altsÄ en vis del af hjernen du ikke bruger..!

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