Seneste opdatering: 16/8-22 kl. 0152
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Det har lÊnge vÊret antydet med stÞrre eller mindre sikkerhed i mange videnskabelige artikler, at Covid-19 sprÞjterne tilvÊnner, slÞver og skader immunforsvaret og giver flere sygdomme, som forsvaret skulle have bekÊmpet. FÞrst og fremmest flere Covid-tilfÊlde. Nu bliver det bekrÊftet i en peer-reviewed undsÞgelse af 19 britiske forskere i det ansete, 140 Är gamle magasin, Science. Det stÄr nu sort pÄ hvidt, at ulemperne og farerne ved sprÞjterne, overstiger fordelene. Originalartiklen i Science er krÊvende, sÄ jeg indskrÊnker mig til omtaler af den:

“The vaccine itself is leading to widespread infection”

A team of 19 scientists from the United Kingdom have published new research that helps explain why countries with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing the highest numbers of what they call “breakthrough infections,” as well as reinfection with other variants of COVID-19.

This research article, published on June 14, 2022 in the peer-reviewed journal Science, has been downloaded nearly 277,500 times in less than two months. That is very unusual for a densely worded highly technical scientific study.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as well as the booster shots may be making our immune response less effective against the Omicron variant of the virus. If this is correct, it means that the vaccine itself is leading to widespread infection. Instead of stopping the virus, it appears that the mRNA vaccination programs around the world may have inadvertently made the virus more ubiquitous.

“Higher Vaccine Uptake Leads to Higher Infection Rates”

As the British scientists point out, countries with higher vaccine uptake rates are experiencing high numbers of primary infections and frequent reinfections with SARS-CoV-2. In contrast, in places where vaccine campaigns have not been widely implemented—including most countries in the continent of Africa—people are not becoming infected.

This study demonstrates exactly how the repeat vaccinations are causing people to be more susceptible to COVID-19

The participants’ response to COVID-19 had actually been turned off, making them even more vulnerable to infection and less likely to mount a response to it than those who had never been vaccinated.

In contrast, this new study shows that the repeated mRNA injections and boosters for COVID-19 are producing a tolerance response, as if they were allergy shots. They are habituating the body to the virus, so that you no longer recognize it as something dangerous.

Keeping People Sick

On the one hand, this study suggests that the vaccines are helping the body’s immune system not overreact to the virus. The virus itself was not killing people—it was the interaction of the virus with patients’ immune systems that caused severe and sometimes lethal infections, as the immune system overreacted to a novel virus.

On the other hand, naturally acquired immunity appears to be stronger than vaccine acquired immunity, and the dangers of the vaccines themselves, especially for young people, suggest that the risks of vaccination far outweigh the benefits.

But the booster shots were never necessary to produce tolerance: the study showed that the subjects started developing tolerance after only two doses. The vaccines may have helped desensitize the population to harmful inflammatory immune responses to COVID-19. They have played their part. There is no need to continue with successive boosters.

Fra New Science Shows Vaccines Help Omicron Spread: Peer-Reviewed Study

Originalartikel fra Science: Immune boosting by B.1.1.529 (Omicron) depends on previous SARS-CoV-2 exposure

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2 years ago

Rushdie har mistet fĂžrligheden i den ene arm, hvilket jo er tab af levned i og med at han er forfatter desuden mister han synsevnen pĂ„ det ene Ăžje. Ifgl. hvad naboen har lĂŠst pĂ„ DanMarx Radios txtTV. Den iraner sku’ gud dĂžde mig sendes hjem til det iranske prĂŠsteskab i en kisteuden arme og med kun Ă©t Ăžje. MĂžgdyr.

Peter Krogsten
Peter Krogsten
2 years ago

Der er ikke meget gavn i “Hvad sagde jeg”, men det har jo vĂŠret nĂŠvnt fra starten. Fauci er ogsĂ„ pĂ„ hastigt tilbagetog, han har nĂŠrmest slet ikke sagt noget om det. Det er skadeligt for myndighedernes trovĂŠrdighed. Hvem tror pĂ„ SĂžren BrostrĂžm mere?

Peer Pedersen
Peer Pedersen
2 years ago

Der er en god artikel pÄ Svenska NewsVoice just om dette idag.


Last edited 2 years ago by Peer Pedersen
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