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Illegal immigrants at the border between Greece and Macedonia: Open or die!

Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement!
by Rikard Högberg
Legatum Books
154 pages

Reviewed by Fjordman

The vile replacement policy is being actively promoted by the Globalist ruling class

The Swedish author Rikard Högberg recently published his book Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement! He wrote an earlier version of this book in 2002, but the second edition has been updated through 2022 and contains new chapters.[1]

The concept of The Great Replacement has been promoted by the French author Renaud Camus. In his book Le Grand Remplacement from 2011, Camus argues that a European elite is in the process of replacing the native European population with people of immigrant origin. Instead of encouraging its own native population to have enough children, politicians and policymakers are advocating for immigration to replace the deficit of young working-age people. The result of this policy is the gradual replacement of the native European population with peoples of foreign origin, without regard for heritage and cultural conditions.

This process is plainly obvious for everybody to see. Across much of Europe, from Athens to Dublin and from Lisbon to Hamburg, immigrants are rapidly replacing the natives in neighborhood after neighborhood. It has become increasingly difficult to find an ethnic Frenchman in parts of Paris, just as it has become increasingly difficult to find a native English or British person in parts of London. However, stating the obvious and pointing this fact out is met with condemnations of “racism” by bad-faith actors, making a public debate on this subject nearly impossible.

At least, you are not allowed to point out the ongoing population replacement if you criticize or oppose this development. This will at best bring ridicule and scorn. At worst, it could earn you accusations of being a dangerous extremist or even a potential terrorist. Rikard Högberg notes that you may be allowed to comment on the replacement of native Europeans in their historical homelands, but only if you applaud and support this:

“When the replacement of Europeans is described by liberal and progressive voices it is portrayed as something positive; it is welcomed by the press and politicians. However, when those who point out the negative sides of this replacement and want it to be stopped or reversed, it is labelled as a ‘conspiracy theory’ and denied by the very same press and politicians who previously lauded it.”[2]

Högberg believes that a vile replacement policy is being actively promoted by the Globalist ruling class that currently governs Western countries. They rule through false and misleading information and propaganda, rigged elections, threats, intimidation, and various forms of attacks on dissidents and freethinkers:

“Globalist actors such as George Soros and Bill Gates fund and direct obedient corporations and NGOs that do whatever they wish. Their actions all point in one direction; they want to destroy Europe. They want to replace the European population and independence with a new and easily manipulated low-wage slave population. They want to destroy people making innovations that could threaten their hegemony. They hate independent-minded people. They hate intelligent people who can think for themselves. They hate people they cannot bribe. And by extension, as a European, they hate you. They want you extinct and gone. Thus the falling birthrates in Western countries is not a slump. It is the direct result of enacted policies perpetrated by our countries’ currently most potent elements. They fund demographic institutes and ‘think tanks’ that come up with these replacement immigration policies.”[3]

Similar ideas are being pushed simultaneously through international organizations such as the UN and the EU, but also through numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs), business forums and policy institutes. Some of them are very powerful and influential, yet do not possess any shred of democratic mandate. This includes the World Economic Forum (WEF), founded by Klaus Schwab from Germany. The WEF holds annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland for powerful investors and business leaders, political leaders, and celebrities “to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”[4]

Fortunately, major change may be coming our way. The ruling elites still control much of the information flow, but their grip on power is less firm than before. Fewer people are reading mainstream media controlled by the Globalists, and they trust what they are being told by the mass media less and less. More citizens are taking note of how duplicitous, shameless, and dishonest the Globalists are, while attempting to shield themselves from valid criticism and public scrutiny.

The current financial system is probably not sustainable in the long run, either. The US dollar is on the retreat as a global reserve currency. The central banks have printed more money for many years without solving the basic problems of our economy. Levels of debt keep growing internationally. Högberg predicts that the petrodollar will collapse and be replaced by gold-based sovereign currencies worldwide. The global finance and banking system will change drastically, eliminating a vast parasitic burden on our societies.[5] While this transformation will be turbulent and probably painful, Rikard Högberg hopes that it may be beneficial in the long run. When our civilization is headed for the abyss, perhaps it needs a big shock to change course and hopefully save itself.

Högberg devotes many pages to looking at demography and birth rates in a historical perspective. Virtually all European nations currently have below replacement level birthrates. On a global scale, we see that some of the most dysfunctional and least technologically sophisticated countries on Earth have very high birth rates. This includes many African states such as Niger, Angola, Mali, Uganda, Benin, Chad, Congo, South Sudan, Somalia, and Mozambique.[6] Ethiopia may soon have a bigger population than Japan. Nigeria could become the planet’s third most populous country later this century. Meanwhile, advanced economies such as Japan, South Korea, and Germany all have very low birth rates. Even China has recently entered a period of declining population and will be surpassed by India as the world’s most populous nation.[7]

In the long run, Europeans will need to raise their birth rates to above replacement level, that is, 2.1 children per woman on average. However, Högberg is a firm believer in non-European mass immigration not being the answer to Europe’s problems. Many of these immigrants are too mentally and culturally different from native Europeans to ever assimilate properly. Instead, they will bring with them numerous social, economic, and cultural problems of their own. The key ingredient in European civilization is Europeans. We need European children.

Högberg is not always convincing in explaining why birth rates fluctuate in different nations and time periods. Nor does he provide a conclusive answer to how Europeans can re-establish healthy birth rates. This will undoubtedly involve reinstituting the traditional family as a strong unit. Given the current level of social decay, such a transformation may require a major shock to reboot a healthy culture.

Yet Rikard Högberg provides food for thought. He is probably right in predicting that Europe will experience multiple big shocks in the years to come. Some of them are already being felt.

Perhaps out of this mess, sane Europeans can find the seeds for some sort of revival.


1. Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement by Rikard Högberg. Second paperback edition, year 2022, LEGATUM PUBLISHING AS.
2. Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement, page 34.
3. Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement, page 4.
4. www.weforum.org/about/world-economic-forum Our Mission. Website visited on March 4, 2023.
5. Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement, page 5.
6. worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/birth-rate-by-country Birth Rate by Country 2023
7. www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/24/china-population-decline-negative-growth-what-it-means-for-world China’s shrinking population: what it means for the rest of the world — expert panel. 24 Jan 2023.


For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files

Publiceret i samarbejde med Gates of Vienna

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Dan Christensen
Dan Christensen
2 years ago

Hvilken fornuftig husejer kan dog finde på at fylde sin have med affald? At hente skraldespande udefra og udtømme dem over sin omhyggeligt trimmede græsplæne? Vestens lande er i færd med at genopføre tragedien om det romerske kejserriges suicidalt manglende rettidige omhu i 400-500 tallet e.kr. – den som ikke kender historien er dømt til at gentage dens fejltagelser. Danmark lod tyskerne kolonisere Slesvig og svenskerne at ødelægge Skånelandene. De svinestreger har danskerne stadigvæk intet lært af. Nye danskerhadere er begyndt at vælte ind som invasive arter til en “great replacement”. Præcis analogt til det gamle Rom. De større byers… Read more »

Fra yndigt land til fascistisk bananstat...?
Fra yndigt land til fascistisk bananstat...?
2 years ago

Danskerne er gennemgående utrolig kortsynede. Den typiske
dansker (eller europæer) gør sig ingen tanker om at der er en
dødsensfarlig folkeudskiftning i gang, selvom gader, butikker,
skoler og mange andre steder vrimler med afrikanere og arabere.
Det er en tankeløshed som allerede har ført til ulykke for mange
danskere, og som kan ende i død og elendighed for næsten
alle danskere. Om få år bliver Danmark antagelig som en kopi af
Sverige hvor hundredtusinder af borgere lever i frygt for den
daglige terror der hærger landet.

2 years ago

“Danmark lod tyskerne kolonisere Slesvig og svenskerne at ødelægge Skånelandene. De svinestreger har danskerne stadigvæk intet lært af.”

De flesta länder i Europa har liknande historia. Sverige tog Skåne, men förlorade Finland, Norge och mycket annat.

Min uppfattning är att vi måste lägga dessa historiska problem bakom oss och fokusera på att tillsammans rädda det vi kan av vår civilisation. Det är bättre att hålla ihop som vita skandinaver än att älta gamla oförrätter.

Dan Christensen
Dan Christensen
2 years ago
Reply to  Utlandssvensk

Käre utlandssvensk! Du skal kende den rigtige historie om skåne som gave fra Frankrig til Sverige. “Sverige tog Skåne” burde rettes til “Sverige modtog Skåne” – nemlig som gave, løn og subvention af den franske konge Ludvig 14.. Den svenske stat havde fungeret som fransk betalt militært korps i mange år, med opgave at bekrige det tyske kejserrige. Frankrig manglede penge til svenskernes soldaterløn; derfor forærede Ludvig 14. Skånelandende til Sverige som erstatning for skyldig fransk løn. Norge har aldrig været en del af Sverige eller ejet af Sverige. Norge havde kun fælles konge med Sverige fra 1815 til 1905.… Read more »

2 years ago

““Sverige tog Skåne” burde rettes til “Sverige modtog Skåne” – nemlig som gave, løn og subvention af den franske konge Ludvig 14..” Well, if old Ludvig could give Skåne as a gift, if must have belonged to him and France. Or? But I wish you the best of luck in restoring the kingdom of Denmark to it’s former glory. The swedes have in general given up and many of those that live in Skåne would love to be a part of Denmark. But Malmö and most other towns already look like the Middle East. If you think you have problems… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  steen

“Alle de MENA folk, der uretmæssigt er plantet i Skånelandene, måtte naturligvis sendes hjem eller op til Sverige.”

Well, a common view among nationalists in Sweden is that most of these MENA people came via Denmark and should go back that way.

My view is, as stated before, that it really makes zero sense that we fight among ourselves when we are all clearly being destroyed by the same underlying process.

But I really have zero interest in debating historical issues between Sweden and Denmark, so I will leave you guys to it.

2 years ago
Reply to  steen

“Det ville skåningene aldrig have accepteret, hvis nogen havde brudt sig om at spørge dem”

Det var lite mer motstånd i Skåne än i övriga Sverige, men inte mycket.

Min poäng är dock att ungefär samma sak händer överallt i Väst. Se på Österrike nu, 100 tusen asylanter förra året. I Schweiz väntas 40 tusen detta år. Osv, osv.

Vi håller alla på att gå under, väldigt fort. Danmark kanske klarar sig 10 eller 20 år längre än Sverige, men vad spelar det för roll?

Dan Christensen
Dan Christensen
2 years ago
Reply to  Utlandssvensk

Dear Utlandssvensk: Skåne tilhørte ikke Frankrig på noget tidspunkt. I 1678-79 sendte Ludvig 14. en hær på 60.000 mand op til Holsten. Han meddelte at hvis Danmark ikke overgav Skåne til Sverige, ville den franske hær erobre Danmark. Dermed tvang han Danmark til overgivelse og de millioner guldstykker han skyldte Carl 11 af Sverige, blev vekslet om til 1000 år gamle danske områder. Da der ingen muslimer var i Skåne i 1679, skal de naturligvis heller forefindes der, når Sverige tilbagegiver Danmarks retmæssige kerneland. Sverige kunne i det mindste overholde den dikterede traktat og genindføre dansk sprog, lov, ret og… Read more »

2 years ago

OK, Sweden has been an evil and weak state. Something like Russia under Putin.

Denmark is a 100% innocent victim of french aggression and swedish sadistic evil. Just like the poor germans during WW1, you are undefeated on the battlefield but betrayed but strong outside forces.

You really need to to stand up and take the fight!

Good luck to you.

Dan Christensen
Dan Christensen
2 years ago
Reply to  Utlandssvensk

Svenskerne på Skånes vestkyst er de lykkeligste mennesker i verden – og hvorfor?
Fordi de har den bedste udsigt mod vest i hele verden.
Læs den skånske præst Stheen Jacobsens optegnelser om den skånske krig 1675-1679, kaldt “Den Nordiske Krigs Krønike” (på skånsk).
Der bliver den grusomme sandhed om svensk sadistisk tortur mod civile skåninger opregnet i al sin brutalitet.
Har tyskerne arvet deres nazisme fra svenske konger?
Ellers find noget af svenske Herman Lindqvist.

2 years ago

“Har tyskerne arvet deres nazisme fra svenske konger?”

Jag är mer nyfiken på var din nazism kommer ifrån. För du tänker precis som en nazist. Återupprätta stordanmark! Hämd för alla historiska oförätter! Rensa ut de återtagna områdena!

Men jag säger likväl tack till dig. Innan denna debatt hade jag trott att det fanns en god möjlighet för svenskar och danskar att samarbeta. Detta inser jag nu var helt fel.

Dan Christensen
Dan Christensen
2 years ago
Reply to  Utlandssvensk

Og svenske mishandlinger og tortur mod skåninger fandtes aldrig?
Så sent som i 1811, efter bondeoprøret i Klågerup i sydSkåne, angreb den svenske hær bønderne og dræbte flere end 100. Andre blev halshugget (20) eller pisket (74) på Stortorget i Malmø den 4. november.
Spørg Herman Lindqvist!

2 years ago

“Og svenske mishandlinger og tortur mod skåninger fandtes aldrig?” Det är klart att det fanns. Vidare har svenska väpnade styrkor ställt till med massor av annat elände under mycket lång tid i många länder i Europa, t.ex under 30-åriga kriget. Men liknande gäller för de flesta länder i Europa. Danmark har också varit iblandat i många grymma krig samt en hel del slavhandel. I huvudsak är både Danmark och Sverige länder som periodvis har varit mäktiga och framgångsrika, men som för länge sen blev ganska små och obetydliga. Sen hade Sverige tur och slapp WW2, vilket ledde till att landet… Read more »

Dan Christensen
Dan Christensen
2 years ago
Reply to  Utlandssvensk

Et muligt fremtidsscenarie: Naturligvis modtager Danmark alle etnisk svenske flygtninge, når de om få år har tabt krigen mod de unge kampberedte islamiske migranter, som er begyndt at totalt dominere demografisk i Sverige. Men vi forventer også, at unge svenske flygtninge i Danmark til den tid vil indgå i den danske hærstyrke, som altid skal holdes islamfri. Den danske hær er nødt til at angribe det islamiske svenske kalifat, så snart det bliver erklæret. En dansk-svensk invasionsstyrke skal kunne angribe over Øresund i Skåne og smide islam ud af Skånelandende for evigt. Som tak kunne Sverige så returnere Skånelandende tilbage… Read more »

2 years ago

“Nor does he provide a conclusive answer to how Europeans can re-establish healthy birth rates. This will undoubtedly involve reinstituting the traditional family as a strong unit.” Sure, but this is obviously totally impossible if women are allowed to vote. As a group, they will oppose any and all efforts to restore the traditional family. The current system is what they want. As an example, tax payer funded higher education for women is absolut insanity if you want to restore birth rates to above replacement level. But there is just no way that this can be reformed within the current… Read more »

Cat Girl
Cat Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  Utlandssvensk

You are 100% right, but will the rest of the (male) population realize it? We must remove voting rights for women, that is obvious

2 years ago
Reply to  Cat Girl

“You are 100% right, but will the rest of the (male) population realize it?” It does not look very hopeful and by far the most likely outcome is that we simply get replaced by other groups that have maintained traditional gender roles. Germany, Sweden and Denmark are all moving in the same direction, even if there is some difference in the speed of the process. But as you can see here in this thread, people are focused on all sorts of other things while we are being replaced. As I see it, it should be obvious that we all have… Read more »

Fordrukken Taber
Fordrukken Taber
2 years ago
Reply to  Utlandssvensk

Don´t leave, Utlandssvensk. We need more people like you here. People like Christensen and a couple of others are obviously here only to create useless discussion.
Ignore them and concentrate instead on commenting on the articles because some commentators here are utterly destructive. Also, watch out for all the Jew- and Israel-haters. They are here in abundance.

Cat Girl
Cat Girl
2 years ago



[…] Stop The Great Replacement! […]

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